
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

our little mountain holiday ~ the scenery edition

Hello bloggy people...I'm back from my few days went so quickly but was oh so lovely! Hope you enjoyed the food edition on Monday...we know how to eat that man and I...and as some of you pointed out...yes, I am lucky he loves to cook. He makes me wash up though, which hardly seems fair, especially seeing he's the messiest cook ever.  A bit more adoring on his part required I think. Really easy to adore this scenery though...
These views were only about a 500 metre walk from where we were spectacular are those mountains...called the Blue Mountains...because, well, they're there in the distance...perhaps not quite so blue right up close! Now, for educative purposes only...this is why they're called the Blue Mountains:
"The Blue Mountains is densely populated by oil bearing Eucalyptus trees. The atmosphere is filled with finely dispersed droplets of oil, which, in combination with dust particles and water vapour, scatter short-wave length rays of light which are predominantly blue in colour."

Now you get the idea... The next picture is of the famous Three Sisters...but a rear end view...their backsides you could say. Most people see them from Echo Point...the opposite side to this, but that vantage point is the most popular and we had this view almost entirely to ourselves.

Can you see the three's ok if you can't...I've numbered them for you...I'm so getting the hang of this photoshopping stuff (I don't know what all the fuss is's not nearly as good as real shopping though, and quite a bit more complicated than Picnik which I have been using...this is the danger of having a bloke around who teaches Photoshop to his graphic design students and thinks you should know it as well!)
And for your further education, the three sisters are called that because:
"The Aboriginal dream-time legend has it that three sisters, 'Meehni', 'Wimlah' and Gunnedoo' lived in the Jamison Valley as members of the Katoomba tribe.
These beautiful young ladies had fallen in love with three brothers from the Nepean tribe, yet tribal law forbade them to marry.
The brothers were not happy to accept this law and so decided to use force to capture the three sisters causing a major tribal battle.
As the lives of the three sisters were seriously in danger, a witchdoctor from the Katoomba tribe took it upon himself to turn the three sisters into stone to protect them from any harm. While he had intended to reverse the spell when the battle was over, the witchdoctor himself was killed. As only he could reverse the spell to  return the ladies to their former beauty, the sisters remain in their magnificent rock formation as a reminder of this battle for generations to come."
The best laid plans of witchdoctors hey? Don't say you don't learn stuff here!!
And what do you think it would be like to live'd need a good back fence wouldn't you! A tumble down that hill could be a little inconvenient to say the least. Still working on how to do arrows...

Arty farty fern shot at the outdoor auditorium...very pretty place...

...and then there was the man-made scenery...this was a cute little art the frames on the outside

The art wasn't great to be honest, but I did like this little vintage glass display...sitting next to the American Express display...which I moved (I put it back though, promise)
The cute painted chair in our bathroom...with the very 'unusual' painted floor finish.
..and even though it wasn't all that cold...we had to have a fire. There was a was begging to be was romantic...I used to be a girl called to me. And I will say no more about the romance factor...and I just bet you're REALLY glad about that!
Leura has the most beautiful array of little and not so little cottages...every time I go on holidays I get all restless and want to move somewhere a little old it up...

...and there was certainly a lot of shopping scenery...but this is a sneaky back-room shot...I got glared at if I took the camera out in most places.

I actually didn't buy much in Leura apart from a candle and two fantastic fabric hangers that look a bit tribal weapon-ishy and could come in handy if anyone breaks in. Leura, unlike it's neighbouring suburb Katoomba is very 'well heeled' shall we say and the prices absolutely reflect that and its status as a tourist destination. Still, it was fun to look...and there may have been a slight detour via Ikea on the way home! So, a brief break done and dusted. Short on time...long on relaxation. Blessed I am.
All images by me. Factual information (as opposed to my nonsense) is from here


  1. Dear Kerry, This all looks utterly enchanting and I am sure, that like me, you could have spent much longer lingering over the scenery, the shops and, of course, restaurant lunches and dinners.

    We are, I fear, like ships that pass in the night. Unfortunately, I shall be unable to comment or post for the next ten days or so. But, I shall return!

  2. Thanks for the tour - it looks gorgeous. So interesting that the eucalyptus trees produce oil that reflects the rays of light and makes the air blue. I love knowing that kind of stuff.

  3. Kerry
    you had such a fantastic time!! Those places are like heaven on earth..
    Hugs, Flaviana

  4. Hello Kerry, THanks for stopping by my blog,love the comments and seeing a new follower-i am a new followr of yours now- cant wait to see more pics, what an amzing place- coudlnt even imagine seeing those mountains in person- and they do look blue..

  5. What a wonderful trip Kerry. Your photos of the three sisters are stunning. I forgot about that blue is so pretty. You just have to be there to truly appreciate it but I must say these photos are pretty true to life. Great finds and what a lovely break for you both.
    Welcome back:)


    PS..just realised you are in son is at ADFA :)

  6. I am in love with that chair! great pictures!

  7. sounds + looks like you had a pretty amazing time. wow. i love it. :) love the frames in bright colors on the outside of the home. too cute.

  8. Love it all Kerry! Leura is my favourite place on earth and I am so green with envy:) No, really I am so happy you had such a wonderful time - how could you not, in such a heavenly place:) Hope you have a fabulous week my lovely ~ Tina xx

  9. Awesome pics. Looks totally amazing. I've been passed the blue mountains though never really stopped to stay anywhere near there. Now, I'll have to add it to my list.

  10. Oh how utterly gorgeous and beautiful! So glad you enjoyed the break. We have to do that every now and then don't we? Hope you are having a great day x

  11. Oh my goodness Kerry. That is some scenery. What a wonderful place. ...and such professional shots too. You are obviously very good at this photography game !
    Sounds as if you had a lovely break away. Our daughter has finished her stay in Australia and is now in Bali for a week, then she has got to try and get home ! Let's hope that the ash will have blown away by then although, Bali is not too bad a place to be stuck in is it ? XXXX

  12. Glad you had a great little holiday, and thanks for the reminder of how beautiful the Blue Mountains are. We used to visit there quite often when we lived in Sydney, and I can relate to wanting to buy one of the lovely old cottages to renovate. My hubby once went on a school excusion and very nearly slipped over the edge of the mountain not far from where your pics were taken - not much teacher supervision in those days!
    Glad to have you back in blogland bloss, can't wait to see what photo you post as part of my blog party tag! xxx

  13. Hi dear Kerri, now that's one awesome story (the three sisters). Really cool information.
    Those pictures are spectacular. Glad you had a great time. Thanks so much for your sweet comment about my sister. Have a wonderful day!

  14. Sounds fabulous! And yep i was right, the scenary post was a killer. My paint trays and rollers have nothing on this! julesx

  15. Looks like having a wonderful time, Kerry. Your pictures are gorgeous, all of them!

    Wishing you a happy Wednesday, hope your week is a great one. xoxo

  16. I totally enjoy your "nonsense." It's so entertaining! Well, all I know is if I got turned into stone permanently, I'd want to be in those majestic mountains forever captured in blue...

  17. Oh I have never been to the blue mountains. Hubby and I were just saying the other day that we should head down during the Christmas holidays. I think your holiday posts have sealed the deal! A-M xx

  18. Oh how I enjoyed looking at all your wonderful pictures, looks like a fabulous time! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I wish you a wonderful day!


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