
Friday, October 29, 2010

soul food friday...finding a focus (or just getting it done!)

I've been told a few times that I'm a doer. And that's true...up to a point. It might be more accurate to say that I'm a starter. I start lots of things. It's quite possible that I am guilty of having a short attention span or a low boredom threshold. Although I was told yesterday that I was very patient...that's because yesterday, believe me, it was very necessary!
But it has occurred to me lately that perhaps I need a focus. Perhaps all the trying my hand at this and that is distracting me from being really good, or at least a lot better at something, one thing...any bloody thing!
To illustrate: here are a few of the things that I have started and not quite finished...
  • my design course (but to be fair, I have officially deferred while I sort a few things)  

  • the crocheted blanket...all the squares are done, they just need to be put together (this may be because I'm not quite sure how to do it!)

  • the silver chair...remember how it started off silver leafed and I did, to my credit, see the error of my ways and just paint it silver.  But have I reupholstered the seat yet? No I have not.

  • the bottom part of my bedroom. I got the plastering done months ago, I bought a beautiful rug, the reading chair's been there for yonks...but have I painted it yet so that I can finally finish that room? The one room in the house that will actually be finished. Guilty as charged.

  • Grace and I did a parallel post on what colour I should paint my study to highlight the red accents that are in there. Have I done anything about that? Again, no. But I have decided on white, including painting the bookshelves. The question is: what white?
  • Note the 'stuff I need to deal with' file...that's now stashed somewhere under the desk so I don't need to see it!! This room has changed quite a bit since then, just not in the ways I need it to :)
  • Have the chandeliers sourced by the chandelier fairy been put up? Afraid not, but I have decided where they'll go...I think. Now where's that electrician?

  • Oh, and here's something REALLY funny. A few weeks ago I decided I'd write a novel. I kid you not. I've done three very impressive paragraphs. Silly bugger I am :)
I'm sure I'm not the only one with this lack of focus disease. Am I? What do you do to get stuff finished? I'd love to hear. But right now I'm off to tackle the blue and white tapestry pincushion commission...or maybe I'll go and pick up my new dining room chairs...yes, will definitely do that. Then there's the washing. I have a few new painting ideas...there's fabric galore just waiting to be made into cushions and can see my dilemma can't you!?! Sigh.
Have a lovely weekend everyone. I'll be back on Monday, hopefully with something that's finished!


  1. Oh Kerry...this could have easily been a post about me...can totally relate...but I am wondering HOW? do we change our ways? This has always been me...fired up and all enthusiastic at the beginning...but if I dont get quick results..then it kind of ends up in the " I'll do it later basket. What has helped is me choosing DIY projects that can be done in a day...because I know if I start..I will finish it that day.
    At least is shows a creative mind, one that is willing to give things a go...and there is a real great sense of achievement at the end of it..which I love.

    Although I have to say....DONT FORGET...all the awesome DIY jobs you HAVE done...that inspire others ..they certainly outweigh the ones that are still unfinished.

    I think you would be great a writing a book...and I would be the first to rush out and grab a copy...go for it! :) xxxx

  2. I think it is great to have 50 million things on the go. Imagine if you did things one by one in an orderly fashion. BORING.
    PS Cuppie has arrived and is coming camping this weekend.

  3. Hang on a sec, I can't remember writing this post - how on earth did it get posted over on your blog? Seriously, I could have written that word for word, but hey, must be the name or something :) And I think Anna makes a great point - when you feel like you're bouncing from one idea to another, a little review of what you have achieved is a nice way to go easy on yourself. And the Moerks are right too - my excuse is that it would be so boring, being all orderly and regimented. My suggestion - make today pincushion day (ulterior and try to tackle one thing at a time. Especially those where you have all the materials at hand. I find if I have to leave the house for supplies, the day slips away before I know it. Enjoy your impetuous and curious nature sweet - it's one of the many reasons you're so bloody fabulous!! K xx

  4. I blame blog world. There's a never ending flow of inspiration and awesomeness that just makes us wanna get our hands dirty. Trouble is knowing where to draw the line. I try not to take on too much all at once though that doesn't seem help me get my projects finished faster. I usually wait til I just can't stand the half-assed-ness of it all anymore!

