
Monday, July 12, 2010

my weekend project ~ a gift for a new baby...

It's been a very long time since I've had the paints out bloggy peeps! Too long. So I thought I'd start with something very ease me back into it...if you know what I mean.
A friend of mine became a grandmother last week, so I thought I'd make something for her new grandson...

I wanted to give the message that every baby is unique...

different in their own special way...
'like no other' in fact...
It's a very imperfect 'painting' I know (soooo out of practice) but I like the design...and I'll be working on it...perhaps I'll use watercolours next time...
Now I'm just waiting for someone to have a daughter so I can make a girly version...butterflies I'm thinking...
Oh, and you won't believe the plotting and planning I've done for the etsy shop...even bought a new sewing machine. first 'day off' Wednesday is looking jam packed already! But for now I'd better go and wrap this up and send it off!
Hope your week has started well...and once again, because I can't say it too much or too often...thank you so much for all your lovely comments and incredible support. It means heaps! It really does.


  1. These look fantastic - you clever thing! I'll bet your friend is thrilled, I know I would be. K xx

  2. i love it kerry..your so clever its a great gift he will love it XXx

  3. Nice work Kerry, I think it is really cute and I am sure your friend will be thrilled. I hope you have fun on Wednesday being such a busy crafty bee!

  4. What a sweet and thoughtful gift - your friend will love it.

    So I take it you're going to be sewing on Wednesday - now you've got me intrigued. I'm looking forward to the report.

  5. It's gorgeous - a great idea and perfect images for a little boy. Have fun on Wednesday. I mostly have Mon and Tues off to do my art but all the housework gets in the way - or blogging! SO make sure there are no chores to do before Wednesday!

  6. Very creative and great colours for a baby's room. Looks like you had fun. Hope you don't add too much more to your first Wednesday off! Have a great week.

  7. It looks great! What a fantastic present for someone. Always so nice to have something unique :)

  8. I love your artwork Kerry. So sweet and sentimental. I'm about to become an Aunt again and something like this would be perfect for my brother's new baby.

  9. Oh I love both the painting and the design Kerry, your friend's little Grandson is a lucky little boy! Enjoy your sewing on Wednesday, I can't wait to see what fabulousness you come up with next! ~ Tina xx

  10. What a clever chook you are Kerry! I love the design and the imperfect painting. It is gorgeous! I love it! xx

  11. It's brilliant! You are so talented and creative! That is a great gift :-)

  12. How can you possibly say this is an imperfect painting? I love it, and the message behind it is so important!

  13. Makes me want another Baby! (almost)
    Can I order one?? How??
    You are amazing.
    Mrs Woog xo

  14. What a gorgeous present. I love the design ... you are very talented! I'm sure your friend will treasure it. Michelle

  15. Dear Kerry what a great personal gift! Wishing you a wonderful inspired week xox

  16. I LOVE it that you crochet! HOORAY! Plus your blue and white china is 11/10!xx

  17. Kerry...this is super gorgeous..what a lovely personal gift that will still look super cute as this little man grows up and his room changes...adorable...well done! x

  18. what a beautiful and sweet piece of artwork for a new baby's nursery! :)

  19. Ok, so I was impressed before and now I feel as if there is nothing you can't do!! The painting is adorable and I think it is the cute imperfection that makes it so!

    Kerry you are awesome and I keep on raving about you to my friends. Soon you'll have a nice little Swedish fanclub! :)

    Big hugs
    x Charlotta

    P.S. Not that you need this link, but if you are interested in kids' art please have a look at my art blog -

  20. This is adorable! I love your idea of butterflies and I suppose there are several ways this could be done. Thanks for the inspiration!



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