
Friday, May 28, 2010

soul food friday ~ art and music to soothe

Take a few minutes out...just for you...even if you're not a Don McLean tragic like me, who happens to know all the words to American Pie! Turn the sound down if you must and just feast on the beauty that comes from the hand, mind and heart of Vincent Van Gogh. This version put together for patients at the Mississippi State Hospital.

You can read more about the amazing masterpieces exhibition that I saw at the National Gallery of Australia here (where Starry Night and other extraordinary works of art were exhibited). 
Thank you to my friend Sally in Canada...I saw this lovely tribute to Vincent on her Facebook page.  Sally and I first met in England in 1990 and we've recently reconnected through another friend Mary (who follows my blog, bless you!...don't you love the interweb!!) Sally is a very talented can visit her blog My Painting Life here for some more soothing.  And here are a few of her paintings...aren't they wonderful. Canadians are so clever! And nice!
Weekend is nearly here...hope you have a wonderful, there or anywhere!
all images courtesy of Sally Chupick


  1. Lovely post as usual on a Friday Kerry. I'm with you about the words to American Pie and know nearly all the words to this song (Mark is now humming it in the background!). Sarah just used American Pie in her poetry unit for her grade 8 kids. Some things come full circle! Some beautiful images in the slide show - nice to see the ones you don't always see. We pick up our new painting from Sally in a few weeks. Can't wait. Have a great weekend. Love Mary

  2. I know most of the words to American Pie and it was the first song I learned as a young teen. The images from Van Gogh's paintings were perfect. I thought I knew most of his paintings but aparently I don't from some of the ones in the slideshow. Thanks for sharing it. Have a good weekend.

  3. Even my teenagers know most of the words to American Pie! And that friend of yours is so very talented - lovely paintings. Have a great weekend sweetpea, off now to see if I can hire some scaffolding - those ceilings are driving me insane! K xx

  4. Yes, it's a great tune. Your friend is very talented - I love the light in the painting of the sheep - it's wonderful!
    You have a great weekend too!

  5. i love van Gogh always been my favorite painter have a great weekend xx

  6. I would have loved to visit the masters exhibition in Canberra. The impressionists are one of my favourite periods in art history xx

  7. HI Kerry,
    My goodness, wow, I'm gobsmacked!! what a lovely shock,when I came over to your blog, to find a big tribute, not only to Vincent as i knew you wanted to post, but to me and my paintings too! Thankyou so much for your kind words, wow i got 3 cvomments in 1 night on my blog!!I really dont know the ins and outs of blogging well enough to improve traffic, but maybe i can learn from you. did you see i'm now a follower of yours? i dont even know how to put a follower thing on mine! ha ha. oh well, just as well, i already spend way too much time on the computer when i should be in the studio. REally looking forward to seeing Mark and Mary in a few weeks. yay!

  8. Hi Kerry
    Well I just LOVE Starry Starry night and have been singing it over and over in my head this past year... it's stuck there at the moment.. but that's not so bad as it reminds me of Vincent's beautiful painting.. which is also stuck in my mind's eye!!!! Oh how I wish I had know about the exhibition.. might of got me off my backside.. although if it was last year i was working 7 days a week... perhaps that is why I dream a lot.. hahaha..

    Beautiful post my friend...have a lovely weekend.. we have a cyclone force storm warning here for sunday.. although right now it is glorious!!! xxx Julie

  9. Forgot to say.. love your new banner.. it is new right?? love the blue & white china.. everything really... ciao ciao

  10. Love his artworks - back when I was teaching I did an art activity based around Starry Night which the kids loved. Enjoy your weekend too x

  11. Hi Kerry,
    It is often artists who are troubled that produce some wonderful work and Vincent Van Gough was testiment to that. He had a wonderful style all of his own and, for someone with a mental illness, used such bright and happy colours.
    How lovely to have reconnected with your friend, Sally, again. I'm not a big fan of Facebook, but it is certainly a good way of finding old friends that you have lost contact with.I love Sally's paintings. She really has her own individual style and, I think that you would know one of her paintings if you saw it.
    That Don McLean song is such a classic. A beautiful song that has stood the test of time and will live on forever.
    Now I will be singing it all day !!
    Have a lovely weekend, Kerry. XXXX

  12. Oh my sweet, I think we were separated at birth;) I loves me some Don McLean!! Thank you for sharing Sally's gorgeous paintings, I am so in love with the sheep one (well I am a country gal). Thanks for a wonderful week's worth of visits at The Tranquil Townhouse, your gorgeous blog always make me smile. Wishing you a wonderful weekend Kerry. Hugs ~ Tina xx

  13. You know I have a big love for Van Gogh although his painting make me feel a bit upset. You can see his tormented soul in his pictures. Your friend is a very good one, I like her painting, the last one is my favourite, I can feel the fresh air....

    Have a lovely we, Zaira

  14. Well Vincent was a tragic soul. The Van Gogh museum is a 10 minute bycicle ride from my home. I have museum year subscription. I just love to hop over and stand in front of his work for ages. Taking in his every brush stroke...
    Have a wonderful weekend and recharge the battery :) xoxox

  15. Beautiful as usual. I love coming here!

    Hope you have fab plans for the weekend.

    x Charlotta

  16. Beautiful post Kerry, there was an exhibition in London recently Real Van Gogh and his letters, sadly I missed it but I have consoled myself with watching the lovely clip you have added, beautiful just beautiful.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  17. I would looooooooove to peruse your design book/library collection!!!! It must be extensive and it would be so inspiring. Love your snap shots and vignettes! Tracey at Velvetine Lily x o

  18. Love the interwebz! I love hearing cool stories like this, so inspiring! Lovely, meaningful post!

  19. Kerry -

    We must all blogging today as the rain falls! I agree with you re: Sari's blog at little blue deer and said so on her blog, re: the boho thing! Here, here!

    I replied to your comment on my blog too. I know this is not kosher but I can't resist!

    I bet you mourn those lost books. I totally understand, however, culling and simplifying and distilling is equally good for the soul.

    By the way, I forgot to mention in one of your previous posts - what you can do to transform one single candle, is quite phenomenal!!

    Have a beautiful weekend x o x

    Tracey at Velvetine Lily

  20. What a great way to end the week! fabulous song and lovely art work. We saw some of Van Gogh's work in Paris! I will never forget the moment I saw his paintings in the Musee D'Orsay...It was breathtaking!

    Best wishes and happy weekend,

    PS If you have time it would be fabulous if you could link this post to my Sunday Song post?!

  21. Van Gogh is an absolute favorite of mine...this was so lovely!

  22. I think I might know almost all the words to American Pie.....Nothing wrong with a bit of Mclean! x

  23. Thanks for linking up! You are a sweetie!

  24. You have such a great blog here...I will be back for more...Enjoy your weekend:)

  25. Hello Kerry,
    First of all I want to thank you for the nice comment on my blogpost today!
    And Van Gogh's paintings are so beautiful! I love them! Great post!

  26. A print of "Starry Night" hangs over my daughter's bed. When she was a wee kid she picked that print out, and started making up different stories about it.
    American Pie! I still run across discussions on the net about the meaning. That was even a favorite song of my son's high school band. They played it at most poerformances.
    So glad you selected it for this week.

  27. The song with the photos reached my soul.
    what a beautiful tribute.

  28. What a great post! Loved the music and the artwork. Your friend is very talented - her paintings have such a tranquility about them. Love the lighting she captures. Have just come across your blog and really am enjoying it. Keep up the good work kerry.

  29. Lol you know this song is going to be in my head as I go to sleep tonight. Beautiful art:)


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