
Monday, November 15, 2010

my weekend ~ peaceful pottering

Hello lovely tranquil people...I do hope you had a terrific weekend.
Due to a great deal of this...
There was a lot of pottering about...literally...
lettuce, cherry tomatoes and lemon basil (I know, I hadn't heard of that one either!
And Sarah, I promise to get the slayer a proper tag one day :)
I started to make a softie from a kit I bought at Spotlight...for the Softies for Mirabel Project 2010 (I do hope a kit is acceptable!). These are for kids orphaned or abandoned due to their parents' drug addiction...a really good cause. Softies need to get to Melbourne by 7 December if you'd like to make one...check out the link for all the details.
I've almost finished another pincushion...this one's hot pink...

and with the left over bits of the stuff you do the tapestry on (what is that called?), I made a couple of bookmarks...
and I tackled the huge pile of unread magazines that I have lying around...these are but a sample!
...which leads me to the subject of that ghastly wall colour that I've allowed you a glimpse of...which I am pleased to say will be no more by 17 December. Tiny came through with a reasonable quote and his team arrive on the 13th for a week. Yes, there will be before and afters!
And here are some scanned photos from one of the magazines that I managed to demolish...a fabulous Adelaide home in Belle it to bits.

So I guess you could say I spent quite a bit of time sitting on my butt this weekend!! But (ha!) I was also a very lucky blogger and won a gorgeous book on Simone's blog yesterday...this one...
It will be very happy here I'm sure, especially when my walls are painted white :) Thank you so much Simone...go and say hi if you haven't already...Honey and Fizz is a blog full of gorgeousness.
A very warm hello and welcome to new readers. I really do hope you enjoy your visits. And lastly, but certainly not least...thank you so much for all your lovely comments about my post on Rose. She truly was special.


  1. You had a very productive weekend Kerry! We had a tonne of rain as well so the weeds will be plesed but I stayed inside and went through old boxes. Fun.
    Your softie pattern is gorgeous! I haven' seen those at Spotlight, not that it's easy to find anything in there. You did well :)
    Your bookmarks are great too!
    The funny thing about the Slayer's collar is that for all your disgruntled comments about her, the collar made me chuckle as it convinced me you'd hate to lose her. There's no way she'd ever get lost with that collar!
    Have a great week Kerry x

  2. Sounds like you had a great weekend! And love the softie-making plan, of course yours will be fabulous as usual. And I didn't want to mention the slayer's tag - what on earth? Oh, and btw - I'm not entering any more comps that you've already entered - you must be the most tinny person I know!!! (of course, I say that with tongue firmly in cheek!) K xx

  3. Your weekend sounds like it was full of fabulousness, Kerry! Love the softie, will make sure I check out the link. Congratulations you lucky, lucky lady on winning that fabulous book from the lovely Simone....envious!! Hope you have a wonderful week ~ xx

  4. I think you accomplished many 'rainy day' projects this weekend, Kerry. I love the little softie and it's for such a great cause. Do you sew it by hand when your are done with the detail, or machine? I am always looking for projects I can sew by hand since I am hopeless with a machine.

    I love the new book. Is it available in the US? I'll bet there is a lot of inspiration in it. I love whites but I always manage to sneak some color in my all white bathroom that is slowly turning pink and blue.

    Looking forward to the before and afters of your painting!


  5. What a productive weekend Kerry! That softie is so sweet and will be very well loved I'm sure. I love your patio area and that adelaide home is gorgeous!
    Have a great monday my dear,

  6. Your weekend sounded like a wonderful one Kerry, ones spent pottering around the house are my favourite. You got lots of rain by the looks of your photo and your plants all look so lush and green. You outdoor area looks like the perfect spot to sit with a cuppa and one of your 'mountain' of magazines. Your softie pattern looks great and what a wonderful project to be part of. Love your embroidery too. Have a lovely start to your week xx

  7. Ah, Kerry. You really did have a most productive weekend. Once I finish Sam's cross-stitch, I am looking forward to getting that tapestry design off you ☺. Now my pile of unread magazines resembles yours, especially the Country Style. That's something else on this week's 'to do' list. And yes, congrats on winning that gorgeous book. I was pleased you won it if I couldn't! J x

  8. Very productive indeed. We had similar weather and I loved it. Got some projects done too. Will share later in the week. Hopefully the lucky win will give you lots of enthusiasm for Tiny's visit. How exciting!

  9. Oh, lucky you on the book win! How nice of Simone. You have had a busy weekend and your projects look great. I want a painter... You will love the new look and make sure you share with us. ;-)

  10. lucky thing winning that book looks sensational. And man i love that adelaide house ( i wonder whose it is - ex adelaide girl i am), now i have to get belle, i just noticed i was reading the two mags on the top of your pile, but now i have to go get belle too!!

    hope you enjoyed a nice bit of tranquility darl xxx

  11. Congrats on winning the beautiful book in Simone's giveaway. Sounds like a lovely and relaxing weekend Kerry. I love the statue on the magazines. I've just been catching up on your recent posts, and was sorry to hear of your friend Rose - a lovely post. Looking forward to the before and afters. Have a lovely week.
    Rebecca x

  12. sounds just wonderful and well deserved xoxox

  13. I love when we don't have any plans for the weekend and I can potter about getting bits and bobs done in a relaxing, no rush, kind of way :-)

  14. Wow you managed to get lots done over the weekend. It must be exciting with the painters coming and a soon to be revealed room. That home in Adelaide is stunning:)


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.