
Monday, April 5, 2010

ambushed by megan morton ~ her book that is

I have a bone to pick with this woman! I wasn't literally ambushed by Megan Morton of course...I'm sure she's far too nice to lie in wait for unsuspecting bloggers. But I was sure as heck ambushed by her book!
I had all sorts of plans for my house this weekend....mountains of chocolate projects to get through...walls to paint, hedges to trim, sweet peas to plant...cupboards to sort...a chair to silver leaf (wait for that one!)...paintings to paint...

But did I do these things? Oh no, I did not!  Well, ok I did some...but I also spent an awful lot of time sitting on my butt reading this fabulous, gorgeous, stupendous book from cover to bloody cover!! 

And it (I am very pleased to say) confirmed my view that I am not a minimalist and that colour and texture are my weapons of choice!  And I'm too old to change now...but Megan says that's ok. In fact I think I can quite safely define myself as boho which she describes as "...having no hard-and-fast rules, no real right or wrong...a relaxed, ad hoc look that complements the lifestyle of travellers and collectors, granting them the freedom to buy up whatever and whenever they will." Oh Megan...thank you!

These are some of the images in the book that made me stop and look that little bit longer....I've taken them with my very unsophisticated you really do need to go and buy the book to get your proper fill.  Every facing page is a full page, to-die-for image of a beautiful interior...or sometimes an exterior...

Do yourselves a favour.  Stop what you're doing...immediately...and go and get a copy of this book. Don't wait until your birthday, your anniversary, it now!! Or go and get one of your beloveds to do it for know they will...they love you!! 

And you'll love Megan Morton as well...because she believes in sharing, and that's exactly what this book is...a true guide...real tips...fabulous advice. As she says..."when you're willing to share what you know, others share with you - it's the power of karmic knowledge." Yep.

all images taken by me of the contents of Megan Morton's book Home Love published by Lantern (I do hope it's ok to do that...after all, I really want you all to go and buy it!). Check out the homelove blog where you can also buy a copy.


  1. Oooh what a lovely looking book! Thanks for sharing Kerry. I am adding it to my list - Fishpond books are going to love me next month!! I vote for sitting and reading, consider it as the 'research' part of cleaning, painting, gardening etc... you need to see how other people do it so you do it correctly!! No? Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, it sure sounds like you are ~ Tina xx

  2. ugh. i have been seeing that book all over and i am dying for it....want it need it. love it so far.
    thanks for sharing some images. can we get it in the US???? should we be so lucky?
    hope you had a great weekend dollface. XOXOXOOXO

  3. Thanks for the sneak peek of Megan's book - it looks gorgeous & I'm going to try and pop out today to pick up a copy. Lee :)

  4. You sold me Kerry....I am going to have a look for this one now!!
    She sounds like my kind of girl!! Loved your post..I was with you all the way:)
    Best wishes for a great week!!

  5. That looks like a fabulous book!! xx

  6. I love books that will do that to husband hates

  7. Go boho you! Who says you need to change? Looks like a great book..Rachaelxx

  8. Looks like a great read. Not a bad ambush!

  9. Hi Kerry,
    I will run not walk out to buy that book after that review!! I was buried in the new Tony Duquette book yesterday- it's such a treat. And yes you can never have enough colors!!

  10. Thanks for the suggested title Kerry. Now I have something else to occupy my time (as if blogging doesn't suck up most of it!) It looks like great inspiration!

  11. what a fun post! i love, love beautiful design books and am always looking for new additions to my little library. this one sounds fabulous! can't wait to get a copy of my own :)

  12. Kerry,

    Thank you for the inspirational photos and book recommendation. I will add it to my list!

    You joined my postcard exchange link and I emailed you but haven't heard back yet.

  13. Dear Kerry, I have discovered your weblog completely by chance and am enthralled, amused and hugely entertained by your postings. The Vampire Slayer is postively lovely and I should be delighted to take her off your hands at any time.

    The design book you feature seems a world away from Colefax and Fowler or Nicholas Haslam where I am usually to be found. That said, Australia and Great Britain are indeed a world apart!

    I am adding myself to your list of 'Followers' in order to keep track of the Vampire Slayer and not to miss out on any of your fun postings.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.