  5. I can totally agree with your post! I have these brilliant (!) ideas but somehow lose interest half way through. Don't be too hard on yourself xx

  6. I have the same disease Kerry. I always have a million and one things that I start but just take 10yrs to finish. I think you SHOULD write a novel, it's not silly! I'd read it, it would be hillarious! I'm sure it keeps us young having so many things to keep us busy. Hubby is a start a project and finish it type of person (sooooo not me) and I find it so irritating. You keep those unfinished projects coming, we love seeing them :)

  7. I'm exactly like that - right down to the novel I'm planning to write. I've got the whole plot sorted in my head - and only about three paragraphs written!

  8. Are we twins separated at birth? I wouldn't stress to much about the unfinished stuff, Kerry. They will be finished sooner or later. Who said you needed a deadline, anyway?

  9. Man Kerry, you sound just like me!! I just don't get stuff done unless there's a scary deadline freking me out.
    ps I'd love to read your book - I bet it would be a hoot. Please finish it!!

  10. Oh yes, please focus on the novel. You could self publish in instalments on the blog if need be - like a serial. And it would be hilarious I'm sure!
    But definitely don't be so harsh on yourself around the unfinished projects. Creativity is like that! That's what makes you so creative.
    And thanks for your thoughts re my own blogging nothingness - makes me feel a little better!

  11. I think my post this week was pretty much in the same vein...all the things I start and then can't finish or...find a place for. Same thing! It happens to all of us. Don't despair, Kerry. Think of all the things you are halfway done with and the good start you have! Yay!!


  12. Hey Kerry, hop out of my head! I hear you, my friend, all too loudly. I am lost in a labyrinth of thoughts at the moment. I'm hoping Mr PB will grab my hand this weekend and show me the exit. Hang in there! J x

  13. Hi,
    You're just like me ! I'm a starter too, I think. But when you do, you do lovely things.

    Have a wonderful weekend


  14. Kerry, you are a hoot. I'm the total opposite, no multi-tasking for me...but believe me, we mono-tasking, focused people can be totally anal!

  15. Dear Kerry, One should not attempt to change how one is......friends will love us as we are and family, in my view, can rarely be relied upon for most things.

    It is easy for me to be focussed as I cannot cook, sew, crochet or paint. That leaves reading and writing which I can almost do simultaneously!!

  16. Oh dear Kerry, I'm forever on MOTH's back about having too many un-finished things on the go, don't tell me I have to get stuck into you as well! I reckon these silver chairs are your #1 priority, now get to them girl.
    Millie ^_^

  17. I'm exactly the same. Exactly. I just really like to try so many, many things. What to do!?! x

  18. Kerry - You truly are a lovable character! Just catching up on the reams of your blog that I have missed, whilst off busy living life.
    Tracey at velvetinelily xo

  19. I hear you sister..! I too flutter from one thing to the next with even more 'great ideas' swarming around my scattered brain..! Mamma mia, I need a straight jacket for my head!! :)

    Happy Halloween to you!..

    xx Charlotta

  20. Kerry, this post made me smile. We're definitely cut from the same cloth. My life is a series of unfinished business. My three year old daughter still waits for the baby blanket I started knitting when I was pregnant with her. One day...

  21. i was going to say we must have been separated at birth, but then i saw brismod's comment, and everyone else's and realised we're a huge band of sisters. i always think its because i'm too busy with work and boys, and i guess there is a fair amount of that, but really if i got determined enough all the little bits of time i fritter away on half jobs could seriously add up to one good finished job. the other week i was going to renovate the boys bathroom. i took two tiles off. two. and they were kind of falling off anyway. now i've put that on the back burner, because if i stay here i want to do a major reno and doing the bathroom now will be a waste of time...but am i staying here, or buying land and building??? oh who knows. wine time! xxx

  22. I have found that if I have a project for someone else, like a swap, or for a gift, I get it done by a deadline. Generally, I get it done the day before or of the deadline, but that's not the point.
    Now, if I start a project just for me, because I think it needs to be done, it doesn't get done. I have so many half-finished art projects in my art closet.

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