
Monday, May 24, 2010

$6.98 well spent!

I hardly ever go to K-Mart because it's out of my way, and unless I'm on the hunt for something I try not to exert myself overly much (which may account for the extra dress size in the past year...hmmm). But I managed to find myself near one last week (a K-Mart, not a dress size) and thought I'd have a meander...because meandering is not at all related to the aforementioned exertion. And I'm glad I did, because I spotted these beautiful potted chrysanthemums...aren't they a spectacular colour?
For the moment they're living in the silver ice bucket...which I even managed to give a shine, that's how excited about this plant I was...and I think they look great...although I probably could have chosen one with a few more leaves now I look at it...

...still, what a bargain...much cheaper than a bunch of flowers...

I'll plant them out in the courtyard garden when they're done with being inside and hope for the best...

Wish me luck with that! Apparently the MGM's dad used to grow and show chrysanthemums...and win prizes for Walgett of all places (overseas bloggy peeps, Walgett is a very dusty little town way out west in New South Wales and as far as I can tell, not the centre of the chrysanthemum universe). Which makes me even more impressed...and I don't impress easily let me tell you!!
...but most importantly, thank you to everyone for your wonderful, kind, witty and caring comments last week about all things townhouse. I love that you take time out of your busy days to visit and I think my cold has almost disappeared. And hello and thank you to new followers as well...I really appreciate your support and hope that you get a little bit of tranquil here from time to time. Heaven knows blogworld is where I come for a good dose of serenity! The 22 year old and I worked together on the new blog header...I took the photo and he did the hard stuff...we hope you like it...and big hugs to you Ben. Apparently I was a difficult client...I find that very hard to believe :)
all images by me...quite pleased with them I am!


  1. Happy Monday Kerry. Well I certainly noticed the new blog header straight away. I can't believe you would be a difficult client - just a fussy one! It looks great. And those chryssys are a beautiful colour and shape. I love those big flower heads. A great K-Mart find. Amanda xx

  2. LOVE the new header - you clever chickens! And those flowers - your pictures actually look like paintings, which means I may have to steal them for my ideas file! Now, I don't know how anyone could accuse you of being difficult - since when do blog divas give attitude? Just creative differences perhaps I suspect. Have a great week sweet, and glad you're on the mend and back firing on all cylinders! K xx

  3. What a lovely chrysanthemum! It looks great in the ice bucket too - very swish!
    I really like the new header - it's great!

  4. Hi Kerry,
    I also noticed the wonderful new header. It looks so professional, which, of course, it is ! Ben has done you proud. It looks brilliant and I love the HUMOUR ... falling off of the cabinet. A lovely little touch, if I may say so.
    I was wondering if you maybe regretted posting about your chrysanthemum, as you had to type it so many times !! haha It's a bit of a bugger of a word, isn't it ?!!
    Have a great week Kerry and don't forget to water your 'mum' !!

  5. Wow, what stunning colours in the chrysanthemums. And they look amazing in the silver ice bucket - great idea! I could see Kerri painting the fourth image down... (are you reading this Kerri?)
    Love the new blog header, very YOU and I like that you included humour coming over the edge. You're so clever Kerry! Have a great Monday.

  6. Hey Kerry. Love the new header...what a great photo. Also love your ice bucket vase.
    Have a great week.

  7. love the new header mummy poo! you a difficult client? surely not!

  8. Beautiful flowers and I wanted to compliment you on your new header... it fits your little spot on the web perfectly - I have "new header" envy. I have commissioned one from my very talented and very busy younger brother who is graphic designer... in fact he looked at mine and offered to fix it - I do words not pictures. My effort is terrible and was only ever meant to be up for a week! That sounds rather like my life... Have a great week. A x

  9. Definitely a gorgeous colour. Your header looks fab, Kerry!

  10. Love the new blog header and the flowers are gorgeous, I'm impressed too! Rachaelxx

  11. Love the new Blog Header and your gorgeous Chrysanthemums Kerry! Wishing you a wonderful week ~ Tina xx

  12. Wow, just discovered your blog. Just beautiful. Off to discover the rest of it xx

  13. Love the new header! So lovely to have beauty in digital life as well as real life.

  14. The flowers are gorgeous Kerry! What a fabulous find! It is amazing what you can pick up in unlikely places! Your new header looks wonderful, you son did well! xx

  15. What beautiful flowers Kerry!! I absolutely LOVE the new blog header - so beautifully styled and love the wording :) Enjoy your start to the week xx

  16. Kerry - said 22 year old could work with the most difficult clients seeing the quality of the work he produces. I reckon Jackie's onto something! You must've really loved those Chryssies and their beautiful colour. They ARE spectacular. Your ice bucket's not too shabby either ;-)

  17. I am loving the new blog header, good work Ben! I too am a sucker for the good old crysanthemum's a (despite their spelling).

  18. Kerry
    I do am impressed! Your pictures and the chrisantemum are just gorgeous!
    Good job Ben, the header is quite simply stunning!
    Happy Monday my friend!

  19. morning from this side of the big ol' world... i love your potted plants- so much cheaper than cut flowers...they do that alot over here...when my mother in law visited us form australia she spoke of the excitement, whilst growing up in a small fishing village in wales, of her mother bringing home the first potted flowering plants of spring and putting them on the window sill in the kitchen....i love that! have a lovely week...i jumped on your *following* bandwagon this was that gorgeous blog header!! you two did well together didnt you!
    melissa x

  20. Bright vibes! That is what I get from these blooming pictures xox

  21. Coolness, love the new look kerry!

    And those mums are exquisite, such a lovely colour. julesx

  22. They look great in that silver champagne bucket! And the colours are so pretty in your space :)

  23. Lovely flower pics. Definitely worth visiting K-Mart and for a bargain too. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower at my blog. You are number 50 - a big milestone for me, and so Huzz bought me a glass of fizz to celebrate. Thanks.

  24. Loving the new banner Kerry - it looks great and you must compliment your partners in crime on the fab work!

    I am with you on visiting K-mart.. it is not my favourite place in the world. Has something to do with me ALWAYS managing to loose at least one kid whilst in there and the most uncomfortable (read unflattering.. ) florescent lighting.. However I am most impressed with the flower and may now have found a really good reason to go down to K-mart tomorrow.. Perhaps if I loose the kids before I go, I'll be ok..?!

    Happy planting!

    xx Charlotta

  25. Beautiful colour of the flowers. Ben did a great job working with you on the new header. Each item says so much about you. Great use of an ice bucket. Laughed about K-Mart as they are non-existent here in Canada for many a year. Have a great week.

  26. Lovely find and I adore the "planter" that they are currently living in!

    Sounds like you are up against some family pressure to maintain these lovely flowers :) I am sure you will do smashingly!


  27. Your flowers are beautiful, such wonderful color! Love your header, cozy and stylish!
    Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday! xx

  28. Love your new banner, the perfect topper to your delightful blog. Thanks for sharing your k-mart find, stunning photo's. Your silver ice bucket looks just like the one presented to my great grandparents on their wedding day by his employers, the Victorian Railways. It is engraved and just such a stunning piece. Thanks for being such a lovely morning read. xo

  29. What a great find Kerry! I love the new header. Love the R falling off the shelf :-)

  30. The kind of flower that inspires an artist to paint... gorgeous. Go Kmart!
    PS LOVE the new header!!
    PPS Happy belated bday to beautiful Jess.

  31. Those are gorgeous!
    So glad you took photos to share :)


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