
Saturday, April 17, 2010

mini-break and a road trip ~ who could ask for more

The MGM and I are off on a road trip today and four lovely days break from work and (in his case) kids! Actually in my case too...the soon to be 22 year old son is returning to the nest today for a (hopefully) brief interlude in between share I sound like a bad mother?? Nooooo...but it is probably a good time to be going on a short trip while he moves his junk treasures in!
We're heading off to Leura in the Blue Mountains...and here is where we'll be staying...Hurlstone the West Wing no you think Martin Sheen will make a guest appearance?

Looks pretty lovely doesn't it...just right for a bit of romance. I have a new camera so I'm looking forward to trying it out. The laptop will be packed but there may or may not be blogging...depending on aforementioned romance potential!! Sorry loves, but sometimes you must take a back seat :)
Hope you all have very lovely weekends.
all images Hurlstone (but I'll be taking my own when we get there...with my brand new Canon)


  1. so in love with that fireplace....
    have a great weekend dear. xo

  2. Have a wonderful time! We are just sitting down to our first glass of wine on Friday night! Your getaway looks lovely.

  3. It looks beautiful Kerry! Have a great Romantic weekend away. Jxx

  4. Lucky you Kerry! I love Leura - such a gorgeous, character filled spot. Be sure to take lots of photos for us with your camera and have a wonderful time away x

  5. Ooh, so jealous! Looks gorgeous and just right for this time of year. Have a great weekend sweetpea and can't wait for all the deets when you get back (of the place, not the romance of course!) And by the way, looking for a camera too at the moment, so would love to know what you bought. xxx

  6. Kerry, this place is gorgeous! Oooh, let the romancing begin! I hope you have a fabulous weekend and get mentally able and willing for your son to come and stay. Whew, mine are only 5 and 10 and I wish sometimes they would leave. I can't even imagine sending my 22 year old off and then coming back again. What is it they say, "Never say never!" I bet it will be great!

  7. Fabulous time of year to be heading to the blue mountains! Hope you have a great time, and relax.

  8. Have a wonderful time - it looks amazingly romantic.

  9. Have a great time. Please try out the new camera and then tell us all about it. If you really are in the West wing, perhaps Rob Lowe will make an appearance too! Now that's my idea of a good weekend.

  10. Hi,
    I hope that you will have a very nice and lovely (read LOVEly) weekend ! Looking forward to read more about it.


  11. Oh so envious Kerry! ENJOY my dear!!! ~ Tina xx

  12. What a lovely place to spend the weekend with someone you love, Kerry! Have tons of fun!

  13. Ooooo , Kerry,
    That looks like my kinda place. I think that romance is definitely on the cards for the next few days !!
    Enjoy the break with your MGM. XXXX

  14. Wow, it looks amazing. I'm very envious! Have a wonderful time :)

  15. Leura is so beautiful. Enjoy Kerry, I am sure you will!!
    Jeanne :)

  16. Looks fabulous, have a great time and plenty of romance.

  17. Oh lovely! I hope you have a wonderful mini-break (love that term, we don't use it in America, it reminds me of Bridget Jones), let's hope yours turns out better than hers do! Enjoy! Love your blog, and I'm a new follower!

  18. Oooh fun :D
    great post!
    loving the blog too
    stop by some time xx

  19. Have a fantastic time! Looks like heaven :)

  20. Kerry lots of things resonated with me when I read your blog and your description of yourself, 2 things in particular though; the fact that you are a blogoholic ( I have caught the disease) and I also had a cat called Buffy! Love your blog. Keep being creative and inspiring. I am your newest follower. Drop into my blog Velvetine Lily at A blog about love, food, life and pleasure.
    Kindest Regards, Tracey at Velvetine Lily x o xo

  21. What a divine way to spend four days! I had a house in Katoomba many years ago and still miss this heavenly place. Enjoy. Leigh


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