
Thursday, July 14, 2011


That's the sound of my zen disappearing in a puff of smoke. I'm going through a bit of a rough time at the moment, but I'll be back as soon as I feel I can. Hopefully that won't be long :)
Until then, enjoy this painting I did a long time ago, but more importantly please pop over and say bon voyage to Charlotta. She's given me the honour of writing her last blog post from Australia....I'm not sure if she's brave or just momentarily muddled! She and her lovely family are heading back to Sweden. Sob and sigh.


  1. Oh Kerry, I hope everything is okay and your zen comes flowing back very soon. You take care xx

  2. May your zen return soon Kerry ;-)

  3. Oh, my dear friend Kerry,
    I'm so sorry to hear that things are not wondrous at the moment. I really hope that things get back on track soon and I will be thinking of you. Take care, look after yourself and hurry back. With much love. XXXX

  4. Hope you are feeling back to your old self soon, Kerry. I love the painting you did, very cherry!


  5. Take it easy sweet, and love the painting btw! xx

  6. Super lovely post you did Kerry for Charlotta ..
    Hope all is OK in your part of the world - hope you pffft back real soon.

  7. Well you have a lot of support whatever it is you are going through. I do hope your situation is resolved in a way that is best for you.

  8. Your painting is gorgeous Kerry and I do hope that everything improves for you. I will be thinking of you and praying for you. xx

  9. Dear K - the post is beyond beautiful and it has now become my comforter. To me Australia represents the friendliest and most beautiful people, and our friendship is very dear to me.

    I promise to leave a trail of 'Swedish rye loaves' behind and park my Aussie ugg boots outside my front door so that you know where to knock. In fact I'll leave the key under the door mat so that you can let yourself in any time!

    Your Zen will return, I am sure of it. You are far to beautiful inside out to not be awarded by the greater forces of life. Hang on in there and continue forward one step at a time. Soon you will be skipping through life again!

    Massive hugs.
    I'll touch base once we are settled and adjusted up there on the top of the world.

    xx C

  10. Hope everything is OK and things get better for you soon xxx

  11. Kerry it happens to all of us!truly, take some time for pampering and reflection, and all will get better soon.

    I will miss Charlotta and hope we hear from our special friend when she gets settled in.

    Art by Karena

    Do come and enter my new Giveaway, a painting!

  12. Kerry, I am so sorry things are a bit rough at the moment I know they will improve but in the meantime you know, absolutely, that I am here for you. An email, a real chat anything. I know it helps a little when things aren't flash! xoxox

  13. sorry to hear you're having a rough trot darl, hope tranquility resumes v. soon xxxx

  14. Kerry,
    I love the painting you did. I believe we always gain something through any adveristy.
    Best, Catherine

  15. Your zen will return Kerry. It's just a momentary wobble I'm sure of it. Have faith - and how special to write that last post for Charlotta - she never gets muddled!

  16. I wish that you will feel better soon, balance will come back, and serenity, too. Britta

  17. Wow, found your blog today, what a besutiful painting. Wish you the best! Greetings Cinna in Stockholm

  18. Oh i don't like to hear it when you're out of your Zen Kerry, wishing you serenity again soon, love Posie

  19. just as i find you, you sign off.........hope all will be well for you kerry

  20. thinking of you Kerry. big squishy hugs xoxo


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.