
Saturday, March 27, 2010

chuffed I was...goose I am!

Just when I thought I was getting it right...I realise I completely missed another award...what is going on here...I feel like Dame Judy at the Oscars I'm getting so much undeserved stuff thrown my way (not that the Dame is undeserving of course...just in case she's reading this...I bow down before her!)
But...Rachael at A Room for Everyone also gave me an award this week and I completely missed it...I am so sorry Rachael. She thinks I write funny...she might not think so now!
So skedaddle you lot...head on over to Rachael's if you haven't already and check out her lovely really is very, very good!
Forgiven? Please?
image from here


  1. My dear friend, Kerry,
    I can't believe that you gave me an award. I, too, never feel worthy when there are so many of us out there for you to choose from so, thank you so very much.It will be put on my sidebar and I will treasure it. I'm going to choose the Master of Karate and Friendship Award 'cos I think it's funny !! haha.
    I did a thank you post the other week and forgot to thank someone. I now write it down when I get an award or win a giveaway. It's an age thing !!
    I have to tell you that I am up there with the professional's when it comes to whistling with my fingers. If there was an Olympic sport in it, I would be battling for the gold medal. My mum taught me how to do it when I was little and I have been the envy of many of my friends ! I am always using this skill when we go and see a band or the theatre or, just to get someones attention. Everyone always asks me to do it when we are out. It has certainly enhanced my life over the years !! go and find someone to teach you 'cos you won't be disappointed and you will wonder how you lived without this particular skill !
    Thanks again so much for my lovely award. I'm so glad that I found your blog. You have given me so many laughs.
    Well, this comment must be a record. Perhaps they will make commenting an Olympic sport !!!! XXXX

  2. Hi Kerry, There is much going on in the world of social media that you are just bound to miss some things sometime. But our Sister Bloggers usually understand as it happens to everyone.
    Enjoy a wonderful weekend xox

  3. Oh my goodness, I am the goose! I didn't play by the rules and leave all my awardees a comment, so you wouldn't have known! (I know that some are uncomfortable with awards) Absolutely no need for apologies. And you ARE funny! Rachaelxx

  4. I would have pegged you as a Meryl Streep more than Dame Judy - younger, hipper, and funnier to boot! I'll be able to say, 'yeah, I knew her when she was just a new blogger, but look at her now'! Well done you, and so well deserved!
    K xxx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.