
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weekend 'work'

My full-time job is just that...full-time and full-on. I made myself a promise this year though that I would try very hard not to do any 'real' work, i.e. the stuff I get paid for, on the get it all done Monday - Friday. And it's going ok...mostly. I do have some real work to do this weekend, but what I really want to do is finish painting the pergola (but it does look a bit like rain so perhaps not today...when it comes to pergola painting procrastination is perfect!) or reframe this amazing photo that my sister gave me for my birthday a few years back. 
It is going to go on the black and white gallery wall planned for my bedroom. I really should finish polishing this silver tray so that I can resurrect it and put it on my bedside table...

And I have a bit of an idea for this plant and this vase although I'm not 100% sure it will work
Replacing this light fitting...
with this one...
is definitely on the cards...fancy being able to DIY a light exciting! Hmm, should probably make the bed as well!
So, I'd better get cracking, but not before I leave you with some of my favourite images from last week...

Happy weekend days everyone...


  1. So where will the old light fitting go? I like it very much though I see why you want the change.

  2. I really like it too, but the blingy chandelier will be just right in the bedroom...if I can work out how to shorten just about reaches the bed!!

  3. Add me to the list of people who can't understand the changing of the light shade: it's lovely!


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