
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

the june leftover pics...

It's not that I want you to think these pics are sub-par, less than optimum, not up to scratch...or anything remotely like that. 

No, these are just the ones that I spent a ridiculous amount of time umming and aahing over. Do they go in to the weekly top ten, or do they not? 
Which is just a tad ironic seeing I decided to do the top ten so I didn't have to think so hard in the middle of the work week! 
You know...pick a pretty picture or ten and that's that...Thursday's post done and dusted...ha...sometimes I question my 'wisdom'! 
And then of course, having gone to the trouble of collecting them (not that it involves any hardship on my part of course!) I couldn't let them wallow unloved in the top ten pic folder on my dear old hard drive now could I...'twouldn't be right.
So here you go possums...just before June runs out...the ones that didn't quite make the cut...hope you like them. 
They're quite pretty aren't they?
Some have even got white in there's something you don't see a lot of around here!

A labour of love this is dear bloggy peeps...just for you...

Phew...thank goodness...only nine collages...because ten would have been just too silly!
And the blogs from whence they's a list, because after all..that's part of the fun as well!

images (and I'm really sorry they are not individually attributed to pics...because quite frankly life is too short) come from these wonderful alphabetical order (can you guess how long this took me!!)
a punch of colour; belle maisonbohemian shoebox; brabourne farm; bright.bazaarcasa bella; design ties; desire to inspire; french essence; glimpse of style; la maison boheme;lime in the coconutlittle blue deer; livelikeyou; lona de anna; lou, bou's and shoes; small place style; style me pretty; the brass petal; the decorista; the diversion project; thimbles and crumbles; urban farmgirl; young house I said...a labour of love!!


  1. I see you have mastered the art of the collage and very well indeed I might say. Those pics look terrific. Nice bit of eye candy to start the day.
    I am browsing on one computer while installing that turbo wireless broadband thingy so I can keep up to date with all the blogland news.
    Have a great day.

  2. No wonder you had trouble choosing - these are all gorgeous. Isn't it always the way, the very thing meant to make things easy and simple always turns out to be the most time-consuming? But I have to tell you, I'm happy you take the time to choose, because I love those posts! Have a great day sweet, K xx

  3. All gorgeous for many different reasons.

  4. Wow, that was a ton of work. Nice job. I love all of those gorgeous photos.


  5. Great images Kerry - major eye candy! On my quest for a rose selection I'm now wondering what those lovely pink ones are in your pics!! Love the black and white bathroom many other things.
    Phew, you can relax now!

  6. You are too good to us Kerry, and to the feelings of these 'left over' pics. I love them all! You have great style and I could stare at each one for ages. Thanks for sharing and not leaving them all alone on your hard drive :)

  7. I love that all white room with the white sofa.

  8. Nice!!!! I love the red kitchen (first pic). Wonderful work!

  9. Hi Kerry
    There are some beauties in this collection.. I know sometimes a pic or two just doesn't suit a post but doesn't mean they are wonderful in their own right... thanks for sharing your leftovers!!! a lovely pickup for my day...

    xxx Julie

  10. I see the favourite are the blue ones, especially the fourth collage down xx

  11. Ohhh, hello eye candy! Go pour yourself a cuppa and put your feet up - you deserve it!

  12. Hi Kerry, thanks for taking the time to put that lovely series together. They are all great shots to eyeball for a while..... Nice work!

  13. ah I just love left overs. als these great impulses for my small brain :)))

  14. That all white dining room with the industrial pendant shades kills me everytime - love it.

  15. awesome collages! must have taken you ages to compile all that prettiness on 9 different collages!


  16. The also-rans are also fabulous - all the more so collaged as you have presented them. I can see why you would um and ah - makes me feel even more chuffed that one of my wee images made the top 10!

  17. Bringing the world to me! Very beautiful..Rachaelxx

  18. Labour of love is always worth the effort and I am so grateful you shared these.. Truly gorgeous and I am now swimming in my own drool! :)

    xx Charlotta

  19. wow, i hope you have astiff drink or three when you go through all this. i thought thursdays were meant to be easier?! haha

    gorgeous collages, and thanks for the shout out treasure!


  20. Wow wonderful pictures Kerry! My absolute fav is the second collage...with all that white!!! Love it!!!


  21. I am drowning in gorgeousness right now and have bookmarked this gorgeous post as there is soooo much inspiration here! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pics Kerry. They have inspired me to get up off the couch and find that paintbrush again today. Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday ~ Tina xx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.