
Thursday, December 23, 2010

a gift for Buffy...or the kindness of people you haven't yet met

A few weeks ago after I posted a picture of the vampire slayer with her infamous red luggage tag hanging around her neck, Rachael of the beautiful blog A Room for Everyone emailed and said she could stand it no longer and was buying Buffy a new tag. I said "Really? You really want to do that? She's a horrible cat you know!" or words to that effect.
But sure enough, this wonderful, generous, kind hearted blogging friend did just that! And it's Buffy bling...and I love it to bits! And just quietly I think the slayer does too :)

Here she is modelling her gorgeous new tag (and of course I had to go and get her a new collar befitting of the glamour, as the other one was decidedly tatty)
And Rachael also included a lovely, gorgeously wrapped and very thoughtful gift for me...
...a beautiful handmade notebook which will be put to very good use. Oh yes it certainly will.
So thank you Rachael...your kindness and generosity has overwhelmed me.
And thank-you...all of you...for the most wonderful 10 months of blogging friendship. I continue to be amazed by your genuine interest in others, your care and concern when things go pear shaped, your willingness to support and nurture ideas or dreams. The things you write, make, bake and create are a constant source of inspiration...I want to be just like all of you when I grow up :)
I'm going to walk away from the computer for a little while now while I'm in Newcastle with my parents, but I'll see you sometime in the New Year. So I'll let Ben's wonderful graphic say...
Love to you and yours from me and mine. And if you're travelling...stay safe xx


  1. I think you like the cat more than you let on! We wish you all the best for a wonderful and relaxing Christmas season. See you back online in the new year. Much love, Mary and Mark xxx

    PS Ben's Merry Christmas is wonderful - would make a great card!

  2. What a lovely gift for Buffy.

    Have a wonderful Christmas Kerry xxx

  3. My 4 year old daughter is sitting next to me and she just said, "Mummy, why are you crying and smiling at the same time?" Your words are so generous, thank you! Buffy looks beautiful with her bling. Have a lovely time in Newcastle, will catch up with you when you return. Merry Christmas! Love Rachael xx

  4. What a gorgeous gift! I think I need to find something similar for my little bundle of fur. Merry Christmas Kerry! xxoo

  5. I think the slayer will need to start a sartorial blog...looking good Buffy! Rachael is very sweet and you will have her to thank when the cat makes you your first million.

    Have a great Christmas, Kerry!


  6. Merry Christmas, Kerry. Can't wait to see what you do and achieve in the New Year.

    You nailed it about the blog world ... it's like a caring parallel planet of creativity.

    PS Buffy looks spiffy.

  7. Purrrfect for Buffy!! Having just got back I am desperate to start blogging again but will have to settle for a quick 5mt peek at yours and a few others until I can find time just after Christmas.

  8. Oops - I forgot to say AND A VERY MERRY XMAS to you and yours too

  9. Oh Kerry,
    How lovely.....what a thoughtful present. Doesn't Buffy look the biz in her bling ? I, too, am a Buffy groupie, so she has a lot of love for her, spread around the world.
    Thanks for the lovely sentiments and thank you too for the wonderful support and friendship and laughs over this past year. Here's to a wonderful 2011. Lots of love. XXXX

  10. Merry Christmas - only ten months on the blog?? Doesn't it feel a lifetime? I am exiting 2010 happier than I entered it... thanks for helping me enjoy the blogging bit so much. A x

  11. Wow! Isn't Rachael an angel! And Buffy looks gorgeous with her new Buffy Bling! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas up in Newcastle with your parents and really enjoy this special time of year.
    Looking forward to seeing all that 2011 has in store for you and thanks for your bloggy friendship! Jxx

  12. Miss Rachael is indeed such a beautiful lady!! I Love Buffy's bling and your beautiful notebook :). Wishing you the happiest of Christmases my dear Kerry! 'Meeting' you this year has been such a gift. Thank you for all of your inspiration, support and friendship. I cannot wait to see what 2011 brings for you. Take care and enjoy your break. Huge hugs to you, lovely ~ Txx

  13. What a lovely Christmas surprise for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She looks gorgeous and proud, obviously happy that she no longer has to wear a large red baggage tag: >)

    Merry Christmas.

  14. ooohhhh, she looks so purrty.
    give her a big squeeze for me mum.

  15. Love Buffy's bling!! How generous and kind hearted of Rachel and an example of all the goodness that comes from blogging. Thank you for your support and friendship through our blogs this year too Kerry - wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. Big hugs, Amanda xx

  16. What a sweet gift from Rachel. See, people are so caring they have included Buffy in the love! I like her new tag and collar. She looks like a princess!

    Happy Holidays to you, Kerry!


  17. Now that's more like it! How wonderful of Rachael to do that for the Bufster. What lovely pics too, she looks like a star, though I'm worried she might start charging you appearance fees.
    Have a wonderful Christmas Kerry. I so enjoy your blog and also the lovely comments you leave on mine. Take care x

  18. Excuse me while I just blot a tear, I hope no one at home notices. Isn't it amazing how a blogger you have never met, can do something so lovely for another blogger you have never met and it can reduce you to tears. I am so lucky to have met all of you wonderful ladies. Merry Christmas to you and yours Kerry, Hope you have a joyous Christmas. I do love Buffy's bling and new collar and I can tell she thinks she is the "ant's pant's" Debxxx

  19. Lovely gifts !

    I hope that you will have a gorgeous vacation !
    Merry Christmas & A Fantastic New Year !!!


  20. Oh, my! Gee, this bloggy caper is good for the soul, Kerry. From such an unprompted display of kindness to your thoughtful and caring encouragement for a newbie blogger like me - surely there's nothing better!

    Enjoy seeing your parents, Kerry - no doubt you will treasure that time.

    See you in Blogland soon, my friend! J x

  21. How lovely, the sentiment & don't we all love Buffy (& Angel for those who want eye candy). Wishing you a lovely Christmas, but where is the blistering Canberra heat?? Love Posie

  22. I opened a cupboard at home last night & saw our dear departed Miss Chole's bling collar looking at me. I'd forgotten I'd tucked it away, & it made me a bit teary. So seeing Buffy looking so resplendent warmed my heart today Kerry! Merry Christmas to you & your lovely family.
    Millie xx

  23. Merry merry Christmas Kerry. You see the nature of this whole blogging thing is in meeting or not meeting such lovely people - much like yourself! Have a lovely Christmas break, enjoy the sunshine, and I look forward to following your adventures in the New Year. Amanda xx

  24. Lovely bling! So thoughtful! Enjoy the holidays, Kellie xx

  25. That's just beautiful! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  26. Ahhh yes the kindness of strangers...I hope you've had a beautiful Christmas with Buffy and family xo

  27. Meeting blogging friends has been one of the best aspects of blogging for me. It gives me renewed hope that there is still plenty of good in the world! Hope you are enjoying your break! You deserve it. Cheers - Stephenie


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