
Saturday, April 3, 2010

a different kind of inspiration

Please don't laugh at non-bloggy friends do quite enough of that. know who you are! But I love John Denver and I miss him. I wonder what beautiful music he would have written if he hadn't died? I spent yesterday morning doing the housework and indulging myself in a Denver-fest. I live alone, mostly...a definite advantage when you want to play daggy music...loudly...for a very long time...and sing along at the top of your voice as well :)
The vampire slayer did choose to spend most of the morning outside though...must remember to try that little trick more often!
So...indulge me... some pictures inspired by John Denver lyrics, for those who share my affection for the boy who slept in his grandma's feather bed...
'close your eyes and rest your weary mind...'

'like a night in a forest...'
'like a walk in the rain...' 
'perhaps love is like a window, perhaps an open door...'

'like the colours of the rainbow...' 

'lie there by the fire and watch the evening tire...' 
'how sweet it is to love someone, how right it is to care...' 
'today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine...' 
'a million tomorrows shall all pass away, 'ere i forget all the joy that is mine today...'
Oh, and guess what...complete tragic that I am...I have a John Denver autograph. An old flame of mine found himself sitting next to John Denver on a plane a long time ago...and knowing of my devotion, asked for this...and I treasure it.

I'm coming out of the John Denver closet bloggy people. I plan to find myself a suitable, beautiful frame and proudly show that autograph off...
Vale've brought me a lot of joy...especially on long road trips...and if you want to call me a 'dag'...any of you...please do! I know John wouldn't mind. Peace, out.
images: buddha and autograph by me; others from here, here and here


  1. beee-you-teee-ful post! nice that you have an autograph....sigh.

  2. Love John Denver! So from one dag to another - turn up that volume! You go girl:) Hope you have a fabulous Saturday ~ Tina x

  3. We used to sing Country Roads at camp when I was a teen - sort of feel nostalgic when I hear it now.

    I love your photos of the sun through the woods and the wisteria vine with the blue shutters - gorgeous.

    Happy Easter. May the chocolate be with you.

  4. This has to be my favourite post of the week! I LOVE, LOVE John Denver and my husband LOVES to tease me when I play it. Love the images and lyrics..Rachaelxx

  5. Oh Kerry . . . here is where we definitely are not the same. I am NOT a Denver fan, but I would never laugh at you! He's okay, but very cool that you got his autograph! You should definitely frame it. Happy Easter weekend.

  6. I am not really familiar with John Denver, but if he inspires, beautiful images like that, then he must be good!

  7. Great images today! Have a most wonderful Easter weekend! xo

  8. Very nce site and images. Thank you for visiting!

    Art by Karena

  9. I have to confess I don't really know much of John Denver's music, but I have always loved the song Take Me Home. Country Roads. It's so haunting, just beautiful.

  10. What a beautiful post Kerry! I completely understand your missing John Denver! Your images are stunning and certainly convey the depth of your feeling. All beautiful!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!!

  11. You took that Buddha pic?!! That's frame-worthy if I ever saw one.

    Consider me still in the John Denver closet.....until after a few cocktails and you may find me belting out his tunes. Or anyone's tunes for that matter. Love this collection of pics set to his lyrics, esp. the one w/ the windows/door. So hauntingly beautiful.

    P.S. THANK YOU for taking the time to drop by my little ol' blog w/ your kind comments! You totally made my day like you wouldn't believe!

    P.P.S. Australia? I am SO in awe. Your beautiful country has been on our list to travel to for ages.

    P.P.P.S. I laughed a thousand laughs at your cat's name. The slayer indeed, HA!

  12. Dear Kerry,
    Have you been having treatment for this or, is this the first time that you have admitted it ?!! There is a John Denver Anonymous you know !! Haha.
    I actually like John Denver so, you play his music loud and proud !!
    Hope that you are having a wonderful Easter weekend full of love and deliciousness. XXXX


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.