
Sunday, June 6, 2010

any excuse for a giveaway!

A little while ago I was approached by the very lovely Maree from Buyster to see if I'd like to offer one of their amazing line of goodies as a giveaway. Ah, yep...I'm not silly...of course I would. So I am. Offering one that is...
To be honest, it took me ages to work out what I'd like to give many options...I got a bit lost in the website what with looking at clocks and lights and kitchenware and bags and rugs. Go see Table Tonic for the most awesome use of a Buyster rug. Ever.
But I thought, everyone needs a good tote don't they?  There were lots of those to choose from too but I really liked this simple, bit-of-fun graphic that I thought went with just about anything really...OK, not black tie, I concede that! It comes in a few colours: black, tan, burgundy or red so please nominate the colour as well when you comment.
So why a giveaway today? Three reasons: I've managed to notch up 105 posts as of right now...
I'm going here on Wednesday...

...that would be Magnetic Island in Far North Queensland (it is for work though bloggy peeps so try not to get too jealous!)
...and I've been given a few blog awards lately; from Jeanne at Collage of Life, Dash from French Sampler and Louisa from Vintage by Lou Lou and I wanted a way to use this giveaway to say thank you for that and for the now 171 people who sometimes take time out of their very busy lives to read what I have to say or see what I have to show (the weekly top ten is proving to be very competitive...I love it!!).  

So, thank you to Buyster, thank you to those three lovely bloggers who've made me feel really wonderful by giving me awards in the last little while, thank you to the people who follow this blog (as it says on the sidebar, doubt out of idle curiosity) and thank you for providing me with a rich source of inspiration, giggles, thoughtfulness and sheer, unadulterated pleasure.  As Jackie at Home said yesterday...bloggers rock! I'm putting the pic she used for that post here...just in case it doesn't get in to this week's top ten Jackie!

So, please enter the giveway.  I think to be fair to people who do follow this blog and to the sponsor of the gift, you need to be a follower to be eligible for this one. Buyster only post within Australia BUT if this is won by an overseas reader, don't worry, I'll get it delivered to me and then I'll post it off to you. It's the least I can do! So, there you know the drill!


  1. YAY A GIVEAWAY! Definitely a follower, definitely an Australian, actually that is a lie, I am a kiwi living in Australia --just don't hold it against me!! So please enter me in to the giveaway.

    :) Hazel

    PS Hope you had a lovely weekend, the weather has been good here in Queensland so should be perfect for your trip!

  2. Count me in for your giveaway, since I am a giveaway junkie. Lucky you going somewhere resort-like for work!

  3. What a lovely giveaway - especially the red colour one! Boy, hope that you get to stay overnight on Wed and have a room with a view. Just looking at all that gorgeous water will be relaxing. Congrats on the awards and on 105 posts. Where has the time gone? Have a great week.
    Mary xxx

  4. Wow, 105 posts is a great achievement. Well done Kerry. As for the giveaway, please count me in. I am strictly a red or black handbag kind of gal. But I do love a good tote. Have a lovely time on Magnetic Island. I am sure you will work hard, but take a little time out on behalf of us bloggie peeps:)

  5. Wonderful giveaway! Count me in please! I'd have to pick the black one if I won. Have a magnificent time at Magnetic Island - it is so lovely there (only 300kms from where I am!!) Congrats on all your recent awards.

  6. Magnetic Island!! Work or not, I'm hyper jealous!!! Please count me in for your giveaway - I rather fancy the red one :)
    Your blog is super enjoyable!

  7. Hand up over here! I do not have a prefernce of colour but know this... It would be the first thing I would have won since I won the "I made it myself" catagory in the North Roichmond Public School Easter Hat Parade in 1979.

  8. Congratulations on your awards Kerry, your blog rocks! It is always a pleasure visiting you and I am jealous! Work or no work you will be in a beautiful and warm location!!! What a lovely giveaway! I love the red tote so please count me in. I am a follower! xx

  9. Congrats on the well-deserved award. It is certainly worth celebrating 171 followers. If I were to win this lovely giveaway, I would chose the red tote.

