
Friday, October 21, 2011

soul food friday ~ perfect relationships...

I think about relationships a lot.  Probably far too much. I like this quote.  I'm not sure how true it is, but I'm willing to give Bob the benefit of the doubt...drug induced though its birth may have been. I find myself nodding along. It talks about laughter, thinking,  awareness (of yourself and the other person), acceptance, reasonableness, acknowledgement, responsibility, care...all the right ingredients for a good relationship I think. 
I don't believe there's such a thing as complete perfection in a relationship but we hold on tight and value those bits of perfection that come to us...more often than not if we're lucky...those times of pure pleasure and rightness...before the next bit of imperfection...the annoying interlude, careless word or thoughtless act comes along to bite us on the bum. Whether it's done to us, or by us. 
But what I think I know about the perfect relationship is this:

the perfection in a relationship comes from overlooking the imperfections...the ones that don't matter all that much...the tiny little gnat bites...the ones that won't be important in six weeks or at a stretch, six months.

That's my take on it anyway...what's yours and what have I missed?
image from bits of truth


  1. Fabulous!
    I was supply teaching this week and was able to sit in on the staff devotional where the focus was love.
    As the teacher leading the session read the following words I thought about Captain V and how he really does personify love for me and for his children. I'm not sure if I could say the same for me.

    Love is patient, love is kind.
    It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
    It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
    Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
    It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    Happy day Lovely - thank you for sharing.

  2. So very true Kerry...I love the verse and its a great reminder to all to focus on all the reasons you fell inlove with that person in the first place.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend lovely

    A x

  3. Morning all, what a great thought-provoker for a sunny Brisbane Friday! For me, the best relationship allows you to be your best self, and in that relationship you also have the desire to help the other be their best self.
    It's been a long road for me though! I realise now that what doesn't work for you about the other person is something unresolved in you - resolving those things is what lead me to the most fulfilling relationship I have ever had.

  4. That's really pretty deep.

    I have stopped thinking about relationships, I have been married too long! I can't tell you how many years it took to stop analysing...

  5. Love that quote too Kerry, as life goes on I think I have come to the realisation there will always be ups and downs in a relationship, you just have to try and ride them out until the next good patch and hope it lasts a while xx

  6. I was vascillating in the early days with MOTH until he mentioned he didn't care two bits about my stretch marks. It was all engines go after that. That & the fact he let's me do my own thing big time without ever a blink. Don't think too long about this subject Kerry, it it feels right just do it mate!
    Millie xx

  7. I'm with Bob on this. Great quote - thanks for spreading the word!

  8. This is the first time I have come across the Dylan lyrics (I was listening to a debate the other day on whether he should receive a Nobel but that's another story). I love the verse Felicity quoted, and use it frequently even though I'm not what you would call religious.

    A long way to say, from experience (some of it bitter) I agree wholeheartedly with you. This is the advice I give friends when they are struggling. My Mr Eternity isn't perfect, in fact sometimes he drives me to distraction. But...he has faith in me and supports my vision and ideals for life. It's all we need, a bit a faith and love! Apologies for the length of comment...

  9. I'm with Mill's Kerry. Don't think too hard....just go with the flow. There is no such thing as the PERFECT relationship......I've been married for 35 years and I find laughter is so very important, amongst other things.To be married for that long see's all sorts of up's and down's but, you have to get over them.
    Here's to a happy and fulfilled weekend in the relationship department !!!! XXXX

  10. I'm not sure that I can answer this in english... I think that a person can be good enough, but we dream of the best.


  11. SO true...drug induced or not. Also Kerry, drug only amplifies who you are. It never makes you a any other than what you are not usually.

    I am with bob through his quote and of course his songs. Although Hendrix would be a lil more me.

    I think about relationships too. A lot. And I'll tell you kerry that I'm in love with the world's most lovable man ever. He would not bring roses to me, but he would happily give up his bike rides and buy a car just because my hair gets rough in motorbikes. He never wrote me a poetry but every line he wrote, he meant it. I love him and the above quote is so so true.

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