
Monday, March 29, 2010

weekend project ~ that pesky pergola

The positively persistent pergola painting procrastination is no more. Bet you're glad about that...just so the bad alliteration ends if nothing else. Did you think I'd ever do it? I wasn't sure myself but...I finished painting that bloody pergola yesterday...and here it is...ta dah...well a bit of it anyway.

While I was up a ladder painting the last almost completely inaccessible parts of the pergola...that is unless you're a circus performer, in which case it would be extremely good practice for your high wire occurred to me why it's taken me so long to finish this. It's because I am scared of ladders!

This, dear bloggy people was a revelation to me. I'm no scaredy cat...I've jumped out of a plane for crying out loud...into shark infested waters no less...yes, really...I may have been pushed, I may have been many years younger, I may have screamed for quite a lot of it, but still...I did that. I've abseiled down the side of quite a tall building as well...gee that was fun (actually it really was)...and I've been at the top of the tallest mast on this ship (the Royal Australian Navy's Young Endeavour) with a microphone and a cameraman, in my old Defence PR days...ok I confess...that WAS scary...

...but when it comes to an ordinary old household ladder...nope, don't like it...don't want to be there. Even when there is a very good view from the top...which I can't show you because the photo I took was crappy...and I'm not getting back up on that ladder for anyone! So here's a picture of a nice gardenia I grew all by myself instead...I'm sure you won't mind...they're pretty and they smell good...
And here's what the vampire slayer was doing while I was getting much too closely associated with the large rhododenron bush I had to navigate while reaching those aforementioned inaccessible spots...
...that's a typical cat...abso-bloody-lutely nothing! But then...when it was all finished, she thought she might as well come out from under the table and check out the paint job I'd done...everyone's a critic aren't they?

And I have to throw this in because it makes me laugh every time I see it...a bit of good old Aussie improvisation...

One night when a few of us were having dinner in the courtyard and the mossies were coming to join us, we needed somewhere to put the mosquito coil...and this was the solution one of my smart alec clever friends came up with.  A hooped skirt for a beer bottle...I love it!
So there you have it...quite pleased I am, and now I'm looking forward to the wisteria growing over the pergola so I have lovely white flowers hanging down...and quite probably dropping into the food and chilled beverages, but hey...who cares about that when you're sitting under a particularly pretty painted pergola (sorry, last time!)
I'll leave you with one last picture of the vampire slayer, because you guys seem to like her...yes, she looks cute...don't believe it!

Happy week everyone...I've got a busy one.
all images by me except for No.2 which is from here and No.3 from here


  1. What a great post - you are so funny!
    Your pergola looks great and will be amazing with a wisteria growing over it - I secretly hope to do something like that in my yard one day. I love the gardenia - we cant grow them here in Tas.Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for the lovely comment! I saw you received one too! Congrats. Love stopping by here as well. xo Erica

  3. I think those Riviera Maison coasters that you just won over at my blog are going to look perfect under that pergola! A-M xx

  4. If you hadn't put a photo of the finished pergola, we wouldn't believe you!Now you can enjoy being outdoors without it hanging over your head! Mary

  5. Hi Kerry, you remind me that I should be doing stuff like painting (everything white, I have too much colour) renovating, gardening... actually taking a step out the front door. I admit, I have become a trifle obsessed with blogging, being a newbie, but today, I have decided to do "stuff". Ironically the first thing I did was turn on the bloody computer and write to you!
    Baby steps. I am very interested in your design course and look forward to reading about it. xxNick

  6. Fabulous, I have just discovered your blog this morning and loved your light hearted banter, thank you for making my morning!

  7. Great job on the pergola Kerry! The good news is that it is done...although I have a sneaking suspicion that it will not be long before you find another high wire act around the house! Enjoy :)

  8. That looks great! Love seeing ideas like this for 'things I could do to my backyard if I ever won lotto'!!
    That Mozzie repeller is classic! So Aussie!

  9. Kerry,
    Trust me, by the end of the week you'll think I've gone specs crazy. I have quite kooky tastes in the specs department.
    Skydive. Check. Though my landing was a paddock. Static line jump and first go, my lines tangled. Yup. No screaming, just pure white fear and full day of lessons kicked in. Nothing as scary as walking out onto the wing of a plane. Shite.
    Young Endeavour. Check. Though sans microphone. I was the first to scramble up and the first to step out and damn, because I am short, the next person to step out onto that line managed to make such a big gap between it and the canvas I just had to dangle Bruce Willis style. I did the night shift as captain and it was rough as guts and another scramble up was required and the guy, yes a man, ahead of me froze. I had to work around him. Intimate moments in not so nice a way.
    Abseil. Check. Girl Guide leader, it's a no-brainer.
    Ladders. Check. And I have the abdominal scar to prove it.
    And .... back to your post. I love the beer bottle mossie coil holder. And I could be well asking you for tips on painting pergolas. Ours is mission brown and it's on the to-do list to paint it. Red, I'd like it to be red.

  10. Looks fantastic Kerry! I've been doing quite a lot of the other kind of painting lately, but now you've shamed me into thinking about painting our back verandah. And as if that little kitty of yours is evil - I'm sure she's just misunderstood! Well done on the win over at CCD too - go you!
    K xx

  11. Nice painting! I totally get the ladder thing - they scare the crap out of me too!

  12. Oh you make me giggle Kerry:) Fantastic job on the painting my dear!! Love your pergola, what a gorgeous place to sit and enjoy a beverage:) How cute is your cat, she reminds me of ours:) Now advice for the day - stay away from ladders and the letter 'P' - just kidding!! Hope you have a wonderful Monday ~ Tina xx

  13. Your pergola looks fantastic! What a great spot to sit and enjoy life! It makes me wish it was the weekend again and I was outside enjoying it not stuck in an office on a Monday! xx

  14. Well done! I'm not scared of heights, but I hate ladders too..Rxx

  15. Thanks for making me laugh! You are too funny. The pergola looks great! What a beautiful space you've created to sit and relax. I'm jealous.

  16. Better you up there painting than me, I am no circus performer thats for sure.

  17. Hi Kerry
    scary as it was you did a great job! Your pergola looks great ..I wish I had one too!!
    Lovely pics all over, your blog is a feast for the eyes. oh...last but not least, i love your kitty!!! She's adorable and just useless when it comes to DIY jobs.. exactly like my pets;-))
    Have a great week!
    xxx Flaviana

  18. Hi Kerry,

    I am afraid of heights and ladders and I have a lazy kitty cat too! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. You have a great blog and I love your pergola. Congrats on winning the CCD giveaway, very jealous!
    Janette x

  19. Dear Kerry,
    Lanky legged ladies, lofty ladders, lack laughs !!!! That's the best that I can come up with in the limited time I've had !! haha
    You are a brave girl to attempt the painting of your pergola on your own and with the evil eye of 'The Vampire Slayer' upon you !!
    It looks pretty good though and a lovely place for a drink or two...or three..... with friends!!
    A good job done, Kerry. What's next ? XXXX

  20. Everything looks so gorgeous! I really really love that gardenia. I wish I had some mad gardening skills like that :) Happy Monday! xx

  21. You climbed to the top of THAT mast - I've got butterflies in my stomach just reading about it! Leigh

  22. Your garden area looks beautiful and I love your cat! Adorable.

  23. Pergolas are an inexpensive way to provide shade from the sun and rain and provide you with an outdoor room in which to entertain.


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