
Thursday, July 15, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 15.7.10

My first day of not working on a Wednesday yesterday...and did I read books, flop around drinking tea...flick through the mountain of magazines still waiting to be devoured? Nope. Of course not. I cleaned the chandeliers with the chandelier fairy (they look awesome), went looking at fabrics for cushion covers yet to be made...and scored six dining chairs at Vinnies (which of course need to be painted and reupholstered...nothing is ever straightforward around here)...but boy am I a happy little part-time worker! And the other thing I did, of course, was put this lot together. Enjoy!

by erin's art and gardens
See how there's some cunning colour grouping going on in the collaging..
...that's because I like you
because I care...

The grey's an aberration for me...but I just couldn't go past that chandelier...and having done a bit of chandelier cleaning yesterday...well, it was the proverbial no-brainer really...and it is a beautiful room...
via greige
and this, I feel, is country kitchen long do you reckon it would have taken to line all those jugs up properly?
...and I think if there was any profession I'd like to have (if I didn't have the one I've got of course) it would be a food stylist/photographer...this is the work of deb kaloper (via the design files for the full interview and more stunning pics)
...and, in memory of Marija...who I didn't know well but who was kind enough to hit the follow button here...and who's blog I always loved to visit...blessings to your family who must be feeling so lost...


  1. Gorgeous as usual Kerry, just like you!
    Glad you enjoyed your day off yesterday, and can't wait to see the new dining chairs!

  2. Nice post Kerry, love that humongous chandelier and your very clever colour grouping. Also nicely finished off with a tribute to Marija, the saddest news to blogworld no doubt and her family.

  3. Great images, love those mauve bottles!
    SOunds like a very busy day off - why did we know you wouldn't be just lazing around the house? :)
    Sarah :)

  4. Fabulous as usual darlink! I'm with the other guys on the bottles too, love them. Sounds like a pretty great day off to me! K xx

  5. Nice - again. Love that grey room but the jugs make me think dusting - although it's rare for me to ever really think about dusting...
    How terribly sad for Marija's friends and family. Such a beautiful woman with a beautiful life... A x

  6. Ah thanks for including a Diversion in there darl, love he collages and was ever so slightly blown away to see a grey one in there too!!

    Lovely that you finished off with Marija's gorgeous house, she was one talented lady, and sadly missed. jxxx

  7. Lovely pictures Kerry. I knew that you wouldn't laze around on your day off but now you have Saturday to do all the lazing around you wish since you accomplished so much yesterday. My first thought when I saw the country kitchen and all those jugs was similar to Ann's comment about the dusting! Who wants to clean all that stuff? Can't wait to see your chandelier! xx Mary

  8. YES! to those purple bottles! love them...

  9. Great post - that food styled shot looks fab! Can't wait to see you dining chairs. Glad you're enjoying part time working :)

  10. Great top 10 as usual Kerry! I must admit I really enjoy this post of yours and it was the first one I looked at this morning! Glad that you had a great day off yesterday. xx

  11. Beautiful photos, as usual.

    I want to know if the chandelier fairy or the chandelier looks awesome??? Inquiring minds want to know.

  12. beautiful images sweetie... i love that gorgeous room with the amazing chandelier ( mouth dropped) and so sweet of you to post a photo of sweet Marija's house who will be greatly missed here in blog land xxx

  13. The first image of the old bottles is my favourite this week! So pleased your first part time week has gone well - and used so productively too.

  14. I LOVE the grey room, so beautiful! Great top ten! Prayers go out to Marija's family and friends, so very very sad!

  15. I am going to add my name to the list of people who love those bottles....gorgeous:) Looking at your top 10 pics of the week is always a highlight for me, they are always so beautiful and inspiring:) Great to hear you had such a productive first day off, yay - you deserve it my dear!! Huge hugs to you ~ Tina xx

  16. I do enjoy ! The photos are wonderful !

    Have a really nice day


  17. Great photos...I really love the purple bottles in the 1st image!
    xoxo Beth

  18. yummie, what a great selection again Kerry! I was already jetlagged and now I am having an inpirational OD as well! with love from Toronto xox

  19. The chandelier is a winner for me! That interior speaks to me on so many levels!

  20. Such gorgeous images Kerry, I too adore the grey room. Wow!!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  21. Boy, you get a lot done in a day! Love the huge chandelier and yes my heart has been heavy for Marija's family too. A-M xx

  22. You can't just go and leave without telling me what a chandelier fairy is!!! How many years have I needed one of those. Has someone been keeping this secret from me on purpose?? Is it some sort of twisted joke. Kerry -TELL ME NOW and I'll bring you over some extra crystal drops next time I'm home ;-)


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.