
Monday, July 19, 2010

chinascapes ~ as in dishes, not the country...

There I was...minding my own business...when all of a sudden I had an urge to arrange some china bits 'n pieces yesterday and play around with photographing them...
I've found that it's as good a method of procrastination as any other...
The plasterer came, did a good job and left a slight mess, but I'm not complaining...
Turning up, working and recommending a painter to come and paint my 5 metre high wall in the living room means I'm more than happy to vacuum up a few odd bits of plaster!
...and this was fun...

especially since I may have been avoiding doing something...
...what do they say about having to make a mess before you can get really organised??'ll be pleased to know the study is all better now...but alas, too late in the day to take a decent photo to prove it. And I've decided to paint the bookcases. Hello...wouldn't it just have been easier to buy lighter coloured ones in the first place...always go with your instincts bloggy peeps. How about the steam coming off my cuppa though!
My day off this week is today (which I'm not all that pleased about, but clients needed me on Wednesday and who am I to argue). I'm going off to the optometrist to get new glasses...multifocals I suspect! Who ever thought I'd be needing those? Sheesh!! Better leave you with a pretty picture.
Have a lovely week everyone and welcome new tranquil-ites...nice to have you in the townhouse...promise not to make you clean up the study if you drop in!


  1. My study would look similar if I were to give it a thorough clean out. Your china collection is very nice too.

  2. I love these photos Kerry, especially the third one with the blue and white china against that bold background. Enjoy your Monday off.

  3. i have my own room like this to clean up!!! have a good day......KG

  4. I love those photos Kerry, my fav is the blue and white china on the white linen with the wood grain showing - looooooovely!
    You did a good job to clean everything up - I hate that type of cleaning.
    My uncle is an optometrist in Canberra. He's in the Belconnen shopping centre (just in case he happens to be the one you're seeing today but the odds are highly unlikely :)
    Thanks for your comment re my post today, so glad you like it.

  5. Love the photo of the study - nice to know that your house isn't perfect all the time! At least you have a 3 day long weekend! Enjoy it! xx

  6. Oh my, I totally cracked up at your study shot - what a classic!
    Love your china pics! Depsite being a neverending fan of blue and white I thik I love the first colourful pic the best. Fabulous!
    Yes, well, I have the day off too and with so much to do I find myself still sitting in front of the fire in my pj's!
    Have a good one Kerry!

  7. I love your china, Fabulous photography by the way & like my husband always says "No mess, No progress!"Have a great week!!!

  8. Beautiful chinascapes....the first image that captured my eye today in blog world xx

  9. Hi Kerry, you have some pretty china there and arranged beautifully! I did notice that steaming cuppa and I feel the need to go and make one right now. Have a great week and I think the bookshelves will look perfect in a lighter shade.

  10. gorgeous china! I hate when you get 1/2 way through a clean up and look around and see how much more you have to do!

  11. Gorgeous chinascapes Kerry:) Love them all. The last pic is particularly gorgeous:) As for the's life:) Hope you had a fabulous day off and hope you also have a wonderful week my friend. Hugs ~ Tina xx

  12. gorg photos kerry, great procrasitnation! my office looks pretty similar right now, and sadly i have new glasses too to be able to see it all with :|

    hope you had a lovely day off x

  13. Now that is a perfect way to procrastinate - and to think I'd never thought of it. I love your china photos, especially your stack of pink and red ones.

    So what colour are the bookshelves going to be?

  14. Lovely collection, Kerry! My step-mother would be green, she loves her blue and white china.

    My spare bedroom is channeling your office!

  15. No way. I just wrote about those sea urchins after our trip to the beach. Imagine you having a whole one. Imagine putting it in a tea cup! Never cease to amaze me, you do. I had to link to it. Must off now to fling some scarves about for fresh photo inspiration.

    Deb :-)

  16. What a gorgeous way to spend the day. I really loved the blue and white china. I recently cleaned my study too. It was a surprisingly big job. Looking forward to seeing the after pictures of your study:)

  17. Cute pics! And seriously that wall is fabulous!!! Love the colors and stripes:-)

  18. Love the china - are you surprised to hear that blue and white is my absolute fave? And great photos too - is there nothing you can't do, you clever thing? Had to laugh at the pic of your study - my studio looks exactly the same at the moment, and it's driving me insane! Really have to tidy it up, because I can't manage to paint when it's so messy, it really does my head in! Hope you had a great day off sweet! K xx

  19. ha ha love that "messy" picture as I can so identify with the "process" :))

  20. Lovely photos of your china! Wish I had your collection. Michelle

  21. The death of Marija is dreadful. Her poor husband and children - what beautiful children! What a tragedy. I am sitting here shedding tears for her babies. The loss of a beautiful, enigmatic woman. To read her words, after her passing is so haunting and yet so beautiful and leaves a legacy of her thoughts and dreams. Thank you Kerry, for honouring her life on your blog - that is beautiful. xo

    I love your sense of humour and the pic of your study cracked me up - I needed to see that pic tonight!! That study is a metaphor of my life at the present! However, I am so lucky, to be living this beautiful life, surrounded by evidence of life and things loved. Gosh, we are so lucky. You are a real character - thank you for being honest and unafraid to say it, show it and tell it how it is!

    I love the very first pic, of the china scape - that is very me. Interesting to hear what different people mentioned as their favourite.
    We are all so different!

    Thank you for your kind and wise words on my blog.

    Tracey x o

  22. Great chinascapes Kerry - love the Designers Guild in the background. Perfect procratination. And I can't wait to see your study image in your top 10 this week. xx

  23. That steam is fabulous, not to mention all of your China vignettes...can't wait to see the afters on your project!

  24. I love days like that, when you can just play around with props and take pics. You did a great job! That steam looks like a spade, btw ;)
    Oh, and your office makes me feel right at home. I should show you mine!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.