
Monday, March 14, 2011

see ya...I'm off!

Well bloggy is the day. Hope it's a flight in this groovy one...but I suspect not :)

And depending what time you're reading this...I'll either be:
a. running around like a chook with its head cut off trying to get out of the door and make it to the airport on time;
b. rummaging in my bag making sure I've got the essentials: passport, credit card, phone and iPad...because after all what else could I possibly need where I'm going;
c. in the air on planes of various types and size;
d. navigating my way around different airports...two out of four that are completely foreign to me (pun intended!); or
e. several of the above.
This first week, while I'm working in Washington...(and earning my right to the second week swanning about in NYC)
...I won't be posting but I've left the virtual townhouse in the very kind and capable hands of these lovely people:

City girl, country girl, coastal girl...clever travelling metaphor huh? Thanks. I thought so :) Watch out for their posts. I'm so grateful that they've taken time out of their very busy lives to do this, and you'll be pleased to know I've resisted the urge to throw in a few wisecracks in their posts...they would have been at my expense of course, but still! I'm sure you'll be as lovely to them as you always are to me. Hopefully I'll have some time this week to pop into your blogs...but it sort of depends on how hard the Yanks make me work :)
See you when I get to New York (in my head it's always, but always said like Oprah would say it!)


  1. Oh...I really wish you were coming to Chicago. We could get tickets to the Oprah show if you want!!

    Don't work too hard, my friend! See the sites!


  2. Travel safe and enjoy the experience.

  3. Washington State or Washington DC??? I'll be in DC tomorrow!!

  4. Bon bon bon bon bon voyage and happy swanning!

  5. You take care, and I can't to hear all about your travels - so exciting! K xx

  6. Soo jealous - have a wonderful trip!

  7. Ooh, bon voyage, Kerry! Live it to the max and tell us all about it when you return. J x

  8. Have a really nice trip ! And please, tell and show us more about it :)


  9. make sure you pop into the Smithsonian and see Jackie's Bergdorf Goodman inaugural frock.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.