
Monday, August 29, 2011

I went to ballarat...

Hi there friends. I've been a bit absent I know, but I've been popping in and out of bloggy world whenever there's been a chance. I wouldn't want you to think it's been complete neglect. No, not at all.
One of the reasons for my absence was a lovely four day break in Ballarat. Although to be precise it was one day driving there, two days in situ and another day getting home. It's a long way between Canberra and Ballarat, it is indeed!
We went for the Foto Biennale. Richard was having his portfolio reviewed so I went along for the ride...and yes, he got some great feedback and encouragement to carry on. Yes, very pleased about that :)
But oh the irony, here we were in a lovely town for a photo festival and I hardly took any snaps. This meagre offering is it I'm afraid. 
Oh well. Next time. And maybe I'll show you some of my favourite works from the 72 exhibitions in another post. Yes I will. Hold me to that. There was some very fine stuff and it's definitely worth looking at. 


  1. I am ready when you are Kerry! Looking at the photo of the retro cafe reminds me of my favourite cafe in Sydney and the best Flat White coffee ever! I will stay tuned for those photos. :)

    Jeanne xxx

  2. Seventy-two exhibitions! Looks like a lovely weekend Kerry. Sometmes it's nice to forget about the camera and just enjoy :)

  3. Love the Town Hall Kerry. Sounds like you had a lovely break and, when one is away, sometimes the camera takes 2nd place. XXXX

  4. Ballarat looks lovely. What a creative family you are.

  5. Lordy! That is a lot for a girl to ogle at, Kerry. Thanks so much for sharing these glorious snippets. And yes, that carpet is stunning. J x

  6. You do love your exhibitions! Ballarat is beautiful, I haven't been for ages. Glad you enjoyed it. Rachaelx

  7. Oh I am going to Ballarat next week, bugger, just missed you. If you ever go again let me know and I will pop down for a cuppa. I love the crochet, tee hee appeals to me.

  8. Who knew there were yarn bombers in Ballarat?! Glad you had a good trip, Kerry. xx

  9. Sounds like you had a good time. That staircase is out of this world.

  10. It's all very attractive, esp the staircase. x


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