
Monday, November 22, 2010

glimpses of the townhouse garden...

The weather was so great on the weekend I thought I'd do some much needed weeding in the courtyard. And while I was there...take some photos as well...

This fabulous terracotta sculpture was done by Canberra artist Vivien Lightfoot...who's the first born's best friend's that! I'm patiently waiting for the jasmine to cover the lattice...because no way am I painting it!
The water bowl is a fairly recent addition that I love....well I loved it once I'd waterproofed it...who in the heck sells you a water bowl that leaks!!
And this is the first time I've had any success with sweet I'm pretty pleased about that... simple but I love them.
The maple I planted earlier this year...that I was told wouldn't grow where I put it....ha! I knew it would :) 
It was only half this size when I bought it for $14 at Bunnings...bargain.
And pelargoniums, or are they geraniums...I never know...but I think they're great too.  And in my opinion, you can't have a garden without a buddha or two...
And hey everyone...thanks so much for all your suggestions and support for the TT subtlety diet...I'm putting some of them in place and I'll up date you from time to time...
But more importantly...I've got some plans for the courtyard over the summer break...which may or may not involve painting out the ugly mission brown on the back of the house and installing some floaty curtains on the pergola!!
Tranquil, yes?

...and of course it's not a courtyard photo shoot without you know who is it!!


  1. Look at those sweet peas, just divine! I love lobelia too :)
    You have a very tranquil space Kerry, as demonstrated by ne very relaxed looking cat. Well, as relaxed as the Slayer can look when she's ready to pounce at any moment. Have a great week Kerry x

  2. Looks gorgeous Kerry! What a beautiful space to spend the weekend xx

  3. I love the geranium and lobelia, I grow both here in my garden. How lucky for you to have spring upon you and we here going into winter...ugh!

    I love all of your statuary and the birdbath is precious. Hope you are having a lovely weekend!


  4. What a peaceful space ... it looks like it smells divine! And everyone looks very happy in it!

    I really like the mission brown wall and the lattice! But I can see why you'd want them painted and covered.

  5. When we were living in Bangkok, my mum came to visit and brought sweet pea seeds with her. They were her favourite flower. She and I valiantly planted them all along the fence in our garden. They burst out of the everything does in Thailand, took one look at the intense sunshine and went toes up!
    Your garden is delightful, and wonderful to look at as we in the Great White North start to hunker down for winter

  6. Kerry, that terra cotta piece is so lovely and so unusual! You have a beautiful outdoor area there.

  7. Gorgeous garden Kerry..It looks so much better than mine at the moment..Can't believe you're growing that maple so well, I'm very impressed! Rachaelxx

  8. Your photos are gorgeous Kerry as is you garden.x

  9. I agree about Buddha. I like your serene cat. Thank you for showing us.

  10. that's looking gorgeous darl - those sweet peas are massive!!

    hope you had a great weekend and a bit of time for relaxing.

    fyi below, more power to you darl, and i reckon green tea with mint is brilliant. i love it, have it at work all the time to try and keep myself going : )


  11. I like the sculpture. I think it's lovely to have little points of interest to gaze at in the garden along with nature. It's a great space, and looks very relaxing.

  12. Your 'home glimpses' are far superior to my current 'home glimpses'!! I just want to come on over and sit with you in that beautiful garden, Kerry. I'd be tranquil in no time at all.

    I think all geraniums are now called pelargoniums... not sure why. I guess they like to mix things up in the gardening world (pun!) x

  13. your place looks so tranquil and peaceful...very beautiful choices of flowers,i can almost smell those flowers from here:) xx

  14. Oooh your cat is such a sweetie!! Love the sweet peas Kerry, your garden is absolutely lush!!

  15. Dear Kerry, Your courtyard garden looks very tranquil already. The perfect place for relaxing outdoors and simple al fresco meals. Lovely!

    Pelargoniums are not that looks like what you have here,not Geraniums which are hardy. The sweet peas are wonderful and I can well imagine their scent indoors with them crammed into vases.

    Buffy, of course, is the star of the show!!

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I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.