
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

i think i'm in love with pears

I have a thing for pears.  I painted some once..I'm no great shakes as an was hard, but I persevered, even when I wanted to throw the bloody thing out the window...and this watercolour now hangs in my kitchen...
And when a good friend of mine bought one of these marble pears...well what was I to do?
Really, what choice did I have...I had to have one too right? (Susan you know imitation is the highest form of flattery don't you?)
Who wouldn't like a pear tart like this to eat on a coolish autumn night...
Lisa Wilkinson thinks pears are cool...a very popular morning TV host and the youngest ever editor of a national magazine in Australia - 21 and the editor of Dolly; 25 and they made her the boss at Cleo magazine (where coincidentally the first born now works!).  This hangs in her house. Honestly, who are we to argue with her?

Perhaps you'd like one of these hanging on the wall...race you for the Cezanne!

Then of course there's these humongous great pears outside the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra where I live (Canberra, not the gallery, although I wouldn't mind a night in there with all those might be a bit spooky though)

I first saw these in Brisbane on display at Expo 88 (on the first day of the exhibition...actually it's exposition isn't it...I was giving birth to my son...the doctor was not happy to be attending to Ben's birth instead of Expo I suspect...but we were very glad he was...or wasn't, depending on how you look at it!)
And how could we forget this...
Some of these pear blossom branches in a great big vase would be beautiful wouldn't they...

Or perhaps some fruit 'art'...
...ok, perhaps not....I'm just being silly now!

What is it about pears do you think?  And why do they get such a bad rap sometimes...why do we describe a pear shaped person as one who's gone a little too far to the right of centre when it comes to svelte? Why do we say 'it's all gone pear shaped' if that were a bad thing.  No way, more power to pears I say!

image 1,2 - me; image 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 - google; image 4 via driftwood interiors (thanks Kerri!); image 8, 10 - flickr; image 9 - wikipedia


  1. Hey, don't be silly, your watercolour looks fantastic! Just a tip, before you bring some of those pear branches inside, go read Layla's post over at - you may change your mind! And child working at Cleo - my seventeen-year-old-self is deadly jealous!
    K xx

  2. Hi Kerry,

    Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and saying hello. I must say that I also have a thing for pears... there's something about the shape. I once used some beautiful marble pears on a styling job that i became totally obsessed with - they featured heavily! Have a great day.

    Angela x

  3. Hi Kerry, just noticed we follow several of the same blogs so thought we must have a bit in common, and we do, I love pears too, in fact my last post features some pears.
    Looking forward to following your blog:o)
    PS. I love Canberra, we used to pop over now and then during the 2 years we lived in Wagga Wagga.

  4. Hi Kerry. Thanks for the message you left on my new blog. You're is such fun! I'm trying to restrain myself though can't deny I'm actually excited about jumping on the PC every morning when I wake up! Now following you too.

  5. What a cute post! Just wanted to say I left you a Sunshine/Karate award at my blog!

  6. Hahaha...Kerry fab post...all you need now is the partridge!
    I have never seen those huge pears at the National Gallery of Australia.. in soon to travel there and will make sure I pay these pears a visit! Thanks for sharing x

  7. just popping by to say hello and how funny today I bought pears to do something with...just because they were on offer...a bucket for a few bucks and they were just so pretty...then I came here...great minds eh?


  8. I too love pears - not sure where this comes from, but I have a large piece of art in my kitchen depicting pears, I have some little marble pears, I have a lovely watercolour of a pair of pears hanging in my hall. So, I understand completely how much you like pears. Thanks for sharing these great images! Lee :)

  9. Wow Kerry! I am happy that you commented on my blog, because now I have found your gorgeous blog:) I was born and grew up in Canberra and didn't leave until I was 23 (same for my hubby)! How could I not love those giant pears, outside the National Gallery:) Have you always lived in the ACT? Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my post today. Wishing you a wonderful week! ~ Tina x

  10. Now that is one divine cake - yum!x

  11. Dear Kerry,
    My husband is always saying how he likes a nice pear !!!! haha.
    I love pears. We always have them in the fruit bowl so, you don't have to win me over. ..... and your painting is great.
    The Pears soap poster takes me back to my childhood. My Grandmother had a framed Pears poster at the top of her stairs and my sister and I remember being on holiday as children and they had pears soap, and we thought that it was so special !! It didn't take a lot to please us !! XXXX

  12. Your pear painting is great - I'd happily hang it on my kitchen wall! Leigh

  13. Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog! Hey tell Anna, now you have the Partridge, because thats my last name, honest! And now I'm a follower, lol!

    Not a huge fan of the taste of Pears but in decorating yes. I love the huge ceramic pears. My sister in-law uses hers for bookends for her cookbooks. It looks pretty cute!


  14. oooh I'm loving all those pears - especially that lovely tart. Better go to bed before i raid the kitchen. Mel xxx

  15. I echo everyone else in saying that your pear painting is great! I would display it in my kitchen with pride. So funny you wrote this post. My husband bought pears for a snack this week and they were sitting out in a big bowl on the table and I didn't want anyone to eat them b/c I thought they looked so beautiful!

  16. Hi Kerry, I just found your blog and I am so glad that I did. It is beautiful. I love to eat pears but now I might have to try to decorate with them also!!


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