
Monday, August 2, 2010

the july leftover pics...

Don't the months go by quickly? August already. I had a most excellent weekend doing masses of reading (go to my book list page and read about the two books I finished this feels like old know, before blogging began when all we did was read...or is that just me!)
I got the last of that pesky honeysuckle out of the garden bed and planted another rose. Floribunda Apricot Nectar. I don't do red roses, sorry to anyone who loves them.
Went to a rug sale and bought two persian rugs...well, one is Persian, the other from Pakistan...and guess what? Pink!  I will reveal them when the bedroom is finally finished...hopefully in a few weeks. But they are pretty delicious.
These gorgeous pictures really don't deserve the label of leftovers do they? But with so much to choose from...some just have to miss out on the first run through.
And best of all this weekend...I picked up a paintbrush (or three) for the first time in I can't remember how long. If I can get it to a presentable stage by tomorrow I'll be sure to show you. 

But it may take me a little longer than I spent far too much time yesterday shopping! What I can tell you that I'm painting this photo taken by Chania from Razmataz (with her permission of course). I think it's coming along ok...although a tad trickier than I thought!
Have a great week bloggy peeps.
images are from these blogs (in alphabetical order)..go and check out the ones you don't know.
a perfect gray;a punch of color; a room for everyone; apartment therapy; brabourne farmcolour me happy; count it all joy; design sponge; desire to inspire; driftwood interiors; from the right bank; house of turquoise; la maison boheme; my favourite and my best; slumber designs; the city sage; the diversion project; three men and a lady; tracery interiors; vt interiors


  1. Sounds like you had a busy but productive weekend! Hope your week is as productive! Have a good one. Mary

  2. Hi Kerry, inspiring pictures as always. Sounds like you had a great weekend. Can't wait to see the bedroom reveal (will it have one of those gorgeous chandeliers? I wonder...). And the artist within has been unleashed!!!!! Can't wait to see.. That picture from Chania is a great choice. Have a good week! ;-)

  3. Forgot to add - I'm with you about red roses but I always plant one for Mark as he loves them. I planted an apricot one this year as well and it was really pretty. Am hoping it will bloom again so shall see. Put in white, yellow, pink, red and apricot ones. My two rose bushes that were on death's door last year, got threatened with removal and what do you know, they have been gorgeous this year and in continual bloom since early June so they get to live another year! Yelling at the plants does sometimes work!

  4. Did someone say rug sale? Persian? I can't wait to see. And I can understand why you want to paint Chania's photo - I can't wait to see that too. xx

  5. How do you always manage to find all that loveliness Kerry!?! Loveliness attracts loveliness I guess ;)
    Can't wait to see your Persian rugs!

  6. ,.... and they're your leftovers! Sounds like a perfect week. Can't wait to see your painting! A-M xx

  7. I have just had a lovely little journey for the past half an hour thanks to your post and your book page. Dominique Browning's blog is a delight, her slow love idea is food for thought and she's charming in person - just watched an interview with her on GMA. This is why I don't read books enough! Or clean my shower enough....

    Maybe we shouldn't dismiss the time spent online - sometimes the little paths we take for half an hour can be enriching too... Thanks for being my tour guide! A x

  8. By the way (sorry two comments in a day - is that comment hogging?) I have just started following Maggie Alderson's book blog ( after a long love affair with her fashion column in the SMH and Age mag. Thought it might appeal... A x

  9. Lovely leftovers, Kerry.
    Sounds as if you have been a busy bee. I am aching all over from gardening the whole of the weekend. Lots of stuff like your pesky honeysuckle !!
    Looking forward to seeing painting, rugs and finished bedroom. XXXX

  10. Stunnings pics as usual Kerry.
    I love Apricot Nectar, it's a stunning rose and the fragrance is to die for :)
    Can't wait to see your rugs and your painting!!

  11. I love those inspiring pics, have fun painting...

  12. You sound like you have been busy! Love the images and those rugs of yours sound gorgeous. Cant wait to see them :)

  13. Sounds like a great weekend. Can't remember when I spent that long reading! Usually get through a page at night before falling asleep .... I do miss those days of getting lost in a book. Lovely images from your 'leftovers' - can't wait to see your rugs and the finished painting. Happy Monday. Michelle

  14. My goodness, STUNNING images.
    I can't wait to see the Pakistani rug :-)

  15. How did you fit all that into one weekend?I am exhausted h=just reading about it! Great selection of leftovers!
    X Briohny.

  16. Beautiful photos Kerry...stunning painting! Glad to hear you are taking advantage of the winter sales too!

    Best wishes for a wonderful week, I hope it is filled with painting inspiration!

    Jeanne :)

  17. Hi
    The left-overs are great ! I love some of them :)
    Thank you for all that inspiration !!


  18. Dear Kerry, You can hardly be accused of idling your time away [something which I do far too often], but I had thought that the next posting was going to show the Courtyard Garden restored not simply to normality but to perfection. Alas, no. It does, as I am sure that you will agree, take more than a swallow to make a summer [and for swallow read pink rose and for summer read Courtyard Garden].

    But let me not be too harsh for you have included here some lovely images and made mention of further plans for the house. The rugs do, indeed, sound rather wonderful. I am so pleased that you enjoy reading - a favourite occupation of mine! Have a RESTFUL week!!

  19. This is one of my favourite collections of images you've shared with us - there's so much inspiration there, I'm not sure which bit is my favourite. Thanks for sharing xx

  20. Your framed jewellery is exquisite. What a great idea.

    I loved the honeysuckle pic. Thank you once again for keeping it real.

    That little boat, made my heart sing and struck a chord. Beautiful!

    Tracey x o

  21. I love your pic posts so much Kerry. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Sounds like a pretty decent way to spend a weekend if you ask me! And I love the 'leftovers' - all gorgeous as usual. Looking forward to taking a peek at your painting too! K xx

  23. I love that purple door! I wonder if I could get away with painting my door purple.
    And I'll ask my mother in law for her paella recipe :-)

  24. I am looking forward to seeing your painting. I love that red boat. Of all the boats in the marina, and there are some pretty massive yachts here this weekend, this is the one I love to photograph. I think the owners of the yachts are confused when I take out my camera and shoot this humble little fishing boat over their million dollar boat.

  25. It does sometimes feel that way with reading vs blogging doesn't it? There is still nothing quite like getting stuck into a really good book. Love the sound of that Slow Love. Shall look for that tomorrow.

  26. Cool collection darl, and thanks for scrambling a few of mine in there too!

    Sounds like a productive and fun weekend, looking forward to see the end result!xx

  27. Beautiful inspiration.
    Glad you stopped by and for leaving a comment. Its nice to "meet" you. Off to read more of your blog.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.