
Thursday, February 10, 2011

one of my favourite o/s bloggers helping out the queenslanders...

Do you know Mariska? No? Why not? Come and meet her and then give her a huge round of applause. For not only is she a super lovely person...warm and encouraging...and gorgeous to boot...
with huge are just some of her wonderful creations...
...she is also extremely generous. In conjunction with Ivy & Piper, Mariska has donated  limited edition screen prints of five of her amazing paintings with all proceeds going to the Premiers Disaster Relief Appeal. The details are in Ivy & Piper's latest Love issue...and they have also donated the proceeds from some pretty spiffy linen napkins as well...

Please check it out and consider the pleasure you'd get from having one of these brilliant artworks in your home. You can see them a bit better here (excuse rather dodgy screen shot)...I know for sure I'm going to have one on my wall one day...but which one :)
If you want to buy, please email
We might have to make Mariska an honorary Aussie at this rate!
all pictures, except the dodgy screen shot, knicked from Mariska's facebook page!


  1. She is a sweetheart, isn't she? I agree, we should make her an honorary Aussie :)

  2. What an absolute very generous...Honorary Aussie for sure! x


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