
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

nowhere close to being too cool for school

Much excitement around the tranquil townhouse... not that Buffy the Vampire Slayer (aka the truly horrible cat) seemed to care much. She just carried on whining to be fed as usual, not sensing my exhilaration one little bit.
Oh yes she looks harmless here, but you don't live with her! Just ask my friends who she's taken a swipe at...they'll tell you.
You see, yesterday I picked up the phone, gave over my credit card details and signed up to do a Certificate IV in Design at the International School of Colour and Design. 
The school's in Sydney and alas I'm not, so I'll be doing it by distance...and there is that little matter of my real job to worry about, so heading off to Sydney is not an option (and I doubt the first born would want to put me up on the couch for that long!)
But distance learning is how I did my Masters so I know it can work...just need to be disciplined can do it...remember your Army training.
image from here
OK, maybe not brings me out in a very nasty rash!
The materials should arrive in a few weeks and I can't wait.
But to tide me over, I did this great little quiz thingy they have on their tells you what your decorating style is...and my oh was accurate in my case.
Here's my result...
...and here is what it tells me a magazine cover designed by me would look like...not so sure about that one

It's such a cool thing to play with...go on, have a know you want to!
first image by me; second from google; others from the ISCD website


  1. Congratulations! That's so exciting. The quiz on decorating style sounds cool. I'm going to head on over there and check it out now!

  2. Sounds fantastic Kerry. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I'm studying too?? We seem to be living parallel lives!
    K xx

  3. Hi Kerri...what did I tell you? Clearly separated at birth! Can't wait to see what else we have in common as this lovely friendship unfolds. xx

  4. Love the little crafty paint pack...whatever will you create?? Fun times ahead.

  5. how can you hate a cat so cute? i want to squeeze her.

  6. Do you want to come and get her and take her home with you Jess? She'd love that.

  7. Love your cat! Love cats...want a cat so do my boys. Congrats on your study. I'm studying too. I love studying again.... so stimulating... mine is a mix of distance, on site work and weekend trade camps! You're going to have so much fun. I'm off to take your quiz! A-M xx

  8. Hi , Just found your blog via collage of life, good to find someone who's as new to this game as me! All my admiration to you for signing up for a course, it's easier to procrastinate about it!

  9. Hi Kerry, thanks so much for dropping by and following my blog! How exciting to be studying colour and design. I should drop by the site and work out my design style :)
    ps How funny is your cat? Gosh, I was such a fan of Buffy!

  10. Dear Kerry,
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me. It's lovely when we see new faces, isn't it ?
    I am in awe that you are starting a certificate in Design. I'm not very good at starting anything where I might have to do exams !! I have to say, we had 3 cats, sadly all gone now, who were lovely but, my friend had one of the kittens and she is a bit like yours !!!! She does look as if butter wouldn't mely in her mouth but, you know the real story !!
    Our son and his wife are on holiday in the States at the moment and our daughter and boyfriend are on their way to your neck of the woods in April. Singapore, Sydney and Bali. It's alright for some (I don't really know why I'm telling you that !! Just because, I guess !!)
    Anyway, I digress. Lovely to meet you and will be over to see you, often. XXXX

  11. Kerry: thanks for following my blog and for your lovely comment. I am following yours now. It's so beautiful and fun! I'll be back often. Take care, darling.

  12. Hi Kerry!
    It was great to have you visit and thanks so much for your comment. Congrats on the new course - good for you!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.