
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

back from bali...

Have you ever had a week so special that you don't quite know what to say about it?
That's how I feel about my time in Bali...although you probably wouldn't believe me if you'd been in my office yesterday where they couldn't shut me up about it!
I was doing a workshop called The Art and Craft of Writing the Senses, run by The Sydney Writers' Centre and delivered by the extraordinary Patti Miller. A writer, a teacher, an absolute gift and a total inspiration. 
I went to Bali to find out whether writing was something I could possibly do. Well, that is. And as I left Ubud on Saturday night I told Patti and anyone else who'd listen that this had been one of the best experiences of my life. And it's true. The camaraderie of 12 women, all with a passion for writing and a huge variety of life experiences; all supportive, caring, nurturing. And clever, oh so clever.
I knew, well before the end of the week, that this is how I want to spend my life. After looking for what seems like an age, and trying out lots of things, I've finally found my focus. I'm going to write. 
I'll take small steps (there are after all mortgages to be paid!) but I already know what the first of those will be. Just the thought of it makes me feel both excited and tranquil [and if I'd been reading this out during a class last week I'd be in trouble for using abstract words!]
It certainly wasn't all work; and even the work felt like play. There was sightseeing, shopping (I was very good given my '100 day don't buy anything I don't really need challenge'), and I took a lot of photos of food. And I mean a lot!
A cooking class at the Casa Luna cooking school was a real non-writing highlight. I'll do a separate post about that.
I won't go on too much more about my wonderful week, but if you're interested in doing something like this, feel free to email me and I can give you the low down :)
all photos: a tranquil townhouse
p.s. And guess what? I didn't buy a buddha, not even a little one :)


  1. Your enthusiasm and excitement virtually leaps from the page {screen} Kerry. It's SO wonderful to read about your time in Bali, the workshop, the side 'adventures' {Casa Luna was one of my favourite places to eat in Ubud} and to revel in your glorious photography.

    Happy day dear friend!

    xx Felicity

    PS Your post was the first on my reading list this morning and I've got a lovely spring in my step because of it - thank you!

  2. It is wonderful to see someone whose passion has been ignited. When you have passion life is brighter and all around the everyday become extraordinary. Good luck with your writing.


  3. Welcome back Kerry, so glad Bali was such an amazing time for you to discover what it is you really love. Looking forward to hearing/reading more about it. ;-)

  4. Oh Kerry,
    How wonderful to have such a fulfilling experience. I am so pleased for you. You really sound as if you have found exactly what you love doing.
    .....and, well done on the 'not buying anything, not even a Buddha' !! I'm doing OK but am off to my sister's for a couple of weeks so, I might falter !! haha
    Your photographs are beautiful and I look forward to hearing all about the cookery course. XXXX

  5. I'm jealous and inspired at the same time!

  6. Sounds like you had an unbelievable time. Welcome back!! xx

  7. Welcome back. Wow, what an experience. I hope you have found your thing. Mind you, it the writing doesn't work out, your photographs are brilliant. So clear.

  8. Whhhaaatttt?? You didn't buy a Buddha? My goodness Kerry! You must have been having too much fun doing other things. I am so happy that you have discovered your "thing".
    What wonderful photographs too! X

  9. Oh, I'm so thrilled! You sound more 'tranquil' than I've ever heard you. If that makes sense.

    How wonderful to have been in such a supportive group.

  10. I think you are making the right decision and how nice that you were inspired in such a lovely place. I am 100% behind you!

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!!


  11. Fantastic! You've found your calling, and definitely sound like you're still on Bali time.
    Can't wait to see the food shots. I've read Fragrant Rice many moons ago, and would love to attend the cooking school there one day.

  12. Welcome home, Kerry, and I mean that as much spiritually as physically. The knowing that jumps off the page from your post is pure joy to read.
    Judith Campbell said, "When the heart speaks, take good notes", and that's what you've done. Feels good doesn't it?

    PS If the past few years have taught me anything (and they've taught me a lot!!!), it's that immersing yourself in what you love doing, even when you don't know how you'll get from here to there and pay the bills along the way, has this uncanny way of just making things happen and sorting the boring old logistics as if by magic ...

  13. I knew that you would come back all excited about writing. Your blog has shown all of us how much you do love to write and you do have a way with words. Glad that you came home rejuvenated. Sounds like your retreat was everything and more that what you hoped it would be. Welcome back! Mary
    PS: Rather a pain to have to post as anonymous but at least it lets me comment now! And I am most impressed that you DID NOT buy a Buddha!

  14. INCREDIBLE photographs !

    Have a super week.

  15. Wow, that sounds like a life-changing trip. So glad that you've found your true passion, Kerry. I'm looking forward to hearing about where this takes you - x

  16. That lizard looks so cool, he's just hanging out :-)
    Looking forward to reading about the cooking class x

  17. sounds like a mid blowing week! so glad you had an amazing trip. love the images, i really must get myself there one day, and seeing as its so cheap to get there from perth, there's no good excuse not to!

    happy for you darl xxx

  18. Oh, Kerry, I'm just so delighted for you. Utter fabulousness. I can't wait to see where this path will lead you. J x

  19. Ah, Kerry. It sounds absolutely perfect. x

  20. Hi and thank you !
    It's very much hope and inspiration in this post ! Yes !! I want to find my way in life too ! I wonder if I can do that somewhere else than Bali ? I hope so !
    By the way, wonderful photos !! And can you tell us more about the trip ?

    Anci (The Lighthouse)

  21. You sound so sure and confident and happy that you're a joy to behold. Good luck with the writing, have a ball, and don't forget that you are also a superb painter of KitchenAids as a second string.

  22. I haven't been by in awhile because I knew you were gone but to see this post today and those lovely photos....serendipitious (probably not word but I don't care). I'm new to the writing journey- just testing it out w/my blog but feel inside as you do- so the fact that you acted on it is is inspiring for me. Thank you so much!

    Kudos also on not buying a buddha. I would have caved!

  23. Hi Kerry, My attempts to comment on your post last night were rudely interrupted by a husband and children wanting dinner (!!), so at last, I've made it back. What an inspiring week you must have had. And I have no doubt that if you set your mind to this path, it will happen for you. You might add photography to your bow also!

  24. Love your photos Kerry - as well as your enthusiastic descriptions - and loved getting to know you a little

  25. Hi Kerry,
    The time away sounds wonderful, and to be away with writers would be sublime. Love the photos too. Can't wait to read your first book (or whatever you are going to focus on)! Emma.

  26. I have been wrapped up in myself gazing at my own navel (and to-do lists) so am a bit late in saying 'you go girl'. What an amazing experience - when I settle down I am going to email you for more detail as I think I may want to write too... not full time but a bit and I need a shove! A x


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.