
Monday, April 19, 2010

our little mountain holiday ~ the food edition

The MGM is having a little nanna I'm blogging...I knew I couldn't stay away! Thought I'd show you a few snaps of a subject near and dear to my heart...or should I say stomach. We left Canberra a little later than surprises there...disorganised to the nth degree we are, but we were determined to stop at Cabramatta in Sydney on our way to the mountains. Cabramatta is home to Sydney's Vietnamese community and we love the food and the produce we just had to make the side trip...and it was waaaay past lunch time...we were hungry!
This lovely duck curry was the MGM's choice.  I had squid with ginger and shallots. It was nice but not photo worthy.  We DID NOT choose menu item 44!

The scene across the road as we were sitting outside eating our lunch...

Then a wander to the market-place to get the makings for our own Vietnamese meal that night...such pretty sights among the fruit and veg...
You can probably tell by now that the MGM's nanna nap is over and he's been helping me to learn photoshop, so that I can have my own little signature on my photos...he's a treasure that man! Here's another food collage for your visual pleasure...although I couldn't work out how to put that into the template without distorting much still to learn...and I don't want to disturb someone else who is reading the paper at the moment!! Shhhh...

I'm not silly...I know when to ask and when not to ask...useful skill that!
So we bought a bit of this and that and had to sample the would have been too rude not to...and eventually headed on up the mountain to our accommodation.
Where...the MGM made me dinner...beef pho...

What more could a girl want...dinner cooked for her, a glass of red, a new book...the fire was lit as well...sigh.  Only one more thing required...a yummy chicken, goat cheese and chilli jam pide for lunch the next day!

Next edition will be...scenery!


  1. I adore all asian cuisine and that duck curry looks awesome! I'm suddenly very hungry!

  2. Oh my goodness Kerry, your weekend looks fabulous so far! I LOVE vietnamese food and have to say that duck curry looks fabulous (hmmm not so sure on item 44 either!!). How fabulous that MGM can cook and something as extravagant as beef pho - you are a very lucky woman!! Can't wait for the next instalment:) Thanks for the giggle as always, your blog is like a breath of fresh air Kerry! Big hugs to you ~ Tina xx

  3. You are one lucky girl Kerry. The food and the markets look fantastic, your wine and book look great and your lunch....YUM! Enjoy your stay! I am looking forward to seeing the scenery photos. xx

  4. You have just had my perfect day! That food looks so delicious. I have never been to Cabramatta but I really should. We have been thinking of going to Sydney...maybe we should go soon before it gets too cold for us Queenslanders!

    Love the new signature on your pictures...must learn how to do that!

    Best wishes for a beautiful week,

  5. Oh Kerry gorgeous food. sounds like your having a fabulous time. Looking forward to the next installment.

  6. I want to know why you didn't try no. 44? Arrghhh

  7. And I thought you were the adventurous type!!!
    I grew up in Sydney and even worked in Cabramatta for a whole two weeks - best fortnight of lunches ever. But you just need to get that gorgeous MGM of yours on the job - that beef looks lick ya lips delish! Hope you've had a fantastic break, can't wait for the next instalment. K xxx

  8. I love Vietnamese food too and about two years ago our Vietnamese friends took us out to Cabramatta. We had jelly fish and venison as well as some other delights. I'm glad they didn't order a no.44 though. well done on the photoshopping looks great!

    I'LL HAVE WHAT YOU'RE HAVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All of it, minus the hilarious - item 44, I think I'd rather chew on my own arm!!! This, my dear, is what life should be all about, food, wine and heart stopping relaxation. Enjoy. I look forward to your scenery segment. Living my life vicariously through you, especially seeing as I headed back to work today. Wanderlust and the need for 2 strong coffees set in by 9.00 this morning! Regards, Tracey at Velvetine Lily

  10. Oh this is all looking yummie amd inspiring. Wish I could be there. Fantastic posting and I am sooo hungry now! xoxox

  11. Sounds like you are having a great time Kerry! The food looks great but Ox Penis??? WTF? How disgusting - but then coming from a vego what do you expect?? :)
    How lucky are you to have dinner cooked for you - WOW!!

  12. Now that first dish looks amazing!! xxx

  13. No. 44, are you kidding? I cook that all the time... Seriously, I used to live in Cabramatta. Not the safest place on earth! Good food though..Rxx

  14. Yummie, looking delicious Kerry! Your weekend was a great one, that's for sure, I can tell. Hope your Monday and the rest of the week will be great too. xoxoxo

  15. Kerry - It all looks delicious. I am very fortunate to have Vietnamese neighbors. Not only are they wonderful people, but they always cook us the most delicious foods!

  16. Oops I hope this doesn't post twice, I can't see my comment! Anyhoo, the food looks amazing but still wondering what #44 looks like! I love the picture of the yummy salad, glass of wine and good book, ah, what could be better?

  17. Dear Kerry,
    Oh, there's nothing better than a bit of stewed Ox penis washed down with a glass of red !!
    The food looks delish and, I need the help of your MGM. Mine is hopeless on the computer.
    Lovely to see that you are enjoying yourselves and I look forward to the next installment. XXXX

  18. That duck curry looks so tasty. I've never cooked Vietnamese but would like to try. I have to say I don't even recognize some of the veggies /fruit you have in your photo collages - obviously I've work to do before I can cook Vietnamese.

  19. Hi,
    It both looks good and sounds good ! I'm so glad that I can be with you on your trip :)

    Continue to enjoy !!


  20. OK, now i'm jealous. I ate a cold sausage for lunch while painitng my kitchen. i bet the scenary edition is going to be a killer too!

    jules :)

  21. I am now a very hungry girl. That looks delish. Glad you had some nice time away .. always good for the soul.


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