
Monday, October 4, 2010

decor from honour of the commonwealth games

As Australian athletes start to compete in the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India today, I thought I might showcase some Indian interiors...because, quite frankly, I'm sure they'll be much easier on the eye...
than the revolting get-up that the Aussie athletes were forced to wear in the opening goodness, who designs these things!! Oh ok, the team garb....vomitous...can't bear to make the pic bigger...what were we thinking!!!
unlike these lovely spaces...ah, that's better...
And to my bloggy friends from other Commonwealth countries...
my apologies in advance...
because you just know we're going to win the medal tally count don't you?
It's inevitable I'm afraid...
sorry about that...

console yourself with these lovely interiors instead...

Here's to a Games free from trouble...of any sort. India is an amazing country, and I hope it's wonderful. I'll leave you with my favourite photo of my trip to India in 2007...dawn at Varanasi...

Namaste bloggy peeps.
all images except mine from here


  1. Goodness - those photos are like a mini-vacation.

    Thanks, Kerry!

  2. Gorgeous images Kerry. I've never been, but it looks like an amazing place. And my posts may be a little thin over the coming weeks - absolutely love the games (Commonwealth and Olympics). Can't wait! K xx

  3. The last pic is stunning. I admit to wathing Hamish and Andy's trip to India last night on tv and the country looked amazing. The people also seem amazing.
    ps loved your wedding post as well (I'm slowly catching up on missed computer days)

  4. So many lovely inspired interiors! If only the uniforms were more inspired!! :) Hazel

  5. Having visited India a few years ago, I have to agree with you that India is a wonderful and beautiful country.On the other hand, I think Canada has a great chance to win the most medals. Margaret

  6. Ooh, thanks for doing the hard yard for us, Kerry, and collecting such loveliness. Er, yes, the less said about those unifroms the better! Flickr is also a fabulous source of bright Indian colours - think saris, for instance! J x

  7. Gorgeous photos. I love the last one, that you took - so peaceful! I can see why it is your fav.

  8. That last photo, I just want to be there!

  9. Oh my goodness...these interiors! I have no words...(The Aussie uniform...I have no words for that either, but for a completely different reason:(!!!!). I love that first Indian interior photo!! Hope you have a wonderful week my lovely ~Txx

  10. Dear Kerry, You are quite right, the Australian team outfits look disgusting, but as you say, your athletes will win everything in sight. In England we are used to losing- so do not worry about that.

    My mother was born in India, so India has a special resonance for me, and the Raj still has many influences on the English language and the English psyche I think. I have loved looking at these beautiful interiors and your photograph of 2007 looks enchanting -exactly the kind of image which might entice me to visit one day!

  11. Hi,
    I've been to India too :) It's a country full of surprises. The pictures you show us are truly pieces of India.

    Have a nice day, my friend

  12. hi, what beautiful pictures of india!! You have a eye for beauty. I have never been there the colours are amazing.I am new to blogging I think your blog is inspiring:)

  13. that 3rd and last images look like places where i could spend a lot of time!

    and c'arrrrn the aussies!!!!!!!!!


  14. Loved your photos of India. I spent a lot of time there when younger so it bought back some lovely memories:) Go Australia.

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