
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 3 August 11

I've come to love the top ten
seen on belle maison
not just because it's a repository of pictures that take my fancy
seen on decorology
filed away where I can find them...a bit like my very own pinterest
seen on tiny white daisies tumblr
but I also get to tell you
seen on the design files; photographer paul barbera
in just a few lines
seen on pretty space tumblr
about some of the important things in my life
seen on design sponge
tucked in here among the pretty images of gorgeous homes and gardens.
seen on decorology
Like how this week I entered my very first short story writing competition
seen on bazaar of serendipity
I don't mind telling you...
seen on a perfect gray
I'm a little bit pleased with myself 
seen on greige
and I don't give a toss if it wins or not 
seen on dustjacket attic; photography by stefano corso
because my very clever and extremely well read children both love it. 
 And that's prize enough for me :)


  1. That's one big slice of self achievent Kerry. What a magnificent feeling that must be. :)

  2. That's fantastic Kerry! Maybe sometime you could share one of your stories with us?
    Beautiful pics as usual, especially that first one :)

  3. Touché!

    xx Felicity

    PS: Loving SO many of this weeks' images

  4. Yay for you. I do enjoy your top ten.

  5. I love that you have well-read and extremely intelligent children.

    You're right, the fact they love your story is all that matters.

    Here's to knowing what's important in life! Yay for you!

  6. Good on you for entering your story in that competition - let us know how it goes. Great collection of images as always x

  7. Well done Kerry, following your dreams. I hope you win and if not I hope you had fun. Love your images too! Please keep us posted.. ;-)

  8. It's amazing how much you convey in those few lines Kerry. I had to go back and look at the pictures after I'd read. And gorgeous images they are this week too. But mostly I'm so pleased that you're embracing the things you so obviously love. Congratulations on the story. I'd love to read it!!!

  9. Good luck with that competition, Kerry! Your post, both words and pictures, is full of calm loveliness and hope. If you don't win I'll send someone along to beat the judges up. Oops, there goes the calm.

  10. Good for your top 10. The office is wonderful!!

  11. Dear Kerry, The colours of your first chosen photo hooked me! I love the fairy lit passageway too. Such lovely images. Well done on submitting your story. I bet you feel proud. Good for you. Lindaxxx

  12. Hi Kerry! Well done on entering your story! Best of luck for the competition!! These are such lovely, lovely pictures.

    We've just moved into a new apartment and done it up 40s/50s colonial Singapore style! Feel free to pop by and have a look :)
    Here's the link -

    xx Aliya

  13. Congratulations Kerry. Jealous much.

  14. wow!! congrats Kerry!!

    These are totally stunning images!! wow!!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.