
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

look what came in the mail...a dollop of downtown chic

I love books...all kinds, but ones with beautiful pictures of gorgeous homes and the stories to still my beating heart.
Just got this in the mail all the way from the US of A ordered online at Borders and it now sits proudly on my coffee table for me to gaze adoringly on and in.  Who needs a tv? Except to watch MKR, Kevin McCloud's Grand Tour, House, Oz and James, Designer People...oh ok, so I don't read all of the time.
And why aren't there flea markets in Canberra where you can get great decorating finds like the ones in this book ? Or are there? I wonder?
I'd really like that, and that...and that...and could I achieve a look like that...or that...sigh...the book will just have to do for the moment.

the images are from Apartment Therapy's review and la Dolce Vita's review

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