
Thursday, June 10, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 10.6.10

Oh dear...another week of trying to limit my choice to ten. It's ridiculously hard to do...but here goes.
by Amanda at small acorns - an 'across the Tasman' style queen!
photographer Simon Upton via Table Tonic
You may notice that the pics I choose are very often full of colour...but knowing the penchant for white around bloggy world...I try to please you all! I'm good like that. Not too much though...I don't want to corrupt my boho sensibilities...

by vosges paris
there is a criteria of sorts for this weekly list...
but it would spoil the fun if I told you what it was...
The next one is especially for the first born...if only the vampire slayer was this cute...

via the diversion project (3rd week in a row...but far too good to leave out!)

Oh and did I tell you? Surely I must have...this week's top ten is winging its way to you from Magnetic Island! This may have been a photo I took yesterday, after many hours of work of course!

And for my leather tote giveaway, don't forget to click here or over in the sidebar.


  1. Oh Kerry, I really feel for you, struggluing amongst all the beauty of Manetic Island. It looks horrendous!!!No really, it looks amazing, though so does that pink sofa - I'd love it!

  2. Lovely pictures, Kerry. I hope you are managing a bit of fun on your work trip. I'm not sure of the criteria for your photos~ the kitties threw me off!


  3. I really love the first picture, the colors are stunning.

  4. Another stirling post as usual my friend - but how you can whittle it down to ten is beyond me. Oh, and love the pic of your temporary 'office' (ahem!). I might have to lift my game if I ever want a mention here - and possibly knee-cap that pesky Jules too! K xx

  5. I am green with envy, the sunset shot is perfect. Another 10 stunning pics. Enjoy Magnetic Island.

  6. What a stunning sunset!


  7. Buffy is that cute btw - in her own special, psychotic way.

  8. Great top ten... although number ten is a clear winner from where I'm sitting!

  9. Dear Kerry, Bring on the colour [as you obviously have] for too much white, which may be very smart and fashionable, can become just a teeny bit tedious. Why is it that so many people wish to live their lives as if from the interior of a refridgerator?

    Of course, as you may imagine, I love the image of the kittens. Poor Buffy, never a good word to be said!!

    Magnetic Island does indeed have a magnetism and, as far as I am able to tell, no sign of a uranium enrichment plant.

  10. The one with the cockatoo is may favourite and those punches of red! Make me right awake :)) Have a great day xox

  11. I LOVE that room with the pale green doors and windows!! Hope you are enjoying your work holiday x

  12. They are all beautiful but the bedroom with the open french doors makes me want to crawl into the bed and read a book - sans children (and husband)

  13. yeah that last pic is the winner!! thanks so much for including me again Kerry, that's so cool!!

    have a great time aweay! julesxxx

  14. Kerry,
    You are quite a character and holy heck you get around and get busy... so many delctable images and thoughts spring from your blog - it's a visual feast!

    Magnetic Island is calling me!

    Happy Long Weekend!

    Tracey at Velvetine Lily xo

  15. You know what, Kerri? I think it's a fantastic idea your top 10 photos of the week!!! I love them all!!!

    Have a great day!

  16. How exciting to see my little photo there on the sidebar Kerry! Thanks so much for including it in your fabulous top 10. Hope you're not too worn out after the tough week you've been having. xx

  17. Thank you so much for the love! Some wonderful company here. So glad to have found you via Jules, at The Diversion Project...


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.