
Monday, March 22, 2010

my weekend project ~ Simone's fairy light inspiration

It started like this...I saw Simone's Beach Vintage post about making skirts for the fairy lights for her lucky daughter's they are...v.pretty
pic from Beach Vintage
...and I thought, there's an idea (must 
stop doing that...I'm sure it's just a way to procrastinate even further about finishing painting the pergola!)...anyway, just what I need to jazz up my fairy light basket 'lamp' I said to myself (no-one else being around). Here it is unplugged...a bit of a shamozzle I'm sure you'd agree!
And here it is lit up...quite pretty in a thrown together, diy, budget light fixture kind of way.

But (there's almost always a 'but' isn't there) I was worried about how naked it looked during the day and concerned for its modesty (ok, not really...I'm not quite that mad)
So I thought I would take Simone's idea and give my fairy lights some of their own little tu-tu's. But I wasn't content with living room is kind of colourful, so I made some out of red, purple, and well as white.
Over the top? Me? Course not.
It took quite a bit longer than I thought! Here they are unlit...

I'm not 100% sure about them like this to be honest...I don't think they look anywhere near as good as Simone's...perhaps because of the plain edges...perhaps because tulle twirling is not a skill I've mastered...perhaps because it wasn't a good idea to start with! But here is my 'lamp' lit up at night. And that, I do quite like.

What do you think?  Should I leave my lights to their multi-coloured madness or should I just forget about it altogether and pack it away in a cupboard!?!


  1. Love it, and I'll bet the colour looks great at night with that painting as a backdrop. You could always stash it away during the day if you think it doesn't look quite right. Gotta love a DIY decorating project!
    K xx

  2. Wow Kerry, I think you have out done me here, I love all the colours you used...I would never have though of that! Well done and thanks so much for the mention.

  3. I think it looks fantastic. Does it get super hot. I freak out about the damn things catching on fire. Kinda takes away from the ambient mood when I am hovering nearby with fire extinguisher in hand.

  4. So clever! It looks adorable qhen lit. Love it!

  5. Clever you - they look fabulous! Leigh

  6. Now that's fun! Looks great- xo


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