
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

top ten ~ 12 Oct 11, and newcastle bound...

Hello petals. 
As you read this I will be driving up the M-something or other on my way to Newcastle...
My mum's having an operation tomorrow
and I need to look after dad while she's in the hospital...
I'm hoping it will be simple and straightforward
but in their 80's, and with dementia involved, nothing is certain is it.
So I may be off the air for a little bit.
Or I might take my camera and find a few of my childhood haunts :)
either way, if you could cross fingers and toes for me...
I'd be very grateful :)


  1. I hope your Mum's operation goes well. I'll keep everything crossed.

    And make the most of the time with your Dad. Sitting in the sun with him and a cup of tea in contemplative silence sounds like a nice way to spend some hours.

  2. Good luck to your mother, and to you. It all sounds a bit difficult. I'm glad you got to look at those wonderful yellow windows before you left. Many kind wishes on your trip. x

  3. Take it easy Kerry and I hope all goes well. Also, I hear Newcastle has some very groovy spots so will look forward to your photos. xx

  4. Oh Kerry,
    Best wishes to your mum and I wish her well.It is certainly not an easy time when this happens to our parents....been there, done that twice over.
    Look after yourself Kerry and take care. XXXX

  5. Hope your mum's operation goes well xxx

  6. Best wishes to your mother. Do take some pictures of your haunts!!


  7. Thinking of you, your mum and your dad. Give me a shout if you want to catch up for coffee while you're here x

  8. Everything that can be crossed is crossed.

  9. Oh, sending your Mum healing vibes from Hobart, Kerry. I hope you can enjoy your time with your Dad. J x

  10. Of course I will keep fingers and toes crossed ! I hope that everything will be fine with your Mother (and your Father too).


  11. I love every single one of these rooms, every single one. I think this might be my favorite top ten!
    My fingers and toes are crossed for you Kerry. Sending you positive thoughts that all will be well x

  12. Everything is crossed :) Hope your mum's op goes well and that your time with your Dad goes smoothly. See you when you get back! x

  13. I hope it all goes super well for your mum and that you have a nice time. I'd love to see pics of your old haunts as I really enjoyed Newcastle when I visited x

  14. Consider them crossed. I hope it all goes smoothly. I bet they love having you around. Looking forward to some pics as well.

  15. Fingers and toes all crossed Kerry - I had to make a dash for my mum last year, and it couldn't have been better, I think she faced her worst fear (going into hospital) and was rejuvenated to have stared her imaginings down~

    I wish you as happy an outcome.

  16. OMG loving these pictures!!

  17. From the photos you choose you are in a good frame of mind and will be sure to bring strength and happy support to both your parents.
    Hope all goes well.

  18. I'll be thinking of you and your parents, Kerry. Must be stressful times for all of you. Take care and good luck with everything. You have managed to share some very beautiful images today, with all that you're going through. Love them.

  19. Hi darling, my thoughts are with you and your mum and dad. I hope everything goes well and it's straightforward, like you said. Let us know. Rachaelx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.