
Monday, August 8, 2011

what I've been reading...

Yes, well...the best laid plans and all that. I was meant to give you a list of what I'd read each month but it appears I haven't done that since the March list I published in early April. Oops.
So, this is a biggie...all the books that I've read since then in one fell swoop. The ones I can remember that is...perhaps there have been a few others :)
In order:
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison - fiction
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua - non fiction
Shiver by Nikki Gemmel - Australian fiction
Season of Second Chances by Diane Meier - fiction
Stealing Picasso by Anson Cameron - Australian fiction
Odd Socks by Ilsa Evans - fluff
The Other Half Lives by Sophie Hannan - psychological thriller
Affection by Ian Townsend - fictionalised account of real people set in Townsville during an outbreak of the bubonic plague in 1900
Lessons in Letting Go by Corinne Grant - Australian memoir
Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks (my favourite author) - historical fiction
The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt - historical fiction
The Last Magician by Janette Turner Hospital - Australian fiction
The Memoir Book by Patti Miller - Australian non fiction
Writing your Life by Patti Miller - Australian non fiction
(Patti was the brilliant teacher and wonderful writer who nurtured our writing experiences in Bali)
Good Harbor by Anita Diamant - fiction
Last Chance Cafe by Liz Bryzki - Australian fiction
The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas - Australian fiction and winner of many prizes

As I work on trying to establish my own writing life I am more and more grateful for all the authors who've been in my life and thrilled me with their words for decades. I had no idea how hard it was! Or how rewarding. Reading and writing. Don't hang out for the 'rithmetic though...that's not about to happen :)


  1. Snap to 'The Children's Book' and 'The Slap' [now there's a contrasting duo with a tenuous connection if ever I've seen one] and tick to wanting to read 'The Season of Second Chances'.

    I love how you present these titles Kerry it's like looking through the window of my favourite bookstore and deciding which tome will be coming home to sit on my bedside table.

    Happy day!
    xx Felicity

  2. Thanks for that, always looking for more to read - I'd love to hear what you thought of them - x

  3. Love Geraldine Brooks, and I'll Google the others, thank you! a ready-made list!

  4. Some interesting titles in there, the Tiger mum gives me shudders and makes me think back on my childhood...The Slap was an uncomfortable read but a memorable book...I love Geraldine Brooks too and I loved The Childrens Book - must look up the others! Thanks!

  5. Wow Kerry - one of my very best friends is a writer and we have often spent hours discussing the processes involved. One of the most important parts being… to read and inspire one's self. Great list of books. The title I was most drawn to ended up being 'fluff' which amused me immensely.
    LOVE Your clip below too. I've just discovered Kimbra. WHERE HAVE I BEEN??

  6. Oh, Kerry, this is indeed a visual feast! If only I had time to read a book properly. *Sigh*. I'd choose 'Shiver', 'The Slap' and 'The Children's Book'. J x

  7. You've been reading loads! I thought I would be tearing through books this summer but have been reading Captain & The Kings for almost two months and only finished it last weekend! I'm looking forward to tackling my stack when I go on holidays. Nothing like a plane journey back to the states to help x

  8. Do we have a favourite? Perhaps it is just the colour of the cover but I'm drawn to The Season of Second Chances......

  9. Hi Kerry

    I think I have mentioned before that 'The Gang of Four' by Liz Byrski was a favourite of mine. I will be curious to see what you think of her latest.

    Love your top pics today!

    Jeanne xxx

  10. Oh what a lovely collection!! truly!! I should go back to reading.. Its been a while.. Life just feels like a roller coaster ride.. and is always so super busy..


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