
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 5 July 11

I hope you didn't think I'd given up these top ten posts. I haven't.
I know you like them. I do too.
by janis, pinecone camp
But life's funny. It has a way of sneaking up, surprising you, and taking you in a different direction.
Case in point: I took three unread interiors magazines with me to the Writers' retreat in Bali (please note previously self confessed magazine addiction)
seen on belle maison
And I only discovered when I got home and unpacked, that they were right where I'd packed them in the bottom of the carry-on. Untouched.
seen on mfamb
I hadn't given them a thought. 
seen on savvy home 
And they're still unread. They've been dumped for Janette Turner Hospital (this week at least), my every day morning pages writing exercise a la Julia Cameron, and plotting and planning...
I feel like I don't know myself any more...
seen on belclaire house
But I'm quite liking this new, focused, contented person.
The  zen is still with me ;)
Who'd have thought!


  1. How great that you still have the zen working for you. I was talking to someone on the weekend who hold me that she and her husband are planning on going to that same writing and cooking retreat as you did. I told her how much you loved it. Sounds like big changes might be affoot with you my friend!

  2. It sounds like you are in a great place in your life at the moment. A far cry from a few weeks ago. Enjoy!!

  3. I don't know why I like you so much, but I do. Maybe it's because you're so happy with everything you have, while also being so open to change. But you also don't take yourself too seriously. Maybe that's why I like you so much.

    I loved seeing Pam's photo, as well.

    Good day to you!

  4. No need for what's out there (and there is SO much of it) when you're living from the inside out ....
    Relish & enjoy xxx

  5. Oh, Kerry. I am just so delighted for you. All power to you, my friend. J x

  6. The Artist's Way! I still have BOOKS of morning pages I will never, ever read. A good start for a bonfire.
    Incidentally, I couldn't go to Julia Cameron workshop in London, so my daughter went instead. I asked what she was like, Cissy thought a minute then said, "mum, she's a babe!" Nice to know~

  7. Love these posts Kerry, although I don't often comment. It was a lovely surprise to know that my images can be associated with a new found peace and contentment. Life is far too short for anything else! Keep on zenning :) :)

    Pam x

  8. Oh Kerry, I felt some of that Zen coming through the computer. Thank you. I am happy you are happy.
    And you were right, I did like all the pictures, especially the last one. I might borrow that one.

  9. I'm thinking that you know yourself all too well! You'd just got distracted for a bit. And knowing that we share that magazine addiction, I am in awe. xx

  10. In this post u collected all gorgeous pictures, so thank u for this inspiration!!:)
    p.s. Lovely blog (my first time here), u're doing great job!!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.