
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 5 April 11

Don't take this the wrong way now will you...
but it was a bit hard getting back in to the top ten groove...
Because honestly...
sometimes it can be a bit hard to find things...(not fond of that green armchair right there now that I think about it...I like the rest though)
I like to find things that make me go...oooh/aaaah
...or at the very least...gee I'd like to sit in that room for a bit just staring at the art...or lounge about with a book...
Which is the reaction I look for when I choose these pictures...
I do hope this doesn't mean I'm getting a bit bored with it all...heaven forbid!
'probly not...(I know that's not a real word...but it felt appropriate)
Maybe it's just that blogging exposes us to so many more images than before...or maybe it's as simple as me needing to get back into a routine.
...and catch know what it's like right?


  1. you are just having the post holiday blues my dear. You will recover in no time.

    By the way I loved loved your New York pics, as someone who has never been there (sigh) they sure made me feel wistful. And with the AUD so high? I hope you bought lots of stuff. xo

  2. Totally understandable considering the amazing sights you have recently seen. I do love that last pic with the great desk and old frame. Very inspiring!

  3. The desk montages and the flower fields were enough to jolt me awake this morning - so you've still got some good mojo happening dear friend.

    Oops, reading Jane's comment I realise I've missed a post & it looks like a 'goody' off to savour the treasures.

    x Felicity

  4. Who makes the rules Kerry? Ten is a lot, what if you cut back to One to see how it feels, constricting or liberating...

  5. Ah Tricia Rose...if only I were a minimalist! I will ponder your suggestion though :)

  6. It happens. It took me a while to go back to normal after my vacation. Also, I believe that once in a while I feel "blog info overload". We all need a break sometimes.

  7. It's amazing what a break in routine can do to you! I know, I haven't been for a run in weeks, and it's hard to get back into it now. Love your top ten as always, and break or no break, you still manage to find the good stuff! K xx

  8. Yes, I think its definitely just a wee case of the post-holiday-back-to-reality blues. How could it possibly be anything else - and you still found some goodies. I love that last image especially.
    And I'm still drooling over some of your New York buys. xx

  9. Welcome back Kerry. Love the pictures (minus the green armchair of course) :-)

  10. A very nice mix!
    I like the image with the bedroom and the open door most!

    I feel the light breeze!


  11. Loved yr NY snaps and all you bought...haven't been there since 2003 and really want to go back x

  12. some of my favourite images too. thanks for including a couple of diversions darl.

    love the loot you hauled back too, great taste!xx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.