
Thursday, June 3, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 3.6.10

Remember how I said I'm tired by the time Thursday rolls around? Remember I said I'd just post pretty pictures on a Thursday because that seemed like an easy thing to do? Ha! Who did I think I was kidding?
Remember how I said I'd start to stockpile images I loved throughout the week? Well that wasn't the problem. That was spectacularly easy given what we see on blogs every day.
an image by Nanette at Rummage
The problem was far more complicated than that... 
via greige
The problem was...if you'll bear with me... 
via the diversion project (Jules makes an appearance for the 2nd week in a row!)
...the torture involved in whittling it down to just ten...from the around eleventy-three I'd collected.
an image by Louise of Vintage by Lou Lou
Goodness it was fun though...
an image by la porte rouge (you really must visit this site if you haven't already...she always takes the most stunning photos)

via the diversion project (bloody heck there she is again...banned next week! Joking.)

an image by Johanna of vintage
Oh ok...just the one more because it made me smile so much!

Crumbs...what have I started!


  1. Thanks for sharing Kerry. I know I couldn't choose just 10 so you've done well my dear.

  2. I want a tree of dresses just like that one! I also love eleventy three, it has a lovely ring to it. It's good to know someone else who would never ever, ever in a million, trillion years exaggerate!

  3. Great images - I think the one with the dresses in the tree is stunning!!
    Keep it up Kerry!!

  4. I'm for the dress tree too. But now my quandry... How am I ever going to get around all those great blogs before leaving tomorrow for two weeks away - with no internet access. Talk about a tease ;-)

  5. How you can choose just ten is beyond me - there's so much gorgeousness on display each week. But these are noice, very noice indeed! K xx

  6. You crack me up, Kerry :) Great selection!

  7. oh man - two selected out of the eleventy three, that's made me blush! what are the chances?? like a gamazillion to teensytown-two. Too sweet by a third and a half. thanks darl :)

    i just love that sock image, that is sublime!!!


  8.'s like that, is it ? I am not talking to you anymore !!!!
    I am making it my mission to be included in your Top 10 pictures if it kills me !!!! XXXX

  9. Thanks for sharing Kerry. Hope you have a great day my dear. :)

  10. I LOVE the photo with the gowns in the tree!!!

  11. Has Millie hung up her christmas stocking already?
    Seriously - I'm meant to be working and here I am catching up on your blog. Feel as though I've missed so much! Firstly - I have an iphone addiction and I'm not giving it up, and I'm lobbying hard for an ipad! I have to justify it to myself more than anything.
    Secondly - I love all your 'things that make me smile' - what fabulous things you've picked up on your travels. Those mongolian wall hangings are fabulous! OK, perhaps I don't love the John Denver autograph, but it certainly made me smile to see it there high up on your treasured list. Amanda xx

  12. Beautiful images! I love the ruffled cushion in the 1st image! I was just admiring a red one just like it the other day! Oh and I loooove the hot pink armchair from the diversion project,actually I love the whole room! xx

  13. Thank you sweetness for sharing :) I am in love with the dresses in the tree too xx

  14. Great round up! Love the coloured dresses all light up, hanging from the trees! FUN!

  15. Gorgeous pics Kerry! I am so happy you decided to include that last one, it made me smile too:)Hugs~ Tina xx

  16. Great collection of inspiring images x

  17. Beautiful the socks..Rachaelxx

  18. Ah Kerry!
    your selection gets better and better.. can I borrow a couple of pics?
    I can't resist..!
    xo Flaviana

  19. Such great picks! I know, it's so hard to decide when there's so much beauty! Jules is FABULOUS, great to see her here so much! XO!

  20. that tree of dresses is making me giggle! totally cute!! LOL

  21. The dresses, most definitely adore the dresses, Kerry! Great picks.
    Have a happy day. xx

  22. Great selection of images you found this week. There are so many great blogs around, I find it heard to read everything these days.

  23. Wow - all of these images are so beautiful, I have to find the time to go and visit each of the sites! What HAVE you started, Kerry?!

  24. I AM rummage (feel like that picture) :)) have a wonderful weekend xoxo

  25. I can reassure Amanda that Millie has NOT hung up her Chrissie stocking just yet! The weather here has made Canberra's look positively tropical, so socks are de riguer here. Fab images Kerry, I'm loving these Thursday posts of yours.
    M ^_^


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