
Monday, March 15, 2010

hooray ~ progress

So, on Saturday I said I was going to:
  • replace my bedroom light fitting - yep, I did that
  • reframe a beautiful photo - ditto
  • do something with a vase and a plant - yes indeed
  • polish a silver tray - tick, messy business
  • finish painting the pergola - ah, nope
Apart from the peculiar pergola procrastination (and my seeming bent for alliteration when it comes to that particular structure!)...I thought I did pretty well.
Here's the evidence...No.1: the light fitting...

The cord (or whatever it's really called) was too long, and not wanting to test my rewiring skills (non-existent) I just chose to hook the 'cord' up over a cup hook in the ceiling. The light fitting wasn't in the centre of the bed before and it is now, so that's good...I think!
No.2: the reframing...

I love this stunning piece of photographic art and its new look and can't wait to do the gallery wall in phase 2 of the bedroom update so it has a lovely new place to live as well.
No.3: the vase and the plant...
I'm really pleased with how this turned out (sorry it's not such a great photo). The red stones were refugees from an old fish tank experiment when the kids were much younger...knew they'd come in handy one day.  We'll see how long the plant survives in this small plastic tub...should be ok...fingers crossed.
No.4: the silver tray...
...the tray was tough...I don't think its been cleaned for about 25 years!
I also managed to take a trip to the hardware store (that's where the light fitting came from BTW), plant some sweet peas and some broccoli, find a pasta maker at the op shop for the MGM, do the weekly washing and shopping, catch up with a friend, flick through a couple of magazines, make some green tomato chutney (I should NOT have started that at 8:30 p.m.!) and do a bit of 'real' work as well. Can anyone please explain to me why weekends are so short though?


  1. Wow! This looks amazing! You are so brave doing the light fitting yourself. And I love the painting.

  2. Thanks Allison. It was pretty easy really...I was surprised. The painting was done by my son Ben quite a few years ago and he had it framed for me for a birthday. It's one of my favourite things. The photo is by a West Australian artist Roger Enweed (I think!)I'll have to check that!

  3. svinch@twcny.rr.comMarch 30, 2010 at 2:02 PM

    Love the painting and I must agree with allison on being brave when it comes to the light fitting. I especially like what you did with the old fish tank stones!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.