
Friday, September 23, 2011

soul food friday: a rare (and quite mild) rant

I can be quite opinionated. I won't lie. But I don't get on my soapbox much. Really, I don't. 
But yesterday I saw this...
and it really got on my goat; goats having horns 'n all.
In Australia there has been much recent debate after commentator Mia Freedman dared to say we shouldn't call Cadel Evans (Aussie winner of the Tour de France) a hero.  I agree with her, totally, although her timing may have been a bit off. Misuse of the word hero has long been one of my pet hates. To prove, I previously wrote about it here...
And while Jonathan Adler may be a design guru, and I dare say some will be ludicrous enough to call him a design 'hero', I really wish he or his marketing minions wouldn't use a word with as much gravitas as heroic to label a porcelain horn or three. Please leave it to describe acts of courage, which this is not, unless of course people hate them. If that's the case then I can probably think of a few other words, like dopey.
This hijacking of hero/heroine/heroic makes me crazy!
They are quite nice though, those horns :)
Have a lovely weekend while I put my soapbox away in the attic. Which I don't have. Wouldn't mind one though.


  1. I'm with you Kerry, the word is frequently misused. It is rather pesky.
    I quite enjoy a bit of soap-box action so feel free my friend!
    Have a happy Friday :)

  2. I agree. It seems anyone can be considered a hero (and that's not to say Cadel Evans isn't awesome, because the man is a great sportsman). Icon is another word which gets misused a lot too. x

  3. I'm a bit worried about the top of that silver cross on the soap box, though - especially in association with the horns.

  4. I totally agree with you Kerry. Have a lovely weekend. xx

  5. I'm right there with you me a hero puts someone else first...sacrifices their safety...stands out against all odds...defies the odds..all the while NOT seeking glory.

  6. You don't get on your soapbox much. First LOL of the day : )

  7. That's you out of the will child :))

  8. Plaudits to the lady on the soapbox. Well said. And where did you find the fantastic first photo? J x

  9. You are right Kerry, misuse degrades meaning. I'm happy for these to be Handsome Horns, or Humane Horns or even pragmatic Virtual Horns, but let's not go too far~

  10. I agree with you. I think people just don't use the English language properly anymore. We have so many words, yet journalists or columnists or bloggers (me) use the same old platitudes and terms without any thought.

    I applaud a rant.

  11. If you get a soap box, then you have to get the shoes. They are soap box ranting shoes if ever I have seen them! Rant away. I couldn't load this page fast enough when I heard you were letting it fly. Yes, the word does get over used. It annoys the heck out of me on The Rennovators when they speak of the "hero" piece in the room.

  12. Totally agree with you. The broad (and ridiculous?) use of the word hero bothers me as much as the use of the category "best in the world". Here in the US is used to describe pretty much any new product that comes our way, without a shred of evidence. I'd get on the soapbox for that one, yes indeed. Well said, Kerry.

  13. Hmmm... first time here,

    and I think I will definitely be back.

    I love opinionated people and I enjoy reading their posts...

    I love your images too.

    Nice blog.

  14. Hokey Horns? The horns you have when you don't really have horns? Yep, Im over the hero abuse too. Its the media. They have to sensationalise everything to the point where nothing is worthy just on its own merits anymore. No wonder I avoid watching the news or reading magazines. I can't stand the spin!

  15. I've been on my soapbox with a bunch of 18-19 year old university students. Don't give me bushranger/eureka stockade/anzac/kokoda (I could keep going but won't) propaganda ever again! PS they think I'm mad

  16. I do, so enjoy your soapbox outings! I've run out of things to read again...perhaps there is a little bit of a hint there...maybe?!!!! xxx

  17. Iconic. Iconic. Iconic. Ditto. Drives me mental.


  18. I would climb right up there with you on this one Kerry...let's be done with the hyperbole and use appropriate language.
    What's your stance on WEATHER ALERTS instead of good old Weather Forecasts?!

  19. I love soapbox speeches! lol Very cool shot. Even though it’s a shot of the feet, picture tells so much. I feel your pain.

  20. Well said. I too think that the title should be reserved for those who truly have been heroic.

    Happy weekend from the North

    xx C

  21. yep, with you on this one. if i hear one more lamp labelled as the hero of the room i'm going to lose it! arrrgh



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