
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a side trip to the newsagents

Those who know me well understand tolerate my addiction to magazines and the written word in general. I'm sure my long-held magazine buying habit has something to do with the fact that the first born also has a love of much so that she now works for one...lucky thing! I managed to get the grocery shopping done after work and before the newsagent closed...a minor of course I couldn't disappoint now could I?
I spotted this new magazine/book by the clever people at Home Beautiful called Colour (yes, yes I can see that's what it's called!)
(the colour of the granite on my kitchen bench although it's a wonderful surface, is not to my taste...but it's in such good condition...what do I do!?!)
I photographed a few of my favourite pages...and hmmm...methinks I spy a few images that may have been seen before! But no'll love them this time around too I'm really is a great little publication...whimsical...I love that word.

And don't you love the oversize cup and saucer my gorgeous daughter gave me as an early Mothers Day present when she was here on the weekend? I certainly do.

...that last one reminds me a bit of the new rug in my it is with the vampire slayer lying over the heating vent...not sure whether that means she's really clever or really, really dumb! Depends how high the temperature is set I guess. My watercolour waiting to be reframed after I pinched its frame to put the InsideOut teatowel in.

And I never tire of seeing this room...the living room of Australian movie royalty, Catherine Martin and Baz Lurhmann...

...and whenever I see that amazing portrait, I think of my own wonderful piece of photographic art from Broome, the pearl capital of Australia...isn't it beautiful?

And perhaps I also bought the latest edition of my favourite overseas magazine Livingetc (alas, it was not this one...we are a month behind being so far away 'n all)...but it's usually worth the wait. You'll know where to find me for the next few nights...sitting on the vent with a magazine and a huge cup of tea!!

And wow, I couldn't believe it when I got up this morning to find 99 followers...thank you so much everyone, and what a great perfectly formed!!

all magazine images by me of images by others in the Home Beautiful Colour magazine...where I'm sure all the credits are appropriately made...go buy a's good.


  1. If you'd just taken my hot-coals-under-the-outdoor-stool advice, there'd be no need for sitting on the heating vent, now would there?
    But I do love Catherine Martin's house, it's one of my all-time favourites, but I love your artwork even more than hers - it's just amazing. Every home needs art, no exceptions. And 99 followers - so glad that everyone has caught on to how fab your blog is - you go girl! k xx

  2. Dear Kerry,
    I thought that I might have neglected to follow you and could have been your 100th follower but no....I was already there.
    I'm rather worried about all this sitting on hot things. It's not good for you !!....or The Vampire Slayer.
    What a great new magazine. I used to buy them all but I now only get Country Living and Jeanne d'Arc Living. I actually find so much inspiration from everyones blog that I don't miss them at all. Love your daughter's Mother's Day pressie. and your painting is amazing. Have you done many? Perhaps you could do a post on them..... just saying !! XXXX

  3. Hi Kerry. What gorgeous images. I love that photo with the pearls, so beautiful.

  4. Kerry, I have officially fallen in love... with that painting of John Lennon. I would do anything to have that in my bedroom :)

  5. What a fabulous magazine. And I too love the word Whimsical! Where does your daughter work? I am interning at a magazine right now; the one on 111 Queen Street :) hehe

  6. Oh how I do love a great magazine too. Do you ever sometimes just leave one sitting there unopened for a few days and love the idea that something great awaits you when you get time? Maybe that's just me but I love it hahaha.

  7. That photo of the hands holding the pearls is stunning, gorgeous, amazing. I'm a bit of a magazine fiend as well. My husband gives me magazines and chocolate in my stocking and then I'm set for Christmas. I adore the tea cup your daughter gave you for mother's day - definitely works well for a tea-and-magazine session.

  8. I'm really sorry for ruining your perfectly rounded number of followers by becoming your hundredth follower ;-) I love your blog!

  9. Hello - I just become your '101'!
    Like the final little dalmation puppy just having realized this is where I should have gone all along.. Your blog is lovely Australian sister!

    Am a mag hoarder too but there is no tolerance in our house.. Not even the kids have mercy!
    Must say that the blog world is a real support there because clicking through my fave sites is almost better than reading a magazine!

    So glad you found your way to my little blog corner too.
    Please put your name down for my first ever give-away (Australian entries only) that ends tomorrow Sydney time (I know you know what time that is.. just typing it in case someone OS is reading this..).

    Anyway. Off to explore some more now!

    x Charlotta

  10. It looks like you're over 100 followers now! Yippee. . . that's so cool. Congrats! I am a magazine junky too. I not only buy a million decorating magazines, but I also buy a million workout magazines! Now if I can just stop reading them and get my butt to the gym . . .

  11. Kerry !! I'm a magazine addict too.. now I know there's another great one around which I can't put my hands on! ahhh ..the pain !
    P.S. but the vampire slayer can look sooo sweet sometimes a very innocent kitty :))

  12. I love magazines as well, but really have to limit myself as I find it too difficult to throw them out. Yes, Baz's house is brill, very stylish and by the way, I just love the tea cup!!

  13. Oh me, oh my. I hope we don't shop at the same newsagent if any mags are in short supply. But I know I can check in here. xx

  14. Hi Kerry, So nice to find your blog, and as I too am a magazine-aholic, I feel we have lots in common already! Living etc is my absolute favourite. I have the latest issue - still pristine and waiting to be read, while i get through my backlog of other only-slightly-less favourites. We missed out on the Inside Out teatowel over here. I feel a little cheated!

  15. catherine martin is a flipping genius isn't she?! love her style.


  16. Well honey, I see now you have 102 Followers! But then I've been in Dallas all day and just got online. Congratulations, because you're doing exactly what you should be doing and that's the result! Methinks yours shall be a very successful blog for sure. And I want to see all the little whimsies in that publication!

  17. Oh wow, Kerry I can't believe I've only just found your blog! Love that you are also waving the flag for Canberra. My own little house in Higgins is actually featured in that Home Beautiful edition... in the Whimsical chapter no less!

    Nice to 'meet' you,
    Nina (Lisa, actually!) xx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.