
Thursday, November 11, 2010

my creative space...what I like to call a farmers' market tote

My friend Chris and I have been doing a little collaborating...a bit of plotting, planning and putting together. We've sourced some very large Brazilian coffee sacks, and along with a cunning plan...we have made the first of what we hope will be lots of these...
I like to think of them being flung over your shoulder and waltzed off to the local farmers' market...we have one just down the lane and over the road on a Sunday...
I guess you could use them for other things as well...a beach bag maybe, or for collecting firewood, but the vision was for veggies of all kinds nestling contentedly in the calico lining. Dead set romantic notion don't you think! Ignore the vampire slayer hogging the camera.
It's a bit hard to get a good photo with the plastic outer...designed to stop the jute coming off all over your good market clobber...
...or mad cats wanting to sit on it! 

No vampire slayers over at Kootoyoo.


  1. The totes look fabulous sweet - is there nothing you can't do? And maybe little Vamps just needs some attention from her mum - poor sweetie! I can see my bank account will suffer if you keep coming up with such great things like this! K xx

  2. They looks fabulous Kerry, I see an Etsy and Madeit store in the making.... Well done you clever crafty lady. ;-)

  3. How cool is this? You are a clever cookie, love the shots too, very stylish!
    ps just noticed the Slayer has a very big tag on her collar!

  4. Kerry, you must know what I am going to say here, right?... I LOVE IT!!!! How fabulous that you a) upcycled something so fabulous as a coffee sack and b) turned it into something so fabulous and practical!!! You are a star my friend!!! ~ Txx

  5. I am with everyone else here - I love it! Plus, can I have your vampire slayer??

  6. The bag is fabulous Kerry, if I had one of those I would have to get to the farmers market each month to make sure I used it. xx

  7. If the vampire slayer loves it, it has to be good! I need a beach/boat tote.


  8. You have the knack, Kerry, to see the ordinary and transform it. Just brilliant. Are you taking orders yet? Oh, and is it washable? J x

  9. Righto! Where can I get one? Love it you two are very clever. As you know I am not a cat person but those pics of Buffy are great.

  10. so cool, i want!
    i will eat buffy alive she is so bloody beautiful. and no, i'm not taking her.

  11. Love, love, love the bag Kerry. So much nicer than my green Coles bags. It's a great idea- congratulations:). And doesn't the Vampire Slayer look so cute and cuddly lol.

  12. Okay, you that clear vinyl covering your coffee sack? I've been wanting to make mine into totes, but I can't find a way to wash them without destroying the burlap. This is BRILLIANT!

  13. Looks fabulous - can you line the inside too? Then it's a beach bag too... I am slightly obsessed with waterproof bags... swim class, veg shopping, planes, leaking water bottles etc I have one but am always on the look out for another better one...! A x

  14. Dear Kerry, What an inspired idea! Perfect! For me, of course, it would make a wonderful carry case for transporting Buffy home to me!

  15. Very stylish and very French! I think you just might be on an absolute winner here!
    Being a definite cat person, without a cat at the moment, I love the images of Buffy.

  16. that's a real fab bag Kerry. You would likely sell heaps of them if you went into production mode. really charming:)

  17. What a great idea you have there! Why is it that cats like to gather something up and sit on it like a hen?

  18. They look amazing, I've wanted to get my grubby hands on some for yonks so you are very lucky.

  19. That Kootooyoo site sent me to crochet heaven. Imagine a basketball hoop! Your bag's 'noice' but I like your crochet more :D No seriously.

  20. I'd happily carry this tote to my local market and for my morning baguette run :-)

  21. What a fabulous idea to make the market totes with plastic covers. I love the coffee burlap bags. It's funny but I was just at a coffee shop on Saturday with my son and found a source of the same kind of burlap coffee bags. My son was instructed to go and pick me up some to give me for Christmas (he's in university, so free gift ideas for MOm are always welcome).


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