  10. Wonderful post. Do you need anyone to carry your bags to Magnetic Island?
    Count me in for the give away. I like the red one too!

  11. Congratulations on your fabulous awards my dear!! So very well deserved:) Have a fabulous time away, even if it is for envious!! I would love to enter your gorgeous giveaway and I love the red tote:) Thanks so much for the chance to enter Kerry. I am of course a very happy follower:) Hope you have a fabulous day ~ Tina xx

  12. Great giveaway - such a cute tote. Congratulations on your awards and your blogging milestones - I look forward to many more of your entertaining and inspiring posts in the future :) Enjoy your work trip x

  13. Have just found your blog and have become a follower too . Great giveaway and lovely blog too.

  14. Dear Kerry,
    Well, I love your giveaway and, in true Jackie style, would choose the black one !!.... I would even take it to 'A Black Tie Do' !!!! haha
    I now feel as if I've had my own 'Weekly Top Ten' and will now be able to sleep at night !!....but don't let that stop you putting any of my images in this week !!
    Have a wonderful time on Magnetic Island, even though it's for work, I'm sure that there will be time for a cocktail or ten.!!
    Well done on all of those posts and the brilliant awards that have been bestowed upon you. You have a wonderful blog...

  15. What a cute tote but I am not in the run as I already won the cloud burst last time :)) have a great week, don't work too hard xoxo

  16. Hey Kerry!!
    ok.. this giveaway is AWESOME ! Can I enter it?? even if I know I'll feel bad if you had to post this all the way to Italy.. but still... now I'm in ! :-)
    and by the way.. it may be for work that you're going THERE but I'm jealous nonetheless !
    Hugs from me

  17. Oh so very jealous of your fab work trip location.

    Am always in need of a lovely new tote! Always! Well done on the awards:)

  18. Well, I'll be thinking of you, working your little fingers to the bone in such harsh and inhospitable conditions - how on earth will you cope? (Couldn't help giving you just a little bit of a hard time!!!) As a good friend I'd happily take on this horrid task for you! Ok, so back to your fab giveaway - I'm definitely a fan of the black, so that's what I'd choose. Of course already a follower (goes without saying!) and will pop it on my side bar too. So happy to see how many followers enjoy your fantastic blog as much as I do, but it comes as no surprise to me at all! Congrats sweet, so well deserved! K xx

  19. Kerry, I think you did very well, the bags are wonderful!
    Very envious of your trip and look forward to hearing all about it..
    Congratulations again on your awards...very well deserved!

    jeanne :)

  20. The bags are gorgeous!
    I don't have my own blog (to busy following fabulous blogs like yours!)

  21. I am so in the wrong job! Work or no work - have a great time on Magnetic Island. Congratulations on your awards, and what a fab giveaway. Please count me in! (Black please.)

  22. A follower from the States - love the burgundy bag AND following your blog! ; )

  23. Oooh yes count me in!! I don't know why I wasn't before but I'm definitely following! :-)

  24. Wow Kerry thank you so much, I love the golden tote!! How great and thank you for all of your encouragement!

    Art by Karena

  25. A lady can never have anough handbags!

  26. Hi Kerry Im a new follower & I have to say your blog ROCKS, love that pic....Congratulations on 105 posts & all of those awards. Have a great work trip. Im always a fan of black handbags & a huge fan of buyster!!!

  27. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway. I am a follower from Canada.
    nscrofan at rogers dot com

  28. I am a follower! Thank you for the giveaway! I hope you have a great trip! The handbags are beautiful!

  29. Oh, I love this tote! Way cute. I like the red one the most! Oh, and I'm following you!=)

  30. Love the bags! I've really enjoyed your blog and the links that you've shared. Thanks for sharing!


  31. Wow Kerry what a fabulous giveaway...I love your choice of tote...and I am definately a black kind of gal...Yes I am a follower...Have a great weekend Kym X

  32. Awesome giveaway. I love the brownish one. I'm a follower!

  33. Ooh, lovely giveaway... I am jealous about Magnetic Island, but as you are working, it's only fair!
    I like the tan tote, so please count me in..
    :) Flick


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