
Thursday, September 2, 2010

my creative space...rock on

I ended up deciding to make something seems I can't help myself. Can you see it...there in the bottom of the picture...
...a crocheted jumper (pullover) for a rock...and no, I have not gone completely mad...not yet anyway. And aren't the daffodils lovely.
It was pretty easy and didn't take too long...there was even time for a bit of a magazine browse and a cuppa...
Here's a close-up of the front and back. The most difficult bit was the last round that had to be crocheted with the rock in the jumper.
This is where it'll live for the time being...on the coffee's meant to look a bit like a sea urchin...I think it does. And I also think it's very important when decorating to have a sense of humour about it all! 
It was certainly quicker than the knitted dishcloth, but I think it needs some friends :)
I got the pattern from here.
Head on over to Kootoyoo for people doing useful craft...although I guess this might make a cute paperweight. My poor friends...crocheted rocks and knitted dishcloths for Christmas this year...beware!! And the first born will be getting more than one after she sent me an email saying "oh yes...I've always wanted a crochet rock!!" I'm sure she doesn't get her sarcasm from, simply not possible ;)

I'm linking up to Flaunt it Friday at Chic on a Shoestring too.


  1. Dear Kerry, I can barely see through the tears of laughter to write this comment. A cardigan for a pebble, now I really do believe that I have seen it all.

    As this little orange number did not take long, perhaps you could consider running up a blazer for a boulder or, indeed have the first knitted rockery in the world in your very own courtyard. Whatever, do not give up the day job just yet as I cannot see these rock garments catching on in Maida Vale.

  2. Does someone need a little holiday? hmmmm? A little break? ;-) (just kidding of course!)

  3. I think that's very cutting edge in the world of interiors.

    Actually, it would be rather nice having a whole lot in different colours.

    You're on a winner. I do like your styling, too, by the way.

  4. The rock jumper is actually adorable...a nice homemade decorating touch, it adds a nice pop of color.

  5. See? A doer. Proof. And you're not nuts. Not at all... actually it looks great and I like Edith's suggestions... but please stop before you get to a knitted rockery!

  6. I love that you see beauty in the smallest details of life. Such a dear little project! A-M xx

  7. So while on the topic of crocheting, how is that blanket of squares coming along?

  8. It's great, I need to get on with making some of these..A ton in differet colors would be awesome!

  9. I knew you'd never be able to contain yourself! Classic my friend, absolutely classic! And I think your firstborn should receive a crocheted rock garden for xmas - you could really have a great time with her! K xx

  10. wow, can hardly contain my excitment - bring on dec 25!!!

  11. I really like the rock jumper ... I agree it needs some friends tho'. Kerri is right, you should send your first born an entire rock garden (with names) for Xmas. Hope your having a great week. Michelle

  12. Jess, clear a space for the rock garden :)

  13. Mmmmm, yes. A vacation is needed. {just kidding}. I love the little rock sweater, I have shrunk my own to make suitable clothing for rocks. I will save them for first born's garden.


  14. I saw these on Purl Bee and chuckled then ... it's such a funny idea!! But I must admit, it does look like a sea urchin.

  15. You must have had a pet rock when you were a kid! Just think, you could have made it all kinds of different 'outfits'! You make me laugh!

  16. I did the same thing,with some quite large rocks, except I used doilies and attached some felt to the bottom so the rock wouldn't mark. My family thought I was crazy, as did the man from the landscape suppliers. He gave the rocks to me for free and actually said I was crazy!

  17. Happy Spring time! We're just about to head into Autumn. Sigh.
    That rock outfit is adorable! What a sweet little paper weight. Could you make one for me please? ;)

  18. That is the best dressed rock I have ever seen, Kerry. It is seriously cute - my kids would get a tickle out of that.

  19. I love crochet rocks! The colour is great too :-)

  20. It does look like a sea urchin and looks perfetn your table. Oh, I just love the comment from you daughter!
    ps thanks for your great comment today :)

  21. rocks have feelings too. she was probably pretty cold before the jumper arrived. so thoughtful!!

  22. Kerry, I spy a T2 cup there! :-)

    I love you crocheted pebble, what a fun and pretty paperweight!! Haha jumper - you're funny!

  23. I like that idea !! But the problem is that I'm not the kind of person who do lots of knitting. But maybe I will try ?!


  24. Love it! What a great present idea!
    Loving your blog too, thank you for the visit and enthusiasm!
    Have a lovely day!

  25. Oh you make me laugh. I'm thinking you have too much time on your hands, but then again I like Edith's idea of a knitted rockery, and I can see how excited your first born is at the thought of a dishcloth and a knitted rock, so crack on I think! xx

  26. I stand amazed... actually it makes me smile~

  27. Now that you've done one for a rock do you think you could do a few that would fit over dust bunnies?!!!

    Thank you for the giggles Kerry and also thank you to all those who responded so wittily I needed that laugh.

  28. You're so artistic, Kerry! And I love love love the teacup :-)

  29. Oh my goodness! This is the cutest thing ever! I think I might steal your xmas present idea for some friends here... What a stealer, but I will give you credit! Well, first I have to see if I can get my crochet on though. I do just absolutely adore this! :)

    I'm doing a little blog catchup finally! And I also love all your book shelves! And your townhouse space in general. Everything is just so lovely!!! Can't wait to re-buy or make bookshelves for all the boxed books waiting for me to return to the States. (I gave away the ole bookshelves to my girlfriend, couldn't really keep that much stuff in my aunt's poor garage!)

    Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.