
Thursday, June 17, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 17.6.10

Well, you've put up with two days of my craft so I will reward you dear bloggy peeps with the visual feast that is the weekly top ten. I am getting to love Thursdays! So, so pretty...
clever use of a very small space...
perfect, casual flowers...
by chania at razmataz
rich, wonderful colours...
simple, subtle...(a bit like me really...ha, not!)
subdued and elegant...
via greige
pretty, but not too pretty...
modern boho...I think!
dark and seductive...and those lights!
because she'd kill me if I didn't put one of hers in (joking Jackie!!) 
curves, booze, fur...
via home
And while many of you may not agree with me about this...I would have to say that I was totally underwhelmed by the current issue of Lonny magazine. No images that made MY jaw drop I'm afraid. Not this time :(
So because of that disappointment, a bonus 11th in the top ten! Can't help myself...
by nanette at rummage
And just one more...I knew I should have stopped blog stalking earlier!

I do hope there was a little something here for everyone...
Do you have a favourite?


  1. All drop-dead gorgeous as usual my friend, but that first image - sensational! You've outdone yourself yet again. Oh, and 199 followers - look at you go! K xx

  2. I am really starting to love the boho look which is odd for me as I've always been a pastel, old fashion sort of girl. Love the picture with the favorite flower!


  3. Ohhhhh..... those pics are G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S, thanks so much for sharing Kerry, I could stare at those pics all day! Have a great day!

  4. My fave - defnitely the first pic - those lights are incredible!
    I do love the pretty rug in the girl's room as well.

  5. I'm with Kerri and Sarah B, the first image is particularly luscious. If you sat in one of those scrumptious chairs I don't think that you'd be going anywhere in a hurry.

    Thanks for today's gifts,


  6. A lovely, varied selection this idea every week..Rachaelxx

  7. Well, I have to say that I do have a favourite....curve, booze and fur from that delightful blogger, Jackie @ Home !!!! haha.
    Actually, I do have a favourite..... subdued and elegant from Burlap Luxe.... a girl after my own heart, I think.
    Thanks so much for including me. All of the blackmail paid off !! hehe. XXXX

  8. Great shots Kerry. My favourite has to be the very first glamorous one! I also liked the pretty but not too pretty bedroom. And the dark and seductive - I think it is all those lights in both the shots. Such an impact. thanks for sharing!

  9. Ooh, I love the 'subdued and elegant' and 'dark and seductive' pics. Thanks Kerry.

  10. Love the Modern Boho, and I'm a sucker for turqouise/teal/aqua colours, so those bracelets too.

    I found the current Lonny a bit disappointing, I'm holding out hope for the next one ...

  11. AWWW i LOVE all them all...gorgeous pics and the aqua bracelets.. OOHH LALA XX

  12. Kerry, thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. All these images are fab but I adore the one with the Eames Rocker as I always love a touch of Retro - the 'small space' retro style speaks to me also. Wish I was brave enough for all the colour in number four. Look forward to your next post. Michelle

  13. Well done Kerry! I looooove the 1st image it is just perfect! I am really enjoying your top 10, keep them coming! xx

  14. Love that bedroom with the pink drawers - would make such a lovely guest room.

  15. Dear Kerry, One is overwhelmed. Where is one going wrong? I see nothing here to suggest falling stucco, damp patches, worn [by this I mean threadbare] carpets, chipped china, peeling paint, tarnished silver, etc. etc. Could one, by relocating to the Antipodes, put all of this behind one and, instead, find oneself inhabiting something straight out of the very latest, glossiest magazine? It is certainly worthy of consideration. If you promise the answer is yes, Australia is indeed the homeowner's promised land, then we could be neighbours.

  16. Love the art wall in the dining room and the two brightly coloured spaces.

  17. Phew, pressure is off! heheh

    Absolutely love hte image from Kimberlee and the one with the turquoise bangles - fab stuff!!


  18. Oh modern boho is the one for me, although I might have to do away with the horse tapestry! Great photos this week once again Kerry - I think you've found your calling as a blog stalker!

  19. Stunning rooms. I want to be in all of them.

  20. Really can't choose this time. To many pretty inspiring images xox

  21. Thanks so much for including my rather shaggy daisy photo. They vase was too small and so I had to stuff them in there, thus the rather haphazard arrangement. Love your blog now i have found it.


  22. I loved Miss Jac's grey post this week too, so glad it was featured.
    Millie ^_^

  23. So much loveliness in one post, AGAIN!!! Thank you for sharing all of this wonderful eye candy...I love it! ~ Tina xx


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