
Friday, May 27, 2011

look what charlotta did for me...

Earlier this week I posted about my casual interest fixation on this wallpaper...
and remarked that if only the 23 year old still lived here that he could have done a mock up of that particular wallpaper on this particular bedroom wall (with some arm twisting involved no doubt!)
But...who needs 23 year olds in the house when you have bloggy friends like Charlotta from Space for Inspiration. She saw my post and did a mock-up for me.
Am I going to do this? You betcha!  Thanks're lovely, and smart, and kind, and clever, and...etc, etc :))
Have a terrific weekend everyone. And happy wallpaper dreams. I'll be working out where to get some and how to hang it!


  1. That's so sweet of Charlotta to photoshop it for you! It looks fab and I think along with your black feature wall would look HEAPs good. Once you do it, and if you have an iphone you'll have to make a panoramic house tour of your bedroom. The app I use is called Photosynth, and then you can share it on facebook - sorry I'm jumping 20 steps ahead of you :) hehehe.
    Have a great day Kerry,

  2. Ooooh me likey! Yes..go for it looks fab! And I kept help but imagine your mirror now in a gorgeous shade of pink..something vibrant..but not OTT...Watermelon perhaps? would look gorgeous against the greens. You will have to post about it if and when you do it lovely! x

  3. I need a clever Charlotta in my life. The wallpaper looks fantastic, and so real - look forward to the after shot.

  4. Oh, that's excellent! How sweet of Charlotta to do that for you. Such a kind gesture. I hope you've bought that wallpaper!

  5. That was lovely of Charlotta. Go for it Kerry, it will be stunning.

  6. What a lovely thing for Charlotta to do for you Kerry. It really shows you what it will be like so that you can make a desision......although I think that you had probably already made up your mind to do it !! Doesn't it look great ? Blogging mates are the BEST, aren't they ?!! XXXX

  7. Mwwwah! Is all I can say.
    I didn't expect such a public and grand shout-out, but of course I am very grateful and happy.
    Thank you! x

    You know what!?
    I think you should paint your fab mirror gold and also line the back of the bookshelf in gold. That would make the ensemble really lush and stylish in contrast with this super nice wallpaper.

    Happy weekend hugs (for tomorrow)

    xx C

  8. P.S>
    Eddie Ross did a great DIY on bookshelves today.. A solution that uses foamcore rather than having to take the whole thing apart and do the entire back..

    xx C

  9. What a sweet thing she did! It's very pretty paper. Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  10. I hope you've rushed out and ordered the wallpaper. It looks sensational. And I like Charlottas gold suggestion too.
    The joys of photoshop. I need to up skill myself!
    Happy weekend Kerry.
    Amanda xx

  11. I'm so pleased your going to do it. The mockup is great but I can't wait to see the real thing!!
    Have a great weekend :)

  12. It looks absolutely amazing,,,how soon can you do it?!!!! xx

  13. looks lovely!! how cool is charlotta - top chick, i say.

    {hopefully this damn blogger will let me post, but if i have to go anon, hopefully you'll know who this is!!}jxxx

  14. Dear Kerry,
    again Blogspot just gulped down another comment - at the moment that is quite a nuisance (having forgotten to make a copy first, though I wanted to).
    The wallpaper looks lovely! I often can not imagine how a little part of a design will look on a grand scale (I think of a special sofa I choose velvet for :-) Through the help of the ingenious Charlotta you now can decide wether you want the vivid and lively design on the whole wall or just frame a part of that lovely decor and hang it like a picture.

  15. That mock up is such a sweet thing to do. And, wow - it looks great!


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