
Thursday, July 22, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 22.7.10 (and a surprise visit)

It appears the dishcloth jury is still out. I'm not sure if I'm going to be put away for having OCD (I'm pretty sure I don't!) or overwhelmed with orders!! One thing is for certain...there should be no breath holding while waiting around for me to knit a heap of them!
So it's on to this week's top ten according to 'OCD me'...can you tell that I'm pouting about that comment...honestly..what were you two thinking!?! Now where are the knitting needles, where are the knitting needles, where are the knitting needles :) 
One thing is clear...I'm not into minimalism...
Oh...and guess what? In bold because I don't want you to miss this bit of excitement...

...apart from the fact I'm clearly obsessed with pink...eek...maybe it IS OCD!
I'm going to Brisbane today for work...and when that's done...I'm meeting Kerri with an 'i' from cannot believe how excited I am...
Now...where was I? OCD indeed...
by anci at the lighthouse
by Mary at Little Red House
Could that be pink again?

Red, not pink...
And here's some lovely turquoise to finish off...
See you 'ron bloggy peeps...I'll be sure to say hi to Kerri for you. She'll be able to recognise me. I'll be wearing a pink skirt...I kid you not!! :)


  1. Mmmm...all of that color gets my engine revved.

  2. Great pictures and lots of colour in there! Have a great visit.

  3. Ha! Well, the images above certainly disproved my theory...the vibrancy of the colour in those images are amazing. xx

  4. Love the images Kerry, especially the 2nd pic with all that lovely blue. Have a wonderful visit with Kerri - set some dates for the bloggy convention (get-toether) :)

  5. You definitely are loving the pumped up colours. I'm more of a turquoise than a pink girl, myself. I hope you and Kerri have a blast - the meeting of great bloggy minds.

  6. Pink skirt? I thought you said you'd be the one with the knitting needles? Phew, lucky we cleared that up! Can't wait to catch up at long last!!! K xx

  7. love that image from little red house!

    hehe, at least they dont let you take knitting needles on flights these days - you'll get a little break!!

    How exciting that you're meeting - too cool.

    have heapos of fun! jxx

  8. Oh I'm jealous you two lovely ladies get to meet up, that will be so fun! You two wont be able to stop laughing and joking I can just tell.
    I LOVE your pink images. My fav is the second one, it's stunning. Have a lovely time in Brisvegas and don't forget your knitting needles Kerry!

  9. Have a great visit with 'i' Kerri, Kerry! That turquoise door is stunning.

  10. How fun to meet up with a fellow blogger. I'm sure you will have more in common than your names. Love all your pinks this week! :-)


  11. Nice cheery selection this week. Have a great catch up with Kerri. I hope to do the same very soon. I have just discovered she is practically my neighbour! Small world we live in...

  12. I read this and look around at all my beige and I hate my house!

  13. I am a huge pink fan too, so I'm with you on all those lovely images. Gosh I'm going to try super hard to get one of mine in your top 10 next week.
    How cool that you and Kerri are going to meet. Have fun, forget the OCD comments, and take a magazine maybe instead of the knitting needles! xx

  14. What a lovely colour injection! Just what I need after a bleary Melbourne day. Have a wonderful time catching up with Kerri. What a fabulous opportunity! Hope the sun is shining in Brisbane!
    X Briohny.
    FYI - I fully 'get' your dishcloth obsession.

  15. Oh Kerry,
    I think that, at this momnt, you are in your pink shirt, meeting Kerri with an 'i'. Oh to be a fly on the wall. You two get on so well that I shouldn't think there will be a gap in the conversation anywhere !! I hope that you two are having fun and you must tell us all about it. XXXX

  16. I know some people might think the first photo is too too much, but I love it!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.