
Friday, January 28, 2011

you have to go and have a play with this...

I found this awesome drawing tool over at Gennine's blog...only a few minutes ago but I had to share. Immediately. This is my first ham fisted's such fun and probably the best time waster I've found for a very long time!
You know how it yourself a favour! And I bet it'll keep the kids amused for hours as an added bonus :)
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Thanks for visiting and commenting. It's back to work for me on Monday so I'm not sure how the blogging schedule will pan me, it's a work in progress!
And hooley, dooley...I've just discovered the colour button as well!! And yes, I know your kids will do a better job than this :)


  1. This looks like fun! I love your picture. Hope your back-to-work week goes smoothly :)

  2. I can't draw, but I can draw! Is this how it feels for you all the time?!

  3. Oooh, I'm very intrigued! Off for a look.Have a lovely weekend Kerry :)

  4. How fun! I'm sure my daughter will love it. I'm not so talented with "drawing" on the computer!

  5. When I see the phrase time waster, I know I must avoid this drawing tool. Ha! I can see an evening doodling away the hours!!

  6. Kerry! I have had such fun with this and wasted the time I should be posting and cleaning! xoxo

  7. How cool - I'm off to give this a go!

  8. Hi Kerrie (Kerry?)

    I've not forgotten you.

    I'm Renovating Ye Olde Blog List and Adding you too.

    I'm a big hit with the Gardeners of Southern California (I know. Isn't it interesting?) and I know they've love your blog.

    Best wishes, x

  9. thanks for the distraction...just what I needed this saturday morning! so happy to have stumbled on your blog :) xoxo {av}


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.