
Monday, December 6, 2010

bookmarks for my book club girls...

I'm writing this on Sunday evening...totally knackered after a very full on weekend. Much of Saturday was spent at the Canberra Handmade Markets where I met the lovely Jennie, aka Posie of Posie Patchwork. She is even nicer in person than she is in the bloggy world :)
And I managed to get a bit of Christmas shopping done...if only I'd taken the camera!
And yesterday was spent completing these bookmarks...
One for each book club member...the last book club of the year at my place tonight!

As usual, something that was easy enough in my head took much longer to execute than I'd planned...still, I loved making them for special people...and it is Christmas after all :) 
But can someone please steer me in the direction of a quick and simple craft!!'ll be pleased to know that the chandeliers were dropped off for rewiring as well in preparation for them to go up next week...the same day the painters start! That's only taken me six point rushing these things now is there :)


  1. Your crafty creations are worth te effort Kerry - I'm sure the girls will love them! How lovely to have met Posie. Don't you just love the fabulous craft markets around the place? I went to one yesterday too and have another to visit next weekend. SO much fun!
    I can't wait to see your chandeliers when they're up.
    ps thanks for entering my giveaway xx

  2. hi kerry, those book marks are fantastic and so thoughtful....i love receiving anything just shows the love....your friends will love them!

    happy sunday to you or is it monday there?


  3. You know how these things work my friend...they always take much longer than you think, but look at the results! Your bookmarks are fantastic and the perfect gift for your book club girls. And tres excitement for the painting to begin - can't wait to see it all finished! K xx

  4. What a lovely idea for the bookclub girls. We had our final one for the year last week. Way too much champagne was consumed and I think someone mentioned a book at some point! We all take a book wrapped for a swap and then guess who bought it along. Have fun with your group tonight.
    You are lucky to meet Posie, her blog is terrific fun.

  5. Kerry, those are really sweet. I should think the girls will be very pleased to get one.

  6. Oh Kerry,
    Your bookmarks are beautiful and so perfectly are one top class book club member !!
    ..... and, your chandeliers are going to look when wired up, please ! XXXX

  7. Those bookmarks were worth every minute! Lucky book club members! xx

  8. Gosh you're a good friend to have. Beautiful bookmarks and sentimental to cherish. Must have been nice to catch up with Posie. :)

  9. Gorgeous bookmarks Kerry! I'm sure you will be the most popular member of the book club after they receive them. x

  10. What very lucky book club friends you have, to receive one of your gorgeous bookmarks! A lot of effort, but well worth it, they are fabulous!! Enjoy your last meet-up for the year, tonight. Cannot wait to see your chandies all wired up and aglow:) ~ xx

  11. Those bookmarks are worth every second.

    Your bookish friends will have them forever ... lovely.

  12. Your book club friends will be touched to have your lovely bookmarks. And I have a chandelier waiting to be hung more than six months down the track too!!

  13. How generous of you to make such a lovely gift for all your friends.
    With decorating remember Rome wasn't built in a day and somethings just take awhile- even 6 months lol.

  14. I'm sure they'll appreciate all the effort you made, hopefully with a little alcoholic something to toast the end of the year?

    Have a jolly evening.

  15. Just lovely Kerri - and it's the time and skill you put into them which makes them so special ~

  16. Your book marks look so lovely Kerry, what a beautiful idea. I am so glad that your book club loved them. xx

  17. ..again I have commented on this lovely post inside my head.. several times by now..
    I know I should worry about this inner dialogue.. but I blame it all on Christmas and the fact that I have done NOTHING to make the house look remotely festive.. Sigh!

    I do love your little book marks. You really are SO clever Kerry and I have enjoyed all your recent posts so much, seeing snippets of the house (including the fab floral arrangement and new chairs! I love those chairs!!)

    Sending big hugs to you and the nation's capital!

    xx C


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.