
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 26 July 11

Oh my, what a roller coaster these past few weeks have been...
Lots of ups and downs
...and a few in betweens. All good now though thank you.
seen on 10 rooms
I went to Sydney last Thursday for the 20th anniversary dinner of the Australian Republican Movement...(no emails from monarchists, I can't be swayed)
finding myself in the same room as the famous Australian author Thomas Keneally 
seen on from the right bank
the famous Australian designer Jenny Kee (oh my she looked glorious, just like in this next her to bits)
seen on miss speculiar
the famous Australian journalist Geraldine Doogue
I have to tell you I was more than a little bit star struck...
lonny, seen on design manifest
and then walking back to the hotel in the worst rain that Sydney has seen for decades...
I got drenched to the skin while waiting at the traffic lights, by a taxi driving through a huge puddle...
seen on design sponge 
luckily I'd had a few red wines by then and thought it was hilarious!
You probably had to have been there :)


  1. Thanks for the link love, Babe!

  2. What a productive week...I envy all your rubbing elbows with the rich and famous! So interesting that I had to go back to look at the photos. I love the wood chopping block in the picture of that lovely kitchen...I am looking for one just like it!

    Have a wonderful week, Kerry!


  3. So, does that mean you don't follow the blog "What Kate Wore?". Only joking. Sounds like the who's who was at that event. Glad you had fun. xx

  4. I'm so glad things are more chipper for you now Kerry. Laughing is much better than crying and don't they say a few reds are good for you?
    Your pics are great as usual - don't those chocolate puds look divine? Have a lovely week :)

  5. Glad you're back. I always love your images. Jennie Kee looks gorgeous doesn't she? So stylish with beautiful skin and hair!

    Maybe the cab driver was a dyed-in-the-wool Constitutional Monarchist!

  6. Love the story about your Sydney trip especially the bit about you laughing at being splashed/drenched? by the taxi. Oh life is what you make it :)

    Hope things have sorted themselves out for you too.

    Lou x

  7. PS I meant "glad" things have sorted themselves out.....maybe I need a few glasses of red :) Mmmm that shall have to wait!

  8. Always good to laugh at yourself and not taking life too seriously....
    Love your recap of bloggy photos I wish I ate what Katie ate....;-)

  9. I think it's brilliant that you laughed off getting soaked! I love laughing at ridiculous moments like that :-)

  10. oh thanks darl for the love.

    and see, i knew it! red wine solves everything!!
    hope the week's even out a bit for you xx

  11. Hi Kerry,
    So glad to hear that things are getting back on an even keel.
    .....and, I would loved to have seen you, in the rain, after a few glasses of red, soaked to the skin but laughing hysterically !!!! It sounds as if it was a very 'Bridget Jones' moment.
    A wonderful top ten, my favourite being the last one from What Katy Ate. I wonder why ?!!

  12. oh the first one! I really need to paint my walls and shelves dark! xxx

  13. So glad you enjoyed it and I love every one of your star pics! xx

  14. So I take it you didn't watch the Royal Wedding recently? ;) Glad to hear things are ok in your world. Love the pic from "10 rooms"!

  15. I loved reading this (and looking at all the gorgeous photos)!

    I knew exactly what you meant about getting drenched. Isn't it lovely when you are in the right space (wine or no) to find humor in what could be a crummy situation? Makes life easier!

  16. One day you might be the most famous writer in the room with ll the other whos whos. I'm pleased the zen is back!
    (Love that sofa in the 10 rooms image!)

  17. Oh doesn't Jenny Kee age?? She looks amazing, as always, her colour magic is her to the core.
    That first room, where to look, what to love the most - pink seat cushions, the chandelier, the balance of colour?? Eye candy to the max!! Love Posie

  18. Ah, I've been missing your presence, my friend. So relieved to hear things are on the up. Now I want some of that choccy pudding! J x

  19. Yum, I cant get that pudding out of my mind. Tee hee about the big splash.

  20. That kitchen looks so cozy, and I love that dining room/library. P.S. Thanks for the guest post on Space for Inspiration, and giving us a heads up on sweet Charolotta's happenings. :)


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