
Thursday, April 1, 2010

easter 'decorating' ~ not really!

Eddie Ross does festive decorating...big time.  This setting may not be for Easter but if it isn't it should be. There are closed.
I don't 'do' festive decorating...not much anyway. You should have heard the carry-on a few Christmases ago when I did a Christmas 'tree' in a huge glass know lots of sprayed silver branches and beautiful baubles a-dangling. Those ferals gorgeous young adults of mine were less than impressed! But of course, last Christmas when I put up the very classy black tree with all the silver baubles and the twinkling fairy lights, did they lift a finger to help, or even provide lots of ooh and aaah noises...oh no they did not. Out of the will they are!
Lucky I live alone is all I can say! Well I do get visits from the MGM and then of course there's the vampire slayer, but she's had far too much publicity this week as it is, so no more mentions of her. Ever.
Anyhooo...I thought given that everyone seems to be posting Easter pics, I'd better get in on the act too.  So here is my feeble attempt at Easter 'decorating'...don't fall about laughing, ok? It's Easter...there are rabbits and a couple of chocolate eggs...close enough!
I do appreciate that my attempts may disappoint some of here are some beautiful eggs that might lift your spirits...right back up where they belong!  

One might conclude from these that I don't do 'subtle'....hmmm...probably right about that.
So, have a wonderful break everyone. I'm planning on doing a great deal of absolutely nothing. Peace and blessings dear bloggy people...and if you're travelling...make sure you travel safe.
apart from my own, images are from here and here and here


  1. Well, I must say that my Easter decorating puts Eddie's to shame (ok, who am I kidding, absolutely no comparison!) but do appreciate some good Easter eye candy. Have a wonderful break chicky, and I'll find a way, hook or by crook, to check in. No way I can last a week without my fix of tranquility!
    K xx

  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, have a nice easter..Rachaelxx

  3. Love that Eddie Ross! I think your Easter decorating is perfect Miss Kerry! You have wonderful taste in chocolate, I am just devouring one of those very Lindt eggs as I type this :) Wishing you a wonderful Easter ~ Tina xx

  4. Dear Kerry,
    Bravo for doing a bit of Easter decorating. Personally, I don't do any !! The choccy eggs are half eaten before they even get through the front door and, I don't even own a china bunny. There is a chance that a bunch of daffs might make it into the house, but that's as good as it gets.
    I am loving the eggs with the maple leaves and the Faberge eggs are beautiful.... mind you, if I had one, I'd sell it !!
    .... oh, and thanks for the plug, Kerry. (At Peace At HOME under the wooden bunny !!!!)
    Have a lovely Easter. XXXX

  5. I like the wooden bunny! He's cute. I love all those fabulous eggs. You won't see me posting my decorated eggs b/c they look like a second grader did them.

  6. Oh Kerry you are fantastic : )I love your decorating, it is far more than I have done so far. I have a bowl of chocolate eggs sitting on the kitchen bench left over from my Easter gift bags! Have a great weekend! xx

  7. Very cute rabbity things that you have, along with my all time fav Lindt chocolates. Happy Easter.

  8. Eddie Rocks...but your decor absolutely did not disapoint...quite the opposite! Happy Easter.

  9. I love the blue and white setting - it looks lovely. Well, I have to say that you have gone way out on your decorating compared to me, I have nothing unless you include my white rabbit who has been sitting in the same spot since I bought it last year. Oh well.
    Have a lovely Easter!

  10. Hi Kerry
    I'm not doing any Easter decoration:(( ,I live alone so I can't be bothered; does that make me a non-domestic goddess ? I suppose so!
    But I love your display, it's cute and not OTT, just enought to get in the Easter Spirit.
    Kudos to you
    have a very happy Easter !
    xo, Flaviana

  11. Hi Kerry, I can't tell you how impressed I am at your Easter decorations. Last year I went all out and this year....I forgot. Truly. I forgot until a couple of days ago. Anyhoo, you've inspired me to grab a handful of Lindt eggs at the very least, just so I'll feel I've made an effort. Meredy xo.
    p.s. I am coveting your copy of Downtown Chic...I love their style.

  12. Hi Kerry, I really love the blue in the first picture! Wishing you a very happy Easter weekend. xo

  13. Hi Kerry,

    This is my first visit to your lovely blog but I will be returning! I am just decorating my mantel today for Easter. Besides, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

    Thank you for linking in and participating in my postcard exchange. I sent you email.

    Have a wonderful Easter.

  14. It's my first visit to your blog too! I myself love a bit of festive decor;) I am new to the blog world but have managed an easter bunny post scheduled for Sunday. (I am thinking I am blog genius for being able to do this)
    Those chocolates make me want to pop the kettle on and hop into them.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.